BF 2 Ranked Server Administrator Fictional Code of Conduct

I shall:

1.0 - Use my administrator functions with complete unbiased objectivity to keep the order in the server and to prevent cheating/stat padding/bug abuse.

2.0 - Remember that all kicks and bans are permanently saved on a user's record, and respect that these functions are provided as a LAST RESORT basis only.

3.0 - Understand that a ranked server is a place of competition, and understand that unranked servers exist to give people exposure and practice in different aspects of the game in a non-competitive environment.

    3.1 - Respect the spirit of competition, and gently remind those new to the game or of a low skill level not to drag their team down by taking resources they have not mastered (ie. commander mode, team vehicle resources, etc.)

    3.2 - If said player persists in such behavior, understand it may be necessary to issue a warning or take administrator action against said player.

4.0 - Objectively and rationally analyze any conflicts in game between players rather than reacting in a knee-jerk fashion.

    4.1 - Understand that there can be situations where someone is justified in taking action against another of the same team.

    4.2 - In case of disputes over vehicles (ie. friends who want to fly the chopper together), I will analyze the situation based on what outcome has the largest benefit for the team, rather than "who got there first", or the personal wants of the players.

    4.3 - In case of TKing, I will ask the TKer why they are TKing before taking action.

    4.4 - Be fair to the best of my knowledge, and monitor the game further if insufficient facts are presented to me.

    4.5 - In case of disputes over "punishing" for teamkills, analyze the performance of the player who is punishing and the player who is being punished, and decide the outcome based on player testimony combined with whom is more valuable to their team (as a character reference).

    4.6 - Always understand that a script cannot do my job as administrator, and will not enable settings in the game that kick people simply for such base conditions such as "three TKs and you're out". Often times the TKs are the fault of the TK victims, and the team can suffer especially if the person kicked is a high performer.

    4.7 - Always provide an open line of communication and a contact email/website/or instant messenger address to allow appeals if one so desires to lodge one.

I shalt not:

5.0 - Use my administrator status for personal benefit or other's benefit/detriment in any way.

    5.1 - Positively or negatively affect mine or any player's scores, statistics, or help them gain any awards in any way.

    5.2 - Take over, or help others to take over, positions of extra reward (except when dictated as necessary as described in 3.2).

    5.3 - End rounds prematurely, remove players who are better than myself or my friends ("own" me), or break up successful squads.

    5.4 - Cut off ranked server data or communications with EA's official database in any way. If I find out that my ranked server is malfunctioning, I will take it down immediately to seek a resolution to the problem.

    5.5 - Expect any kind of intrinsic respect, praise, or in or out of game favors simply for being an Administrator.

    5.6 - Give administrator power to any person whom has not read and agreed to the rules in this document.

6.0 - Show preferential treatment to any player over another.

    6.1 - Hold "reserved slots" that only friends/clanmates can fill.

    6.2 - Kick players for friends/clanmates.

    6.3 - Side with or intrinsically trust my friends/clanmates in in-game disputes.

7.0 - Use my administrator status to enforce rules that violate the normal tactics of the game.

    7.1 - Enforce weapon choices on my players (ie. "knife only").

    7.2 - Enforce "no lame tactics" rules on my players (ie. "excessive bunny hopping will get you banned").

    7.3 - Remove normal user controls from the server, such as "mutiny commander", or vote to kick player, especially in my absence from the server.

    7.4 - Enable the autobalance or team scramble features. While they could be viewed as theoretically good on paper, they do little to nothing to balance the actual game to the skill level of the players, and come with the worse side effects of disrupting players by forcing squads and organized gamers apart.

    7.5 - Allow excessive voting apathy. When a vote comes up, players should vote yes or no. If possible, I will modify the behavior of the server to only count yes or no votes, rather than assuming anyone who didn't vote is automatically a no vote.

8.0 - Use my administrator status to restrict people's personal freedoms.

    8.1 - Impose or force my religious, political, or speech related idealogies on my players.

    8.2 - Impose "no swearing rules". As an adult playing a game rated mature (13+), I understand that the responsibility of allowing children to be exposed to coarse language is up to the guidance of the parents. I understand that light and undirected cursing may happen in a game, and will enforce no rule against it except in the situation where it becomes excessive and starts imparing the game for other people.

    8.3 - Impose unreasonable "political correctness" on my players.

9.0 - Have my server update with the master server if I have put a password on it or are restricting access in any way.

    9.1 - I will be diligent that my server does not show up as "0 ping" clutter on the list.

    9.2 - If my server is having a clan scrimmage or match, I will ensure that it does not update on the master server for this time period. Nobody wants to refresh and sort through servers that they cannot join.

If you do not agree to these terms, please remove your Battlefield 2 Ranked Server from the master server list immediately, such that players will not be put through the disrupting experience of running into conflicts with your idealologies.

This is how I conduct myself when I moderate my personal forums or servers. Unfortunately not a realistic view for everyone else, but sure would be nice nonetheless.
"Generous mods" < Thats right Systray !
Ranked Server agreement is the closest to that, although that is a little more in-depth. What can you do to enforce it though if you are a business looking for money?

I buy my server from some server host people. I abuse my admin rights, EA kills my server. The server company loses profit and blames EA.

In short, that is unfortunately, as you said, wishful thinking.

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