I think some of the anti EA and 'SF is a ripoff' rants are quite hilarious.

I submit to you this guy, well in the interest of diplomacy we'll leave him unamed, who posted that he thinks SF is a ripoff and also likes to interject into the praise section random comments about how anyone who bought it was stupid to do so. He complains its all a money making scam and that its not worth it, that EA is just bilking us out of our life savings.

What he can't answer for is the fact that according to his hours played, its cost him roughly 23 cents per hour to play the game. when considering that pretty much no entertainment source in the world is that cheap its absurd to lash out at a company for releasing an addition, and then GASP, asking you to pay for it!

I think the real reason these people are throwing their tantrums is because they had ironed out a nice little cozy identity for themselves were they can rack up meaningless stats, awards, and make themselves feel good about themselves. Out of curiousity I've checked out a lot of the people who complain about SF and sure enough, a vast majority seem to play one map or spend all their time in one vehicle.

Take our friend "anonymous"... of 10,000 some kills over 7000 have been in a tank, and he plays Karkand the majority of the time. I'm not calling him a tank whore, stat whore, or any kind of whore, but it would appear that he's found a nice little nitch for himself in BF2 by which he can do his thing, over and over, and have success. Good for him. really. however, it gets annoying when he launches into a rant against SF when its OBVIOUS that what he was really upset about is that the expansion may somehow upset the little world he's created for himself, with either new weapons that may counter his tactics, or a migration of his "targets" away from his hunting ground.

bottom line, most players who are ranting against it just don't want to adapt to anything new, or perhaps are just afraid they can't. This is just one theory anyway, because the economic argument... it doesn't make ANY sense. You can't bitch about a software company for selling software, and given the playability of the game and the inexpensive nature of it, including the expansion... arguing that EA is raping us with this expansion is kind of like pissing into the wind.

just a thought.

Oh, and I'm not bitching about using a successful tactic. check my own stats and you'll see I play Kubra Damn far more than any other map, I like it. whatever works for you is great, go for it. just ease up on the bashing when your perect harmony is offset by a little progress. yeah, I consider it progress, many many new maps, armies, weapons... for $30 I think SF was a bargain. my only complaints are the little bugs with the award system, an increase in my verifying time, and the fact that they kind of screwed some of the armies and seriously over-powered the SEALS and SAS. those are minor things though as far as enjoying the game goes.

Last edited by dshak (2005-11-27 01:26:13)

+-1|7071|Tucson, Arizona
Bravo!  People hate change.  Even when it's good change.  EA could have come out witht he best title EVER and someone will bitch because it's not what they wanted or they get their pee-pees knocked in the dirt so then the game sucks.  Plus, no one FORCED them to buy it.  The conspiracy theory that EA is forcing people to buy the title in order to continue to enjoy BF2 is a huge load of crap.  Those who bought it get some new stuff, those who chose not to can still play like the expansion never existed.  Just play on servers that don't have the new mods and you're good to go.
Got Whiskey?
+63|7100|Meiriceá - frm 'Real Capital'
Solid!! nice la, a perfect description of many players in our game. A grAnd view into the psychic of this unamed player and I dare say probably on the $$.
Horseman 77
I will defend to the death your right to disagree. .. as long as I am suitably armed. lol

here are some caps for you GGJEJRRJBBRB.
+28|7054|Germany, Berlin
good point(s) dshak
The Kid
Yeah, I only pay like 30 cents an hour right now.  Phone sex is like... 99 cents a minute.  BF2 is so great for the money!

And... I agree!

Last edited by RedFiercare (2005-11-27 09:52:38)

Thank you for discovering why I didn't like sf! I, indeed, am afraid that I won't be able to adapt to the new tactics and maps of sf.  As you can tell from my stats, I play karkand far more than any other map, and playing karkand all the time is my setup to get points.  I don't think I will be able to get nearly as many points in sf as I do playing karkand all day.  Now, if I didn't care about points, this wouldn't be a problem..
I like grapes.
But divided you have SF medals. Also divided 2 are you the guy who comes in the xDUBx server and is always saying ROFL LOL LFMAO and other variations cause its quite annoying
Exploding Fodder
I am still adapting to SF.  I love change so obviously I got the expansion the day of.  Now with all the talk of more infintry battles and less armor was I was excited. I love the city maps in BF2.  But when I installed and started playing through the cycles I was expecting a little more fun than I found.

The night mode is somewhat annoying. Even though its got its advantages and different strategies I just don't like the way it "looks".  Less viewing area and less detail/sharpness makes it less enjoyable to look at, even though you can take advantage of these effects and hide easier.

My main gripe for the expansion is probably the the speed vehicles.  The ATV makes it pretty much impossible to stop advancement behind you.  I have hardly ever been stopped when I hop on an ATV and drive past the enemy without worry and cap their back bases.

Why is this a problem with me? Only because I love the sense of massive infintry battle and push-back until capture technique which gives me a good sense of battle accomplishment.  This is my opinion only! No offense to others that actually like this.  But bottlenecks such as Karklands front entrance and water flags are great battles to me.  The night mode and ATV/JetSki seems to remove that.

Oh well! I'm still going to keep playing it and get a better feel of the different game play and tactics.  I wish there were more rooftop spawns for the zipline!
SF is a  expantion and a good one. If you dont like it dont play it.
Exploding Fodder

McCullough wrote:

SF is a  expantion and a good one. If you dont like it dont play it.
Yea! And don't you dare discuss your likings/dislikings to it!  As a matter of fact Chuy please remove this thread!  Outraged!!
+45|7056|Toronto, Canada
I think I have adapted to SF now. When I first played it, I played horribly.  I didn't know the map layouts, was constantly lost on Iron Gator, I was so close to the flag!! 5 metres away from it even, but it's on another floor... The night missions were a pain too, as I couldn't see anything.  I was wondering if I made a terrible decision in buying this expansion.  I stuck with it, and I'm glad that I did.

Now I play smarter, I use the cover to my advantage from moving to one object to another and myself the smallest target as possible by crouching and proning whenever possible.  I join squads and make movements with them covering them, throwing grenades to clear out areas.  It's all about proper infantry tactics now.  I LOVE this kind of gameplay!  My scores are now a lot higher consistently than when I played in BF2. 

There was this time on the map with the US subpens, covering one of the entrances from the outside.  I was prone and since I mapped the nightvision goggles, knife and the gasmask to my mouse buttons, I could easily see them, pop a flashbang, run up and knife them and wait for the next wave.  I moved from that position once someone saw me before I killed them so I climbed a storage container a bit away from where I was.  Certainly thereafter people were searching for me.  Another flashbang and some grenades followed by assault rifle rounds cleaned up the scene.  This was an excellent example where better tactics won over sheer numbers.  You would scarcely see that in BF2.  The night missions also brought out the Sam Fisher (Splinter Cell) in me.  The only guy that possibly knows what general direction you are is the person getting shot by the silence pistol.  It's also harder to spot C4 in the dark making for very good C4 ambush sandwiches.

If you're on higher ground and your position has been found.  The zipline makes for a quick getaway.

I have  also found that I have played much better in BF2 with these new infantry tactics that I have learned from playing SF. Change is good.
EA messed this expension to hell!!!
There are some good things with SF and thats the MAPS, the new wepons, but they should be used to the ME guys as well as only SEALs and SAS when you unlock them...The vehicles rocks, not to much "army" over them^^more like a "little conflict". I think that the new gears are cool, gives the game a bit more teamwork acept, but making AWARDS for them...WTF EA?! And why bother making 6 new countrys when you have 3 realy good ones...1 or 2 would have been nice, but theres to much with 6!!(for those who plays for awards).
But not nice setting up some of these maps, with a good commander all the advantage with special forces are gone! Scan, UAV, Arty it ruins a nice "Night Mission".
Sailor with no BF2 Navy
+19|7058|I'm worldwide, beotch
I haven't played SF yet, and I probably won't since my rig is a piece of shit, but I'll say this:
If EA spent as much time making BF2 not glitchy and attending to what the community wanted (you know, like timely updates, new maps, new kits, and whatnot) as they spent developing the expansion, then the game would likely be far, far better. Oh well.
Hey dont get me wrong I agree with the first post Lots of people dont like change, I spend most of my time on Karkland racking up the points, and why not, with 200,000 needed to gain top rank I need as many points as I can get. And many people are complaining about Sf because of this change, but you must take into note the alternative reason for this FUCK up.

Ea by all means has the right to bring out an expansion pack, but do they have the right to bring out a patch that incorporates Sf weapons into regular Bf2? When I first bought Bf2 I didnt buy those. But rather than just having the new weapons on the new maps... with the new vehciles. They decide to incorporate the new weapons into the old version. And the weapons are pretty superior to the regular bf2 unlocks. Its pretty much upgrade or get screwed. Especially as everybody has to upgrade to the latest patched version.

I would have bought the expansion pack anyway. But I still dont think that EA has any right to screw with the people that dont want Sf, becuase wheter you planned on getting Sf or not, EA has brought it to you.
How can you say ea has no right to make changes. On the back of the booklet included in the BF2 cd case it says: "Electronic Arts reserves the right to make improvements in the product described in this manual at any time and without notice." ---END QUOTE
Base Rapist

US_JackHammer wrote:

Hey dont get me wrong I agree with the first post Lots of people dont like change, I spend most of my time on Karkland racking up the points, and why not, with 200,000 needed to gain top rank I need as many points as I can get. And many people are complaining about Sf because of this change, but you must take into note the alternative reason for this FUCK up.

Ea by all means has the right to bring out an expansion pack, but do they have the right to bring out a patch that incorporates Sf weapons into regular Bf2? When I first bought Bf2 I didnt buy those. But rather than just having the new weapons on the new maps... with the new vehciles. They decide to incorporate the new weapons into the old version. And the weapons are pretty superior to the regular bf2 unlocks. Its pretty much upgrade or get screwed. Especially as everybody has to upgrade to the latest patched version.

I would have bought the expansion pack anyway. But I still dont think that EA has any right to screw with the people that dont want Sf, becuase wheter you planned on getting Sf or not, EA has brought it to you.
I agree, SF is probably good, I may buy it once the bugs are fixed with regular BF2, but I really, really, dislike the fact they put in unobtainable guns through unlocks via normal BF2. I would have been fine with a perk or two for BF2:SF players in BF2 games, but giving them a whole line of weapons and neglecting the other players who don't have it, even though they can pick them up, seems kind of unfair to me.

Could have given SF players a new pistol unlock for BF2, just give it less bullets and more umph or more bullets and less umph, skew with the accuracy or whatever. Maybe since they are SF players give them an extra round of ammo or something.

And that disclaimer is a standard disclaimer for video games. Although as far as I know EA is stepping into virgin terrority here with their expanision parts being playable against non-expanision parts, at least in the FPS and RTS catergory.

Malo wrote:

How can you say ea has no right to make changes. On the back of the booklet included in the BF2 cd case it says: "Electronic Arts reserves the right to make improvements in the product described in this manual at any time and without notice." ---END QUOTE
Excuse me.. improvements, if Fuck the back of the booklet, if you read the several hundred page eula agreement it goes into more detail. And yes they can make improvements, but I dont consider superior weapons an improvement for all those people that dont own Sf, an improvement would be a patch to fix a glitch or a bug, not a patch that was released several hours prior to Sf being released that specifically changed the game just so that Sf would run.
"Bow Chicka Bow Wow." The correct way.

rEdTe@M wrote:

freebirdpat wrote:

US_JackHammer wrote:

Hey dont get me wrong I agree with the first post Lots of people dont like change, I spend most of my time on Karkland racking up the points, and why not, with 200,000 needed to gain top rank I need as many points as I can get. And many people are complaining about Sf because of this change, but you must take into note the alternative reason for this FUCK up.

Ea by all means has the right to bring out an expansion pack, but do they have the right to bring out a patch that incorporates Sf weapons into regular Bf2? When I first bought Bf2 I didnt buy those. But rather than just having the new weapons on the new maps... with the new vehciles. They decide to incorporate the new weapons into the old version. And the weapons are pretty superior to the regular bf2 unlocks. Its pretty much upgrade or get screwed. Especially as everybody has to upgrade to the latest patched version.

I would have bought the expansion pack anyway. But I still dont think that EA has any right to screw with the people that dont want Sf, becuase wheter you planned on getting Sf or not, EA has brought it to you.
I agree, SF is probably good, I may buy it once the bugs are fixed with regular BF2, but I really, really, dislike the fact they put in unobtainable guns through unlocks via normal BF2. I would have been fine with a perk or two for BF2:SF players in BF2 games, but giving them a whole line of weapons and neglecting the other players who don't have it, even though they can pick them up, seems kind of unfair to me.

Could have given SF players a new pistol unlock for BF2, just give it less bullets and more umph or more bullets and less umph, skew with the accuracy or whatever. Maybe since they are SF players give them an extra round of ammo or something.

And that disclaimer is a standard disclaimer for video games. Although as far as I know EA is stepping into virgin terrority here with their expanision parts being playable against non-expanision parts, at least in the FPS and RTS catergory.
I am with you
EA was a asshole to give new unlock to SF owner and not core BF2 owners
EA will probaly make me number one in the world if i give them money

EA is a theif
Welcome to making money 101!

US_JackHammer wrote:

Malo wrote:

How can you say ea has no right to make changes. On the back of the booklet included in the BF2 cd case it says: "Electronic Arts reserves the right to make improvements in the product described in this manual at any time and without notice." ---END QUOTE
Excuse me.. improvements, if Fuck the back of the booklet, if you read the several hundred page eula agreement it goes into more detail. And yes they can make improvements, but I dont consider superior weapons an improvement for all those people that dont own Sf, an improvement would be a patch to fix a glitch or a bug, not a patch that was released several hours prior to Sf being released that specifically changed the game just so that Sf would run.
If you're not happy with that quote, I'll point you to another one right on the back of the box: "Game experience may change during online play"

Frankly, it's EA's game and they can do whatever they wish with it.  So stop crying.

US_JackHammer wrote:

but I dont consider superior weapons an improvement for all those people that dont own Sf, an improvement would be a patch to fix a glitch or a bug, not a patch that was released several hours prior to Sf being released that specifically changed the game just so that Sf would run.
This is a matter of opinion, and you can't substantiate an argument on opinion.  I find myself using the original unlocks a lot in SF because I like them better than the SF weapons.  I would call them different, not superior.
Dead Man Walkin
+1|7139|Albuquerque, NM
I am with you
EA was a asshole to give new unlock to SF owner and not core BF2 owners
EA will probaly make me number one in the world if i give them money

EA is a theif
Or maybe you're just too damn cheap to buy the expansion pack.  Go ask mommy for some money, get the damn expansion pack to keep with the times, and stop bitching because you're too cheap to keep from being obsolete.

Last edited by mr_bad_idea (2005-11-27 18:45:55)


US_JackHammer wrote:

Malo wrote:

How can you say ea has no right to make changes. On the back of the booklet included in the BF2 cd case it says: "Electronic Arts reserves the right to make improvements in the product described in this manual at any time and without notice." ---END QUOTE
Excuse me.. improvements, if Fuck the back of the booklet, if you read the several hundred page eula agreement it goes into more detail. And yes they can make improvements, but I dont consider superior weapons an improvement for all those people that dont own Sf, an improvement would be a patch to fix a glitch or a bug, not a patch that was released several hours prior to Sf being released that specifically changed the game just so that Sf would run.
Well if you dont consider superior weapons an improvement you obviously dont know the definition of improved. Something that is superior is better than the version before it. Something that is better than the version before is an improved version meaning its an improvement.

Malo wrote:

Well if you dont consider superior weapons an improvement you obviously dont know the definition of improved. Something that is superior is better than the version before it. Something that is better than the version before is an improved version meaning its an improvement.
geez cant beleive im replying to you fucktard, its an improvement for sf players but not bf2 players if they want to add new superior weapons to sf they can feel free those who want to buy it will those that dont wont, but to change bf2 just so that sf has an advantage over it is clever but fucking low

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