I bet you I racked up more dust2 hours than I have in BF2 total hehe. It was a great game come on, at least as a temp until bf2 came out. Graphics were just amazing, that did it for me, as long as it look cool I can manage. Plus I was pretty good so I didn't get owned a lot, that helps with not feeling noobed.Dilly wrote:
I mean how many times can you freaking play dust2 in a row without getting bored.
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- any former counter strike players?
We have a
CAL-Open Counter-Strike:Source Team
CAL-Open Battlefield2 Team
TWL NA-2v2 Counter-Strike:Source Team
TWL NA-5v5 Infantry Battlefield2 Team
CAL-Open Counter-Strike:Source Team
CAL-Open Battlefield2 Team
TWL NA-2v2 Counter-Strike:Source Team
TWL NA-5v5 Infantry Battlefield2 Team
but that was the point. its supposed to be just CS, but prettier. they werent ment to change anything. CS worked. all they did was try to make it better. their mistake was adding new guns and the shield. it just made things worse. but they had to do that to draw people back to CS, keep them interested without destroying CS gameplay, or change it to somethign entirely different.Dilly wrote:
AnarkyXtra the only reason I think cs:s sucks is because its the same exact game with almost no improvements except for graphics and ragdoll physics. hell, they pretty much just remade all the same boring original maps we all played 50,000 times. Take a look at a game like RTCW. They improved it by coming out with a diff game called Enemy territory which I think is the best value game of all time, it was free, and so much fun to play. It was a great improvement over RTCW.
CS:S sorely needed a bunch of new weapons, perhaps even a ranking system where if you get a certain amount of points/kills you can buy new/better guns. Just something to change it up. I mean how many times can you freaking play dust2 in a row without getting bored.
you want new stuff? thats what CS2 is for, but itll probably come out right after Duke Nukem Forever comes out.
if thats the case, they didnt want to upset their core players, why not at least come out with a counter strike mod and name it something like counter strike: whatever or something, and make it a cooler game, break down the game into two new games at least.
Video game manufacturers are getting almost as bad as hollywood and the music industry. they just repackinging the same games with better graphics and think we are fooled.
Video game manufacturers are getting almost as bad as hollywood and the music industry. they just repackinging the same games with better graphics and think we are fooled.
is there a FPS player out there who ISN'T an ex-CS player? CS is the one game that everyone has played.
that's not to say it's any good. it's slow, defensive, and has a ridiculously random ballistics model. [bf2's infantry weapons aren't any better]
i'm against any randomness in ballistics whatsoever. an accurate weapon rewards skill - if you hit someone, it means your crosshairs were exactly trained on them. that's not true with a weapon with randomness, like every CS gun short of a sniper rifle. if you hit someone, your crosshairs may or may not have been aimed at that person. it could be as much skill as it is luck.
CS can suck it.
that's not to say it's any good. it's slow, defensive, and has a ridiculously random ballistics model. [bf2's infantry weapons aren't any better]
i'm against any randomness in ballistics whatsoever. an accurate weapon rewards skill - if you hit someone, it means your crosshairs were exactly trained on them. that's not true with a weapon with randomness, like every CS gun short of a sniper rifle. if you hit someone, your crosshairs may or may not have been aimed at that person. it could be as much skill as it is luck.
CS can suck it.
yeah i played cs.. and q1,q2,q3 arena... unreal.. duke nukem.. little doom.. wofenstein.. just love shot em up army shit kind.. played vietcong something.. but i lagged crazy.. and i have 10/10 mbit connection.. still crapy.. never played 1942 though... had a time when i got sick of the computer.. then pretty recently i bought the new improved cs.. got bored pretty quick.. but i love bf2.. and the expansion is so hot.. before the expansion i was getting tired of the maps.. because i only liked the city maps.. and a little clean sweep.. hate WAKE ISLAND.. played it though..
The biggest reason i bought bf2 and upgraded my computer for about 5000 kr (500 dollars) is because of the tanks and choppers and airplanes.. cars.. etc.. its so cool... just love being a tank whore.. dont se why everyone is putting down tank whores etc .. i get it when u tk.. or when your team is losing because everybody standing waiting for the tank... but all vehicles rock hard.. and if u dont want them around.. PLAY SOMETHING ELSE...
well thats what i think anyways...
yahh.. and i havent played cs once since i got bf2..
The biggest reason i bought bf2 and upgraded my computer for about 5000 kr (500 dollars) is because of the tanks and choppers and airplanes.. cars.. etc.. its so cool... just love being a tank whore.. dont se why everyone is putting down tank whores etc .. i get it when u tk.. or when your team is losing because everybody standing waiting for the tank... but all vehicles rock hard.. and if u dont want them around.. PLAY SOMETHING ELSE...
well thats what i think anyways...
yahh.. and i havent played cs once since i got bf2..
i loved the ballistics in CS it wasn't that random the AK shot 3 rounds each slightly higher can't remember how many snipers i head shot like that.
oh and i was land gaming CS for Y2k used to play with the UW clan up here in washington.
oh and i was land gaming CS for Y2k used to play with the UW clan up here in washington.
played since 1.5, im no good at it lol, i used to be really good at source, but i got bored of it.

i still play cs 1.6 not source though
the whole problem with cs and the innacuracy of the weapons is sometimes you got caught in a loop, and nearly every shot was innacurate and the one thats supposed to be innacurate would be accurate. It would reverse itself. Used to happen to me like once or twice a month for a round or so.
I agree with that person on page 1.
If it wasn't for the ranks on BF2, I would have been stuck to CS 1.6 and CS:S
If it wasn't for the ranks on BF2, I would have been stuck to CS 1.6 and CS:S
You say that, but I never played the original until after I got into CS:S. I just didn't care about Counter Strike when it first appeared so I never played it. However, when Half-Life 2 came around I gave CS:S a chance and got into it (then started playing the old CS at work with some guys). It was only vague intrigue that made me load up CS:S so I could quite easily have missed out again.Krappyappy wrote:
is there a FPS player out there who ISN'T an ex-CS player? CS is the one game that everyone has played.
EDIT: I almost forgot, two of the guys I play BF2 with have never played CS in any shape or form.
Last edited by C.Keen (2005-11-26 16:18:40)
LoL...a little overexaggeration, but STILL.
Anyone still play natural selection? Now that was a team based game!
LoL...a little overexaggeration, but STILL.
Anyone still play natural selection? Now that was a team based game!
I played since since the original beta version (5-6 years ago). If anyone remembers the days of gun-running, yeah you know what I'm talking about Anyway, played a little source, but I was really burned out on CS in generally and finally quit for good to play BF2. Can't really say anything that bad about a game that entertained me for 5 years of my life.
C Keen: well, you and your friends are rare indeed.
Xponential: yeah, i was there in the early beta days. now that was CS at its finest.... cool people being stupid together. i miss the scoped m4.
Xponential: yeah, i was there in the early beta days. now that was CS at its finest.... cool people being stupid together. i miss the scoped m4.
i play cs:s until vac banned me for "hacking" ya ummm....i didn't know re-downloading their default skins was hacking but...whatever thats a waste of $20
npt saying source is bad, its just sometimes new stff ends up being not as fun as old stff, like gta3 wuz da shit, but even though san andreas had more shit in it, it wuz not as fun, itz just someimtes when a game first comes it its mroe fun than if they just add on to it
played CS since the retail came out ( 1.0 ) to 1.6 and then CS:S. stopped playing totally on the day the BF2 Demo came out ( 11.06.05 ). Haven't turned on steam ever since. BF2 has so much more to offer.
Maybe I'll find my way back to CS someday.
But then again, I don't think I have the time to play two FPS extensively...
Maybe I'll find my way back to CS someday.
But then again, I don't think I have the time to play two FPS extensively...
For those who still play CS - what keeps you playing it? (just wondering)
I actually saw a video once that showed where the hit boxes are as a player moves around. (There was a way to enable the hitboxes to appear as wireframe). Anyway, basically what I found out was that sometimes while a player was moving, the hit box would be behind/ahead of them, so you could aim all day at their actual character and you would not score a single hit. Even when they jumped, their head hit box was not on the actual head of the character. After this I became excellent at aiming for those invisible headboxes and nailing people. I'd get called a Hax a lot too.Krappyappy wrote:
i'm against any randomness in ballistics whatsoever. an accurate weapon rewards skill - if you hit someone, it means your crosshairs were exactly trained on them. that's not true with a weapon with randomness, like every CS gun short of a sniper rifle. if you hit someone, your crosshairs may or may not have been aimed at that person. it could be as much skill as it is luck.
I tried playing it the other day and I got my ass served by a bunch of 14 year old noobsters, like omgwtflolhaxor style. It was kinda sad, made me remember of why I switched to BF2. However, it also reminded me that you had to be more twicthy and fast in CS, more so than BF2.Mr_Spork wrote:
For those who still play CS - what keeps you playing it? (just wondering)
So it would seem.Krappyappy wrote:
C Keen: well, you and your friends are rare indeed.
Like B.Schuss I stopped playing CS:S when the BF2 demo came out and haven't loaded Steam since. I was getting a little fed up with being called a cheat in CS:S just because I was doing well and killing people (especially when those people are clan members and it's the clan server, they don't like having their arses handed to them).
I used to play CS then when CSS came out i started to play that...
I quit because I wanted to try something new.
I quit because I wanted to try something new.
I started playing CS in beta 5 ... about mid 1999 or so. I stopped playing in v1.1 a while after it went retail. So many idiots started playing the game and ruined it if you ask me. I started playing again v1.3 but never got back into it. Same for when CS: Source came out. Long live beta!
Last edited by Fearnight (2005-11-27 09:38:33)
i played cal-m cs
lol WTF? have actually played CS?Krappyappy wrote:
is there a FPS player out there who ISN'T an ex-CS player? CS is the one game that everyone has played.
that's not to say it's any good. it's slow, defensive, and has a ridiculously random ballistics model. [bf2's infantry weapons aren't any better]
i'm against any randomness in ballistics whatsoever. an accurate weapon rewards skill - if you hit someone, it means your crosshairs were exactly trained on them. that's not true with a weapon with randomness, like every CS gun short of a sniper rifle. if you hit someone, your crosshairs may or may not have been aimed at that person. it could be as much skill as it is luck.
CS can suck it.
CS is one of the games with the least randomness if you didnt know. games usually fall in to the perfect shot catagory or plain random catagory. CS was in the middle and that why it was so well received.
there are games like quake where if its in the cursor its a hit no matter what. rail gun, rocket launchers, plasma rifles, lightning guns, nail gun. if the cursor is on then its a hit no matter what. the skill in those came from quick twitch and knowing how to lead your aim\ prediction.
then theres game like battlefield where if you fire theres an area where the bullet will recoil too. you cant predict where it will go, you just know it just has a certain deviation. games like that fall under bursting\knowning rate of fire and knowing how to use opportunity for the kill.
thats why the former has a term called gibbing that came around from where people would kill you with usually only random spray pattern gun, the basic machine gun. then theres the latter where they dislike to have a gun that is a 1 hit kill no matter where you hit and perfectly accurate.
CS fell in the middle. sure it has recoil and all that, but it all fell into spray patterns. knowing how to use each gun was key. each gun needed recoil to be controled differently, and aimed differntly. for example the AK. a 3 bullet burst shot(2 bullet after 1.5) with the cursor on the neck at any range for a headshot (some prefer the repeated one bullet tap instead, same results). give it about half a second settle then go for another headshot. or if your in mid or close range. you can spray it, but the secret is knowing the spray. you may think that BS but it true. it is random, but each gun has places where the bullet will most likely go.
AK - its a 7( after 1.5 its straight up a little then the 7)
M4 - goes straight up a little then an oval ( silenced it doesnt go up any it just has the oval with the first shot at the bottom, sometime instead of the oval it was more like a V with some hits outside the V)
SIG - use to be a P before 1.5 didnt use them much after the make the scoped rifles were nerfed.
you can say all you want about any game. every game has good points and bad points, but the bottom line is LEARN QUIRKS OF THE GAME.
if you ever played with me you know i like getting the kills with the"shitty" guns.
its all about the dualies.
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- any former counter strike players?