As you all know, multiple people can use your zip line until you take it down.
Last night I was trying to use my zip line and hide nearby watching the roof that I zipped down from.
My idea was to see if an enemy got on the zip line and I ran to the attach point and pressed G to gather it up, would it suddenly disappear and leave the badguy falling to the ground? I got killed 4 times waiting for the right moment but it never came.
Anyone try this one out yet?
+447|7161|Seattle, Washington, USA

That would work, but I've never done it so I don't know if it would credit you with the kill or not.
It didn't credit me with the kill but the enemy still went splat. It will work but you wont get credit. Besides generally speaking the zipline will disappear on it's own before a enemy uses it. (the guy followed me trying to knife me.) so i pulled it when he was mind way and he went splat.
I don't think you can gather up the line whilst it's in use
Has anyone managed to shoot someone with the zip line? I think I'll try that tomorrow.
+5|7088|Westeren Australia
yeah they can not move it's so funny and then u knife them
This is what i've found so far...

Both the zipline AND grappling hook can be retrieved WHILE someone or multiple people are on it.
The grappling hook can be dropped by holding alternate fire (mouse2) for a second at the edge of a building. this is great for letting people get up onto a roof you're already on.
I've also found that both the zipline and grappling hook will disappear if they are not used for a certain amount of time...i found it to be about 15 seconds....if it goes for that long without anyone on it.. it'll disappear.
Many times i've deployed my line in hopes to use it as a quick get away.. only to have it disappear on me shortly afterwards...very annoying actually >

same goes for the grappling hook.. nobody uses it for a small amount of time. it disappears....

this really doesn't make sense to me'd figure it'd be deployed for the same length of time as you're claymores.

Last edited by BlackJackBob (2005-11-29 00:36:21)

yes that works I had a team mate doing that one night. He would say follow me then after he went he would wait till you were 1/2 way then take it away. he only got me once but i saw people bitching at him in text
Bloody Sky

RadeonII wrote:

yes that works I had a team mate doing that one night. He would say follow me then after he went he would wait till you were 1/2 way then take it away. he only got me once but i saw people bitching at him in text
LoL, That's awesome! I got to try that next time I'm bored....
+0|7038|Bamberg Germany
u can do that on both. but with a grappling hook i like to throw mine away on spawns that are on top of buildings so when someone trys to grapple up the building i just pick up there's instead of my own and it kills all of them. works well
lol killer that is fin but i prefer to stand at the top the rope and knife them when they reach the top. I got three different guys in a row doing this.
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7065|Toronto, ON
Yawn... you can kill people with grappling hook and zip line.

As in:

Nyte [Zip Line] You
Nyte [Grappling Hook] You

I killed with the Zip Line and got killed with a Grappling Hook.
Alpha as fuck.
Rules over Sesamestreet
+5|7068|The Netherlands
how you kill with the grook? (yes it has a name from the community saw it multiple times on a server. the grook from GRappling hOOK it can have a better name I think)
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7065|Toronto, ON
He dropped it on me, I was proned at the bottom of an edge of a building and he threw the hook down onto me (Sort of like the FlashBang/Smoke Grenade kills).

The Zip Line kill was a bit of a mystery for me, I was sliding down the Zip Line and a guy on the other end though he could climb it or something so he tried jumping onto it but I slid right into him and he died which registered as a Zip Line kill.
Alpha as fuck.
+98|7052|netherlands, sweet lake city
new  stat whore    zipline  camping: you hang up a zipline   at a good visible place.   you  w8 under the zipline for an enemy who comes cruising towards you with your nive and   ping  you knife him

or you could put   an claymore at the end 

Last edited by kn0ckahh (2005-11-29 09:47:40)

Semper Fi!
oh claymore is mean
what I want to know is, can you shoot someone with the zip line arrow and kill them ? that would be funny as hell to shoot the zip line and ride it out only to find some poor sucker impaled to the wall at the other end
I haven't killed anyone with the zipline arrow yet but i have pierced someone and they could not move so i knifed them. I dunno if it was a bug or maybe the guy was AFK. but the arrow went thru him and i got the little crosshair X registureing a hit then he didn't move until i knifed him.

kn0ckahh wrote:

or you could put   an claymore at the end 
That's exactly what i did today. Was sniping from a roof in the Warlord map when a "grook" was thrown over the edge behind me, i placed a claymored at the edge and ziplined the heck out of there to another roof top. Moments later McCullough[claymore]XXXXX, i looked back at the rooftop i just ziplined from and discovers that my zipline is still there and a bad guy is about to use it. So i placed my other claymore at the end of the line. And another McCullough[claymore]XXXXX. It's those wonderfull moments that makes this game so damn FUN!
I think my funniest one had to be sniping on ghost A grapple (sorry grook sounds a bit too stupid to me.) came up and almost hit me so i dropped a claymore in front of it moved and watched with my pistol. Claymore took out the first guy. pistol followed by knife took out the second. (some reason a full clip at point blank range didn't take out the assault guy. But one knife hit did.)

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