Is it possible to get, say, the Veteran Repair Badge, whilst playing an SF map? Or do I have to load up regular BF2 for that?
Last edited by -=Meshekal=- (2005-11-27 05:07:46)
Pages: 1
Last edited by -=Meshekal=- (2005-11-27 05:07:46)
Tigg@lot wrote:
AFAIK you can get all BF2 badges in SF but you can´t get SF badges in BF2.
As far as I know, yes.DUFFKING wrote:
So I could get my Vet SF Assault and Vet Assault in the same round?
Same here. I played Spetznatz Commander on Ghosttown today and went on the roof next to the main spawn then I used my zipline to swing from the top down, climbed up the ladder and when nobody else seemed to need a supply drop I droped it on top of the roof and ziped my way down again, resupplied, ziped etc.schuff wrote:
I have gotten most all my vet class badges now in SF as well as the basic flashbang badge. Anyone received their hook/zipline badge? I've been using them like crazy and still no badge.
Grappling Hook/Zip Line Badges Tip: Who says you have to grapple or zip down some line for these badges? The code only states that you must "deploy" it. Just stand next to a wall and shoot the Zip line at the floor and pick it up with "G", rinse & repeat. Ditto for the grapple.schuff wrote:
I have gotten most all my vet class badges now in SF as well as the basic flashbang badge. Anyone received their hook/zipline badge? I've been using them like crazy and still no badge.
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