
Should Infantry Only By Ranked?

No31%31% - 129
Yes68%68% - 284
Total: 413

Chuckles wrote:

First of all, apparently if EA is going to add an infantry only mode then it's not going to be against the ROE.  This is the same ROE you're defending that most people on these forums think is a joke, right?
They added CO-OP aswell,doesn't mean it has to be ranked.
So you like Knife&Pistol servers,admins who make up dubious rules for themselves,statspadders with 100+ kills on his fav.victim,wallglitcher,cheaters,etc,etc...?
Not everything on the ROE is how it should be,but at least it's listing up the obvious smacktard-strategies.

Chuckles wrote:

And if I understand the second part of your argument correctly it's fine for people to rack up easy kills with jets and planes, but if they rack up kills in fair fights it's "wrong".  Really?  That's what you want to say? 

What about the argument that "you just want every map in "easy mode" (it's easier for you to rack up big K/D ratios and points when you're whoring jets and tanks, right?).

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

All the people who got good infantry stats played on servers with vehicles(or they padded and should be reset),now you want the same conditions for an easier game (no talentless jetwhorekills) and expect to get the same points from that for your stats?
You obviously didn't understand what I've posted because you are always seeing it from the jetwhore's point of view,so here's a special version,just for you:
There are people who play only infantry,even on servers with jets,tanks and choppers.Like most of the snipers I play with.
Some of these people manage to achieve great scores and infantry stats,even with the threat of the almighty jets above them.
If you look up some of their stats you'll see that they played a mix of all maps,yet they have a better infantry ratio than the average Karkandwhore.
Now you and a bunch of other people come along,talk about "fair fights" and want to play infantry on the same maps without jets,tanks and choppers.And you guys want it ranked so you get points and 1337 stats for it.
And this is just unfair for the guy who gets high scores and good stats,even with all the vehicles on the map trying to kill him.

Got that now or do you need a sketch?

Chuckles wrote:And what do you care if people play infantry only?  If you don't like it, please, please, please, don't play it.[color=orange] I won't play it,although I usually don't use vehicles on normal maps.But I don't whine about the jets either.
As long as it is unranked you guys can shockpaddle each other's testicles on the server.

But Infantry only ranked is unfair for all the people who didn't pad their stats on K&P-servers,who always play on 64player-servers,who didn't spent most of their time on Karkand and who are not afraid of vehicles and still managed to get great infantry-stats and -ratios.

The stats are already manipulated by all the K&P-servers,rigorous admin rules and blatant statspadding.
But such stats are easily identified as lame ass statspadding/karkandwhore/wake-J10-whore/"insert-vehicle-here"-whore-accounts,you can't just judge the stats by the numbers.

Now infantry only would make the stats totally useless,nobody can see if the guy with the 4:0 infantry ratio got it "the hard way" or only had to fight against other infantry(easy-mode).

The difference of the difficulty of staying alive on a normal map/same map with infantry only alone is enough to safely say that infantry only shouldn't be ranked,you can't expect to get the same points for less dangerous work.
Thats right I dont give 2 shits about the people I rape 'cus i have it done to me.
YAY! Ive never made a thread which has gone over 6 pages :-O
Goodbye :)
+399|6793|Somewhere else

This is kinda rediculous.... If it hanst been said already, Infantry only is an option. And as this forum shows, people are for it and against it. So, surely some Server owners feels the same on both sides. you see an "Infantry only" server, leave it/don't go into it and find a server that doesnt utilize the infantry only option...pretty simple...

RoosterCantrell wrote:

This is kinda rediculous.... If it hanst been said already, Infantry only is an option. And as this forum shows, people are for it and against it. So, surely some Server owners feels the same on both sides. you see an "Infantry only" server, leave it/don't go into it and find a server that doesnt utilize the infantry only option...pretty simple...
It's not about infantry only as an option,it is about whether it should be RANKED or UNRANKED!
Geesh,do you all have the reading-level of a 4th-grader?

Chuckles wrote:

I hate to be one of those guys that points to people's stats, but I think this case warrants it.  You have about 32,000 kills, of which over 16,000 have come from a jet and another 2500 from a helicopter.  I think just maybe I've found why you are so adamantly against IO servers.  Fewer targets for you to spawn rape maybe?
Now that's smart,pointing out the obvious "jet-afficionado" to be against RANKED IO-servers.

Try this with my stats and tell me they are fewer targets for me on IO only with 35% of all my kills made with the sniper rifle alone and only 20% of all kills were in a vehicle(most of them with a transport against other vehicles).

That was your point,right? Only jetwhores are against RANKED Infantry only servers?

With this out of the way now,do you have anything else to justify that you want the same points for less dangerous gameplay?

Chuckles wrote:

Don't you just hate it when you post a poll and it goes completely opposite of what you hoped it would!
Why do you end a question with an exclamation mark?
Ok,let's say this is a proper question: No,I don't hate it,I'm just reassured in my assumption of how many pussies wandered off from CS:S(probably they sucked there too),can't handle the vehicle-threat and now want something similar(no AWP-whores,plz!) made out of a different kind of game(BF2,duh!)

Last edited by Mj.Blindfisch (2006-08-16 11:21:56)

hahahaha, flash_clown! love your sig!

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

Chuckles wrote:

I hate to be one of those guys that points to people's stats, but I think this case warrants it.  You have about 32,000 kills, of which over 16,000 have come from a jet and another 2500 from a helicopter.  I think just maybe I've found why you are so adamantly against IO servers.  Fewer targets for you to spawn rape maybe?
Now that's smart,pointing out the obvious "jet-afficionado" to be against RANKED IO-servers.

Try this with my stats and tell me they are fewer targets for me on IO only with 35% of all my kills made with the sniper rifle alone and only 20% of all kills were in a vehicle(most of them with a transport against other vehicles).

That was your point,right? Only jetwhores are against RANKED Infantry only servers?

With this out of the way now,do you have anything else to justify that you want the same points for less dangerous gameplay?
That particular post was directed to SAMTHEMAN53, who told me "STFU" just a couple posts earlier because he couldn't come up wiht a rational argument.  I've been trying to keep my posts arguing with different individuals separate. 

To you I'd say that if you're so worried that your stats will be tarnishished somehow by people playing on IO only servers, I guess I'd just look them up.  If they had a big jump after the patch you'll have a pretty good idea how they achieved it. 

Though I wonder if the guys that achieved monster scores with jets and armor are so such superior players shouldn't they welcome IO servers?  It should be like shooting fish in a barrel for these studs, right?  They'll know exactly where to go to find a bunch of morons to pad their stats against if that's what is so important to them.  Yippee.
Goodbye :)
+399|6793|Somewhere else

blindfisch, i figured it was easy to tell that i was speaking of it being ranked mainly because unranked servers dont matter much for most people. Since everyone is debating the whole ranked server infantry only points and padders, I was responding to them. I didnt think it was necissary to define the fact that I was responding to what the conversation had become, not the origonal post. I see your point, but i dont see the reaeson you had to take my post as an example, that just hurts my feelings....

So, I think it should be ranked. Stats padding and hacking goes on like crazy, and EA wipes scores at thier discretion, valid or not. IO will surely be stat exploited. In a game rife with exploiting hacking and padding it has already come down to a matter of personal honor and honest game playing or not.  Might as well throw in IO mode so people completely frustrated with armor and jet base rapers, can take a breather from it.  Itll make Wake Island alot more interesting.
This means:
APC/TANK-whores wote NO
INF. statpadders wote YES

The people inbetween doesn't give a fcuk.
Kick His Ass!
+371|7008|Howell, Mi USA
This game is turning into CS by the minute   
bad touch

Cbass wrote:

This game is turning into CS by the minute   
everyone can go infantry, ill just pick up a helicopter and kill them all
Stocking ur medpacks
+135|6975|Groningen, The Netherlands

Samtheman53 wrote:

In my opinion it should be unranked as they are at a huge advantage of not having apcs nail them as soon as they spawn, jets rape the carrier, helos rape what ever they can find etc.

It may of been covered before but I don't care.
Well your opinion sucks ^^    You want people to spawnkill, lame and baserape etc. Thats very kind indeed.

I think Infantry Only should be ranked, cos with infantry only you get matches that are far more fun and its still hard to get a good score.
It also brings out teamwork which should be rewarded with points you get to keep.

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

Chuckles wrote:

First of all, apparently if EA is going to add an infantry only mode then it's not going to be against the ROE.  This is the same ROE you're defending that most people on these forums think is a joke, right?
They added CO-OP aswell,doesn't mean it has to be ranked.
So you like Knife&Pistol servers,admins who make up dubious rules for themselves,statspadders with 100+ kills on his fav.victim,wallglitcher,cheaters,etc,etc...?
Not everything on the ROE is how it should be,but at least it's listing up the obvious smacktard-strategies.

No, I hate those servers.  That's why I don't play on them. I don't care if people do though, they're just running the risk of getting their stats wiped.  Obviously the ROE is going to change (again) to allow an IO mode. 

Chuckles wrote:

And if I understand the second part of your argument correctly it's fine for people to rack up easy kills with jets and planes, but if they rack up kills in fair fights it's "wrong".  Really?  That's what you want to say? 

What about the argument that "you just want every map in "easy mode" (it's easier for you to rack up big K/D ratios and points when you're whoring jets and tanks, right?).

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

All the people who got good infantry stats played on servers with vehicles(or they padded and should be reset),now you want the same conditions for an easier game (no talentless jetwhorekills) and expect to get the same points from that for your stats?
So you're definitely saying that racking up points with a jet or armor is all good and should be applauded.  Racking up points with everybody on equal footing is bad.  Got it.

[color=orange]You obviously didn't understand what I've posted because you are always seeing it from the jetwhore's point of view,so here's a special version,just for you:
There are people who play only infantry,even on servers with jets,tanks and choppers.Like most of the snipers I play with.
Some of these people manage to achieve great scores and infantry stats,even with the threat of the almighty jets above them.
If you look up some of their stats you'll see that they played a mix of all maps,yet they have a better infantry ratio than the average Karkandwhore.
Now you and a bunch of other people come along,talk about "fair fights" and want to play infantry on the same maps without jets,tanks and choppers.And you guys want it ranked so you get points and 1337 stats for it.
And this is just unfair for the guy who gets high scores and good stats,even with all the vehicles on the map trying to kill him.

Got that now or do you need a sketch?

Chuckles wrote:

And what do you care if people play infantry only?  If you don't like it, please, please, please, don't play it.
The stats are already manipulated by all the K&P-servers,rigorous admin rules and blatant statspadding.
But such stats are easily identified as lame ass statspadding/karkandwhore/wake-J10-whore/"insert-vehicle-here"-whore-accounts,you can't just judge the stats by the numbers.

Now infantry only would make the stats totally useless,nobody can see if the guy with the 4:0 infantry ratio got it "the hard way" or only had to fight against other infantry(easy-mode).

The difference of the difficulty of staying alive on a normal map/same map with infantry only alone is enough to safely say that infantry only shouldn't be ranked,you can't expect to get the same points for less dangerous work. [/color=orange]
First of all, I'm not stupid.  Please don't imply that I am.  I'm trying to have a rational discussion with you and I think we could both manage to not get personal, alright?

I think you can see if somebody got it the hard way.  Their stats will jump up on the graphs after the patch date if it's all that important to you to know how people got their points. 

How do you feel about people that commander whore?  That's getting lots of points for less dangerous work?  it seems hypocritical for you to be all for people racking up rounds of 60 kills, 1 death in a jet but being against people racking up points IO.  I don't understand that.  I don't have any kills in a jet.  I admit it.  I hate them.  I think it's crap that they let them reload and resupply simply by flying by an airfield.  I think they should have to find an engineer and support guy like EVERY OTHER PERSON OR VEHICLE IN THE GAME.  I've earned my positive KD ratio the hard way, just like you.  I'm eagerly looking forward to using my skills on IO servers against less skilled players, but players on equal footing none the less.
Kick His Ass!
+371|7008|Howell, Mi USA

Gamematt wrote:

Samtheman53 wrote:

In my opinion it should be unranked as they are at a huge advantage of not having apcs nail them as soon as they spawn, jets rape the carrier, helos rape what ever they can find etc.

It may of been covered before but I don't care.
Well your opinion sucks ^^    You want people to spawnkill, lame and baserape etc. Thats very kind indeed.

I think Infantry Only should be ranked, cos with infantry only you get matches that are far more fun and its still hard to get a good score.
It also brings out teamwork which should be rewarded with points you get to keep.
Did u forget this game is based on infantry AND vehicle combat. Vehicles are a huge part of the game and removing them makes this game "your average WWII shooter" basicly

it's been said 1000 times and ill say it 1001..

"if u don't like vehicles go play counter strike"

Chuckles wrote:

Though I wonder if the guys that achieved monster scores with jets and armor are so such superior players shouldn't they welcome IO servers?  It should be like shooting fish in a barrel for these studs, right?  They'll know exactly where to go to find a bunch of morons to pad their stats against if that's what is so important to them.  Yippee.
"guys that achieved monster scores with jets and armor" - you mean monster scores as infantry with jets and choppers present on the map,right?

Some of them probably do welcome ranked IO-servers,I'm just speaking for myself here.

I played BF1942 after I spent a few years playing TacticalOps(CS-clon on UT-engine) and the chaos of having all different types of vehicles + infantry(32 player servers at that time) was a totally different experience than all the other "normal" FPS I've tried.
Now with BF2 and 64player servers the chaos of the battlefield(the real "Fog of War",so much happening that you are bound to make mistakes) is even more intense.
I only play 64player servers,the more people on it the better,I even think stats completely made on 16 player maps are not truly made in the spirit of the Battlefield-series.
And infantry only would distort this Battlefield spirit some more as it already is and make the stats and rankings even more useless than they already are.

So I don't like it and don't want it to be ranked,for unranked fun without the guys who can't play outside a jet or tank because their ego won't let them it surely can be fun and a break from the ranked game where there'S everything around but you get points for it.

To say it in a way the "average 1337-BF2-pwnerer" easily understands:
If you wanna brag about your stats,tell people how you pwned teh n00bs on teh server and polish your e-penis in front of everybody - do you really want to tell them that you got your stats the "pussy way"?
Stocking ur medpacks
+135|6975|Groningen, The Netherlands

Cbass wrote:

Gamematt wrote:

Samtheman53 wrote:

In my opinion it should be unranked as they are at a huge advantage of not having apcs nail them as soon as they spawn, jets rape the carrier, helos rape what ever they can find etc.

It may of been covered before but I don't care.
Well your opinion sucks ^^    You want people to spawnkill, lame and baserape etc. Thats very kind indeed.

I think Infantry Only should be ranked, cos with infantry only you get matches that are far more fun and its still hard to get a good score.
It also brings out teamwork which should be rewarded with points you get to keep.
Did u forget this game is based on infantry AND vehicle combat. Vehicles are a huge part of the game and removing them makes this game "your average WWII shooter" basicly

it's been said 1000 times and ill say it 1001..

"if u don't like vehicles go play counter strike"
No I didnt forget. Im just giving my opinion.
And i like infantry only so thats why i would like to see it ranked.
Please dont argue with my opinion, just giving your own is good enough.....ill read it and accept it
This quoting people and saying otherwise isnt helping anything at all!!
Fantasma Parastasie
wow I only brought my FlameWar BBQ Sausages, I need to go get some more tasty BBQ food.
bad touch

SargeV1.4 wrote:

wow I only brought my FlameWar BBQ Sausages, I need to go get some more tasty BBQ food.
i have some nice shredded pork
+2,382|6991|The North, beyond the wall.
I just had some Spanish Chicken.

Gotta be my best meal this month.
Kick His Ass!
+371|7008|Howell, Mi USA
I like infantry combat too, thats why theres Karkand . No jets or choppers and just watch out for the armor.

imo, there really is no need for an IO mode. Keep it just for fun like unranked K&P servers.

trust me, it takes forever to walk across Kubra

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

To say it in a way the "average 1337-BF2-pwnerer" easily understands:
If you wanna brag about your stats,tell people how you pwned teh n00bs on teh server and polish your e-penis in front of everybody - do you really want to tell them that you got your stats the "pussy way"?[/color]
First of all, I hope if I ever write like the BF2 player that someone kicks me square in the balls.  And thank you for not making it personal this time.  I knew you could be better than that.

Second I don't brag about my stats.  They are what they are.  I guess I don't think it's a "pussy way" when everybody has equal footing. 

And as I mentioned a couple times, if it's really that important for you to be able to differentiate how people scored their points you can look up their history graphs on this very website.  If on the date of the new patch their SPM or K/D or whatever takes a big jump you can probably assume they started playing IO. 

I do think flying in a jet when there are very few ways for people to kill you and you don't have to land to reload or repair is a pussy way to score points, and I think that those folks that are complaining about IO only being ranked because they're good in armour, jets, or helicopters but not as infantry are hypocritical and should just shut up.  (I'm looking in your direction, samtheman53)
+270|6858|Cedar Rapids, Iowa
can we stop reviving old threads?

Worst. Question. Ever.
Kick His Ass!
+371|7008|Howell, Mi USA

Madhadda1 wrote:

can we stop reviving old threads?
what do u consider old? this thread was started yesterday.......

just wondering

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