Hi, i'm new to battle/demo recording so i have a few questions.
our server is remote and we only have bf2cc access.
i see the options of:
Demo index url
Demo download url
Auto Demo Hook: "adminutils/demo/rotate_demo.py"
I was just wondering what i would put in these fields? would it be the server ip or what?
1 other thing.. BattleRecorder is the same as Demo Recording right?
Thanks alot, i know these are noobish questions but thanks for reading!
our server is remote and we only have bf2cc access.
i see the options of:
Demo index url
Demo download url
Auto Demo Hook: "adminutils/demo/rotate_demo.py"
I was just wondering what i would put in these fields? would it be the server ip or what?
1 other thing.. BattleRecorder is the same as Demo Recording right?
Thanks alot, i know these are noobish questions but thanks for reading!