Sailor Mini Moon
Granted, it's prolly been posted before but really it chaps my ass. Almost everytime I'm in an Anti-Air tank or an IGLA it's because our air can't keep the heli-humpers out of a base, or stop them from camping spawns. So I lock on and fire and a solid 80% of the time the enemy does a nice evasive manuever and off my missle goes flying somewhere else and suddenly I get punished from a TK by some douche pilot clearly flying around in the red.  I've gotten kicked for TKing cause once I fire those puppies even with a lockon the enemy they like to fly off and hit friendlies.

AA in this game is a damn joke ><

I vented, I feel better! Flame on!
Tangy Meat Sauce
Amen, bro.  I've been kicked before for the very same thing.  Hell, I was flying a jet the other day, right on the tail of an enemy plane, occasionally popping off a missile or two.  One of the ones I fired was flared off and, you got it, veered off and smacked into a friendly vehicle somewhere, killing whoever was in it, and of course they punished for the tk.  I never even saw the guy.
they dont even have to try an evasive manuever; sometimes the missles fly THROUGH the chopper.
The missiles in the game blow. They almost never hit unless the guy in the chopper is standing stilll.
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7093|Great Brown North

{PAMD64}canuk wrote:

The missiles in the game blow. They almost never hit unless the guy in the chopper is standing stilll.
ive had them go straight at a stationary target and then veer off moments before impact to go crash into a friendly chopper....
+302|7049|Salt Lake City

I agree totally.  The missiles are almost worthless.  I think Dice/EA need to increase the accuracy just a little for those times when you do have a solid tone.  If it's beeping that's one thing, but with a solid tone, it just needs to be more accurate.
Some other thread pointed out that missles' priority appears to be any non-locked target in range that had a lower altitude. So rathet than firing at the helicopter try firing above it befor you've locked on. I haven't had a chance to verify it myself yet though
Enemy Boat Spotted
+17|7158|United Kingdom
bump up the power on the mobile AA rounds, those things need to shred choppers and planes a lot more quickly than they do right now...
Its sad when dumb fired have higher accuracy than locked on ones

The only kills i have had with aa missles have been dumb fired shots.  More often they are kills against vehicles when i run up next to them with the aa vehicle and just open fire in a last ditch effort to win a vehicle fight (wouldn't advise taking on vehicles with the aa, but you might as well take the chance of winning the fight than take the certainty of being run down and destroyed if you flee)
Expendable Miracle Worker

krazed wrote:

{PAMD64}canuk wrote:

The missiles in the game blow. They almost never hit unless the guy in the chopper is standing stilll.
ive had them go straight at a stationary target and then veer off moments before impact to go crash into a friendly chopper....
as have I...f'n gay
yeah the AA is bad. they should make it so they actually go in slow motion so they actually hit your according target.
ArmChair Warrior
+4|7069|NH - USA
I thought that was fixed or adjusted with the new patch?

Not sure but...I had some fun today in a non=ranked game and nailed a jet or two and a couple of helicopters. They where dominating the map and it sure drove them crazy every time I locked on...heheh. They eventually found me out and nailed me a couple of times...then it was time to do something else.

If there is a friendly in the immediate fire range, dont shoot! Some weapons are not meant to be used when friendlies are in the area. Just sorta gotta know when to shoot to increase your odds of a good shot.

oberst_enzian wrote:

they dont even have to try an evasive manuever; sometimes the missles fly THROUGH the chopper.
Yeah, i "hit" a hind tonight 4 times in a row with the RPG and the rockets went through the heli and up into who knows where.
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7060|The United Center
we shouldve known there was a problem when one of the preview videos on the BF2 site showed a jet coming straight at a chipper, firing a missile, and having the missile go right through the blackhawk without it even dropping any flares.
AA is definately a pain....but skill improves with practice.
+-1|7122|a galaxy far, far away....
I don't really agree, section9... Little/no skill is needed when using AA: aim 'generally' at the target, wait for lock-on, wait for it to drop a flare, lock-on again, FIRE! And those missiles just do what mentioned above: veer off right before their target, or ignore their lock-on target to hit a friendly one. That just sucks, and needs fixing.

Last edited by jools (2005-11-30 03:33:18)

+45|7056|Toronto, Canada
Just the simple fact of not targetting friendlies with close to 100% accuracy would help a lot.  Maybe even make it a one missile hit against jets and keep the two missile hits against choppers.

Just make the AA more effective against jets.  I find the AA to be satisfactory for helicopters.  I have only shot down three jets that were moving around and turning.  The vast majority of other jet takedowns were from jets trying to strafe me with machine guns blazing and bombs at the ready. Or they were stupidly hovering around.  I think it's funny how it takes two AA missiles to take a jet down and it only takes one SRAW or Eryx.
+4|7053|Hamilton, Scotland

oberst_enzian wrote:

they dont even have to try an evasive manuever; sometimes the missles fly THROUGH the chopper.
Another error 2 report 2 EA, i remember getting that aswell with the missile hitting friendly air, but try explaining that 2 the guy when ur TALKING 2 him.
AA gun could be called AP works great against an unsuspecting squad!

as for making the AA more effective, i've been trying out different tactics and in mobile AA, i'm getting alot better at taking down helo's, but tagging a jet just seems to be, literaly, hit and miss...once in awhile i can tag a jet, but taking one down just hasn't happened yet.  i've got a few kill assists after a flurry of missile exchanges with a jet, but thats all...and while we are in the complaint department, one more thing that bugs me about jets is their ability to re arm and repair by just flying low over the airfield...that's bullshit in my opinion.  i think they should have to at least land for a couple of seconds, and same goes for and re-arm at least makes them a wee bit more vulnerable...
Being a pilot ive had some Air to Air missles do some crazy things. I almost never use them.  They have the same retard AI as the stingers.

Here's an example:

           ^ -Enemy Jet

           ^ My Jet
                                                 X Friendly helo

The jet and i were moving at about 900mph in the direction of the arrows, i fired the missles when the helo was about even with me, they chased the jet for about 1/2 a second then TURNED OVER 90 DEGREES to smash into the friendly helo. 

All Dice needs to do is change the code from seeking friendlies to enemies.(yes i know it's not that simple, but you get the point)

EDIT:  Knowing what we, the community, know about AA why for the love of god would you shoot at 2 planes in a dogfight?  Your missle WILL hit the friendly aircraft 100% of the time, no ifs ands or buts about it.  I cant count the number of times ive been evading in a dogfight then all of a sudden i get hit with a missle and look at the chatter screen to see my name say "Cease Fire!"  If you're going to TRY and help a friendly jet in a dogfight, just maintain a lock while in the Stinger/IGLA and hopefully you'll scare him off.  You wont get a kill that way but you also wont get a TK.

Last edited by RasorX (2005-11-30 12:16:35)

+0|7045|San Rafael, CA
Makes you miss the AA cannons in BF1942.  I'd rather sit there and pound the sky 500ft off waiting for jets to fly by than sit in the death chair and pray and spray any day.
Sailor Mini Moon
The shooting at their exhaust seems to help aim a bit. I took down about 2 jets today in Wake.  Not a drastic improvement but I felt better watching that cocky pilot explode.

wendigo, you do have a good point. That chair is asking for death. Such a favorite target for snipers and kinfers too.

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