Sup guys.

I was playing as a Sniper in SF, and I killed enough guys that they told me that I got Vet-Sniper Badge (didn't look carefully when it popped up during the game; just know that its a silver badge). Interestingly, upon checking it in BFHQ, they gave me a Vet-Sniper Badge instead of a Vet-Sniper Specialist Badge.

Hmmm... Is this a mistake? Or... do I have to kill another bunch of guys in SF to earn my Vet-Sniper Specialist Badge?
Pew Pew!
+216|7161|San Francisco

No idea, SF is still really new so we have yet to figure out everything... I suppose it is possible that you need to have your normal kit combat badge before getting the equivalent specialist badge.
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7060|The United Center
also, i believe the requirements are different for both.  without looking at ubar, i think the veteran sniper badge is something like 15 kills IAR as sniper whereas the vet sniper specialist is something like 22 kills IAR.

if thats the case, then yes, you do have to kill another bunch of guys in SF as a sniper.
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7157|Bryan/College Station, TX
Why isn't the Specialist Badge simply a badge past Expert?

i.e. Basic - Veteran - Expert - Specialist

Would have just made more sense to add a tier to it instead of making it a badge that you could only get in SF.

Oh well.. *shrug*
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
Its 17 kills IAR for Vet-Sniper Specialist.

Hmmm. A reasonable extension to this query would be: "... can the two badges be earned concurrently?" That is, if you score 17 kills in a round, you earn both. I forgot how many kills I got for that round... but probably not huh?

Imagine... if you kill 38 peeps one round as a sniper (expert specialist requirement), and you didn't have any badges prior to your rampage... what would EA give you? @@;;
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7060|The United Center

kilroy0097 wrote:

Why isn't the Specialist Badge simply a badge past Expert?

i.e. Basic - Veteran - Expert - Specialist

Would have just made more sense to add a tier to it instead of making it a badge that you could only get in SF.

Oh well.. *shrug*
true.  what i think they shouldve done is made it so to get the specialist badges, you have to use the kit and not armor or a jet or helicopter or something.  so to get the sniper specialist badges, you have to kill people with your sniper rifle, pistol, claymores, nades, or knife...the same for the other ones.  then you can see who the truly good snipers/anti-tank/engineer/whatever really are.
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7060|The United Center

jhoo8116 wrote:

Its 17 kills IAR for Vet-Sniper Specialist.

Hmmm. A reasonable extension to this query would be: "... can the two badges be earned concurrently?" That is, if you score 17 kills in a round, you earn both. I forgot how many kills I got for that round... but probably not huh?

Imagine... if you kill 38 peeps one round as a sniper (expert specialist requirement), and you didn't have any badges prior to your rampage... what would EA give you? @@;;
depends on the amount of time youve spent as a sniper.

i know that i wouldve gotten my veteran pistol combat badge earlier since i killed around 12-14 people in a round, but i hadnt yet reached a high enough global pistol kill number yet, so i got nothing.  (i already had my basic).

many of the badges/ribbons/medals arent very hard to get.  the hardest requirements are the time constraints.  i know if those didnt exist, id have my expert combat everything except for pistol, explosives, and possibly support.

ThomasMorgan wrote:

depends on the amount of time youve spent as a sniper.

i know that i wouldve gotten my veteran pistol combat badge earlier since i killed around 12-14 people in a round, but i hadnt yet reached a high enough global pistol kill number yet, so i got nothing.  (i already had my basic).

many of the badges/ribbons/medals arent very hard to get.  the hardest requirements are the time constraints.  i know if those didnt exist, id have my expert combat everything except for pistol, explosives, and possibly support.
Ah true~ I overlooked the issue of having to have spent enough time.

But the problem is still valid, and intriguing... Really, what happens if you score 38 kills IAR as a sniper in SF, and just hit the time requirement; say, perhaps, you've got the basic badges to start with. Do you get vet then, expert, or do you get vet, vet-spec, expert, expert-spec... or... vet, vet-specialist(first 15 kills goes to vet, subsequent 17 goes to vet-spec). Hahaha.
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7060|The United Center
i think you would probably get vet sniper and vet sniper specialist.  in order to get the experts, a prerequisite is to have the veteran badges and usually you cannot get both in the same round.

then again, i did get my basic commander and veteran commander badges at the exact same time, so for all i know, its entirely possible to get the veteran and expert badges in the same round, provided you have the time requirements met.
+19|7154|Toronto, Canada
The answer is: he only has 16 hours and 20 minutes as a sniper, which means that the round he got the badge in wwas started before he became eligible for the specialist badge.

He can get it now though, so go get 17 kills IAR

Oh, and I got basic anti tank specialist and vet anti tank specialist in the same round, so you can get both.

Last edited by {DsM}SongofWar[BoC] (2005-11-28 07:47:58)

+5|7136|United Knigdom
I managed to get my Basic Assault Specialist and Veteran Assuault Specialist in the same round.
So it is;

Suppose if you didn't have a badge, say... assault, and you made the requirements for a basic assault badge in SF, you're first going to get the assault badge, then, the next time you satisfy the requirements for a basic assault - specialist badge, you will get the SF badge.

One has to first get the BF2 badge before getting the associated specialist badge.

Such subtleties might be overlooked just because most readers/contributors here have gotten most, if not all of their BF-vanilla badges before starting to collect the specialist badges.

"Bow Chicka Bow Wow." The correct way.
All I know is that you can get regular BF2 badges in SF sometimes, my friend got his vet sniper badge killing a guy using a FAV on Surge. Offtopic: you play on the tom clancy server jhoo? I think you killed me twice on warlord before I got you with a ungodly lucky grenade throw.
to answer the question whats happens if you make basic and veteran badge in one round (and i think its the same if you make veteran and expert or any other badge in the same round):

I hit the 7 knife kills IAR limit when i already got over 50 knife kills, so i got them both at the same time - thus when getting 38kills without having any sniper badge before and meeting the time requirement you would get all badges up to the expert ones^^.

but by getting the basic and veteran knife at the same time, i later on had ONLY the veteran badge without having the basic knife combat badge. I discovered this when i was promoted to master seargent instead first seargent though i thought that i had all basic badges :-p. After writing a support to ea the basic badge mysteriously appeared without any concret answer^^.

Last edited by nalta (2005-12-03 18:00:06)


Sgt_Sieg wrote:

All I know is that you can get regular BF2 badges in SF sometimes, my friend got his vet sniper badge killing a guy using a FAV on Surge. Offtopic: you play on the tom clancy server jhoo? I think you killed me twice on warlord before I got you with a ungodly lucky grenade throw.
Yes... that was me, getting my once-a-week extended BF2 fix.  Nice one; before you got me with the nade, you got me with gas.

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