$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

After some more training in jet flying, I have come to the simple conclusion that there is one and only one sure fire way to get shot out of the air. It's real simple: If you change direction of your bank/turn while you are being targeted, the AA WILL hit you pretty much 100% of the time.

If you are being chased by a plane, it's reallly hard to land a stream of bullets on you so you can usaully live through that and make it back to the carrier in time. It's also really hard to shoot a turning airplane because you have to turn tighter than they are. As long as you keep banking/turning in one direction, you are pretty safe.

So all I have to say to all you pilots out there, no matter what you do, do not change the direction of your flight. Once you hear the warning lights, pick a direction to turn towards and stick with it till it's over. Climb a little as you turn so that you have room to maneuver later on. I know it feels like you are gonna get shot down if you don't take complicated evasive maneuvers, but as long as you keep banking/turning in a single direction, the AA will have a extremely tough time hitting you.

Hope this helps all of you get better at plane raping...

Last edited by GotMex? (2005-11-27 14:25:20)

Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7157|Bryan/College Station, TX
Actually I don't think that not moving is the reason you don't get hit by the missles. I think it's more that you leave the area of tone and visibility to have them fired locked missles at you. If you bank immediately upon hearing tone the chance of you remaining in the visible fire/tone area is longer and hence the missles have more time to lock onto you.

In truth I have no idea how you are being hit by those useless AA missles. Must be unlucky.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

was funny on Clean Sweep, I flew over US base with the F-15 on my tail, he fired all 4 missiles at me, and so i jumped out (becuase he was a good pilot, ruining my runs so i might as well take it on foot) and his missiles crashed into the ground and teamkilled 5 people lol.
$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

kilroy0097 wrote:

Actually I don't think that not moving is the reason you don't get hit by the missles. I think it's more that you leave the area of tone and visibility to have them fired locked missles at you. If you bank immediately upon hearing tone the chance of you remaining in the visible fire/tone area is longer and hence the missles have more time to lock onto you.

In truth I have no idea how you are being hit by those useless AA missles. Must be unlucky.
Actually, maybe I should add that this applies after a missle has been fired. The basic process is a plane pulls up behind you, gets a lock on, and fires missles in hopes to hit you. As soon as you hear the tone lock, you turn into a bank in either direction.

Once those missles are in the air, they seem to target your exhaust with some rudimentary code that targets the exact spot where your exhaust is, rather than a prediction based model which would aim ahead of your exhaust predicting where you will be. (That's how real world missles work). That's why when you see them in the rear cam view, they always look like they are aiming well behind you.

Anyway, as long as you keep turning, the missle will simply not be able to hit you because of this targeting model. However, the moment you decide to change your turn, you fly straight for a little bit (during which the missles targeting system is 100% accurate), and the missle will catch up to you and hit you. Try it out if you want, when you have a missle chasing you, bank to the opposite direction and I can guarantee you will be hit.
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|7122|Marathon, Florida Keys
also when going for guns on carrier, NEVER keep your gun crosshair where the barrel is, that means the gunner and you are lined up pefectly, meaning missles+gun will hit you 100000000000000000000000000% o the time, aim at the top part and missles wont hit you.

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