
Crispin wrote:

You can't follow common rules 100% of the time that is just rediculus if you are in our server and you break a set rule we warn you then if you break it again we give you a kick warning and if you come back and break the rules again we will just ban you and get it over with.
Look pal,this is a nice way for people that dont follow the rulez.

But in my case in (-BS-) server i got BAN.Not even a kick.
And i got ban because i was trying to get the lav in to my team!!!!!!!!
You can read exactly what happened few posts up...

Im not the guy that i like to be a commander and be in a armor too, even if there no server rulez in that.
Im just saying that sometimes YOU HAVE TO do it.

Yesterday i was playing in Warlord. I was the commander of the Insurgent.
But i was the only one who cared to get some flags back when we lost them...
They only flag that left to spawn was the right as you see in Warlord map inside the building. NO ONE was try to run and get another flag except me!!!!!
They all try to drop Claymores or throw nades to the other side of the building or do anything else EXCEPT to get a flag.

First i drop a car near our side,i run,jump,take the car and try to get in a flag...Didn’t make it cause enemy arti got me...
The LAV WAS STANDING there and NOW ONE care to take it.
Drop a second car and try the same thing. I got an Eryx...
So i run,get in the lav and finally i got a flag back.ALONE!

If i do this in (-BS-) server i will win a BAN!!!!
You understand now what im saying for the 100% that you cannot follow?

Last edited by kardinalios (2006-08-15 11:03:42)


kardinalios wrote:

Im happy that you cant answer of the "commander rule" if it sucks sometimes or not.
It shows your age,not mine.

I LIKE the rule "NO COMMANDERS IN ARMOR" even now that i have to make 40 kills to take Veteran Engineer Combat Badge or 44 for the SF, because its difficult to do so many kills with Mk3A1 or MP7 or mines or artillery or all the above together.

Im saying to you, to THINK and dont be such an rule whore.Rulez are good.VERY good.But in some occasions you CANNOT follow them 100%
I am not sure if you want blood or what? You tell me that I cant answer it, and I tell you that I like the idea and I will add it NEVER sucks....the idea is GRAND, GREAT and when followed works PERFECT. Now I am not sure how you are going to pull an age out of that sentence. But I hope your happy now.

One would be surprised how many people cant follow a simple rule. We have it posted on the loading screen and in game annoucments. So my view is if someone breaks the rule I dont warn people for it, I am sure they saw it and decided to IGNORE it, therefore when I ban then I have no second thoughts.

I believe that if someone breaks the rules once they WILL do it again.
Great success!
+216|6828|Chandler, AZ
Not really meaning to complain, rather just to tell a story about another typical "We're not very good, but we sure have ADMINZOR POWERZ!!!!" clan I ran into a few nights ago.

My entire clan got banned from the =SEDQ= server because we capped all their flags within 90 seconds of each round, for 3 rounds per map, 2 maps, and basically ruined their night.

Oh well, not like we don't have our own...And I can't say any of us took it as anything but a joke anyway, those guys think France is located just north of the United States. Silly seperatists.
Great success!
+216|6828|Chandler, AZ

ClanBSAdmin wrote:

I believe that if someone breaks the rules once they WILL do it again.
I own a server, and while we keep it as rule free as reasonably possible, even I disagree with you on this one.

Yeah, you have the rules posted, yes they scroll during ingame chat. But have you ever chosen a server, started to load in, and gone to the kitchen to get a bite while the load takes its time, and when you're back you're conveniently already in the game? Or a bathroom break between server switches?

I do that all the time. I rarely see a loading screen to be honest with you. And as for scrolling chat, that's all good and well but really, if you're into the game, you're not looking at the server messages every 60-120 seconds to make sure you didn't miss anything.

My admins and I have a very strict warning policy. And if anyone breaks our warning policy (Warn once for anything other than racist remarks before a kick or ban), they will no longer be admins on my server.

It's just a polite thing to do, to give someone a heads up that they're out of line. 9/10 times I've warned someone they stop, and say they didn't see the rule. I believe them, because they all stop doing what they're doing.

Now maybe you have more problems with this than I do due to the rules on your server. I don't know them, all I know is that all my server restricts is the use of racist hatespeech, glitching/hacking/padding, and being a point whore before being a team player - For example the guy who stays in the J-10 on Dalian plant even though the USMC has capped everything, is all infantry in your uncap, and has no targets at all to fire at in the air rather than getting on the ground and capping a flag -

I've found that the less rules you force people to remember, the fewer violations you have. If your clan is strong enough you won't have to worry about people griefing you. To this date we've only banned one person, kicked 1, and lost 0 rounds.

Last edited by Not (2006-08-15 11:43:21)

+13|6729|Amarillo Tx
I acually dont care what a commander does as long as he's not in armor/jets/helos wasten equipment while someone that is full alert can watch everything that is going on around him.

Commanders should do what a commander does sit give orders, give supplys/car drops to needed forces on the ground that need them.

If a commander is in a tank/helo/jet he is limited himself and his team, a commander needs to be watch above flags that his team is capping telling squads where enemy is or are in a capture point he can see enemy flanking buildings and relay that back to squad leaders to help a team win a round.

Im not hear to flame anyone or put down on anyones stats i just play bf2 because i like the teamplay my community/server has we take no shit from mouthy people and give respect to everyone that deserves it and we do have our set rules that the majoirty of people that come into our server follow the rules theres a few that go commander hop in a J-10 or F-35 and fly around not doing jack shit and when you warn them to get out they get all pissy with you over the mic.

I'm not saying its Ten year olds or Thirty year olds its all kinds of people that do lame shit.

INTERNET comes to mind.

ClanBSAdmin wrote:

One would be surprised how many people cant follow a simple rule.
Why cant?Have you ever think of it?

Because you dont give second chance!!!!!!!!!! Just BAN!!!!!!Not even a kick!!!!!
Im telling you AGAIN.Your mistake is that you BAN even if the commander gets in an armor even for a second and just to protect his equipment!!!!

SEE IT HERE----> http://img211.imageshack.us/img211/610/strikekbc0.jpg
You tell me that the commander,even if he saw the enemy jeep,he must not get in the tank and protect his radar from C4,or protect his tank from stealing because NO COMMANDERS IN ARMOR.

Thats why you believe in this-->I believe that if someone breaks the rules once they WILL do it again.

Most of the people doesnt notice the server rulez like "Not" told you.
Or there noobs
Or there 12-15-17 years old and dont care or dont understand the rulez...
Many doesnt speak English at all or just know "Yes","No","Good morning","Connect".
I saw MANY rulez that i cannot understand because i dont know the words like "uncaps".
There many words that they came from the game like "cartillery".

Im trying to tell you how to make your server better.
Im not your enemy and its just a game...

Last edited by kardinalios (2006-08-15 14:44:00)


I try so hard 2 days now to get the Expert Engineer Specialist Badge...
44 kills...

Got in here--->
Warlord map

Game starts and i was British side.Get in the lav and run to get flags and kills.Another guy got the tank and we really kick asses...
It wasnt so hard because we were playing 10 people.
Finally the Insurgent stuck in a flag in the Palace.
Me and the tank just wait them to come...
I was first in points and had about 10 kills.Sudden i see THIS-----> http://img162.imageshack.us/img162/840/loosersmf8.jpg

Wait for a minute and get in again.I saw that the guy on the tank wasnt in...
I think that you can guess what happened....
I asked them when they saw me steel a teammate but of course have no answer...
I got the tank,and went to the Palace again.
Saw two enemys try to escape with Zip Lines.They had [SBP] in there names.Yes...the admins...
Kill the first easily.The second try to blow me with C4 but he didnt make it because he couldnt drop them to the tank.Kill him too...
I saw one guy try to get the lav and escape.Hit him twice and killed him.His nick was SHEjK.

Guess what happened next...Oh yes....Second kick for Stealing...

Try to get 3rd time,but the server had already crashed!!!
The admins were http://bf2s.com/player/20655871/http://bf2s.com/player/70743661/ and http://bf2s.com/player/43420281/
There web www.i3d.nl EA GAMES TRUSTED PARTER.

Last edited by kardinalios (2006-08-15 16:28:13)

+13|6729|Amarillo Tx
You should take a break before you have high blood pressure you get to worked up over small issues, you should just move along to another server and don't visit that one or the ones that give you shit anymore.
This space for rent
+117|6828|Arlen, Texas

Crispin wrote:

You should take a break before you have high blood pressure you get to worked up over small issues, you should just move along to another server and don't visit that one or the ones that give you shit anymore.
Really,it's not like its the only server out there. I use a clan server, even though I'm not in the clan, and they have mature admins there. Sometimes when the cats away a dickhead shows up to try and ruin everyones fun. Time to move on, or go watch TV, or read a book, download porn, whatever.
The Original BF2 Timelord

Smaug wrote:

Crispin wrote:

You should take a break before you have high blood pressure you get to worked up over small issues, you should just move along to another server and don't visit that one or the ones that give you shit anymore.
Really,it's not like its the only server out there. I use a clan server, even though I'm not in the clan, and they have mature admins there. Sometimes when the cats away a dickhead shows up to try and ruin everyones fun. Time to move on, or go watch TV, or read a book, download porn, whatever.
that is a very good idea, usually on the weekends when the little shits come out to ratbag and TK, i have the same idea: Turn the CB radio on (more fvckwits on sydney repeaters than BF2 trust me), read a book, come here to the BF2s forums or just watch TV. the best anti-cockhead activity is "Just do something else" if you leave the server soon the "dickhead" will make himself look stupid becouse he is trying real hard to get a reaction from you. I just ignore tards like that or just say "your'e boring, you dont intimidate me, you dont rattle me now sodd off"

Last edited by TheDoctor (2006-08-15 19:36:53)

We all have our views and thats what makes the world go'round. We all run our servers a certain way, this thread is dead.

Enjoy the day.

Crispin wrote:

You should take a break before you have high blood pressure you get to worked up over small issues, you should just move along to another server and don't visit that one or the ones that give you shit anymore.

The problem my friend not just "join another server".Its not BF to find so many servers whatever you like.
Its BF SF and 44 kills ti take the Expert Engineer badge its difficult...And there is no Karkand in SF
And these loosers just make it harder...

I also notice that the i3d.nl has an adv in first page of bf2s.com
It think that means that there good servers and you wont get any problems like all the others...
I send an email in i3d.nl to complain about there adminz...The answer:

Unfortunately there is nothing we can do about this. It's the admins
decision. You have to try to solve this yourself with the owners of the

With kind regards
+13|6729|Amarillo Tx

kardinalios wrote:

Crispin wrote:

You should take a break before you have high blood pressure you get to worked up over small issues, you should just move along to another server and don't visit that one or the ones that give you shit anymore.

The problem my friend not just "join another server".Its not BF to find so many servers whatever you like.
Its BF SF and 44 kills ti take the Expert Engineer badge its difficult...And there is no Karkand in SF
And these loosers just make it harder...

I also notice that the i3d.nl has an adv in first page of bf2s.com
It think that means that there good servers and you wont get any problems like all the others...
I send an email in i3d.nl to complain about there adminz...The answer:

Unfortunately there is nothing we can do about this. It's the admins
decision. You have to try to solve this yourself with the owners of the

With kind regards
BF:SF has many servers buddy, and if you can't get 44 kills for engineer then im sorry its your problem not the servers or the clients in the servers problem if you just called me a Karkand whore in your statement above you are mistaken.

Crispin wrote:

BF:SF has many servers buddy, and if you can't get 44 kills for engineer then im sorry its your problem not the servers or the clients in the servers problem if you just called me a Karkand whore in your statement above you are mistaken.
My problem isnt the 44 kills.
My problem is loosers admins that kick or ban people just because they suck as BF players.

PS.I saw that you have Expert Engineer Combat Badge but not the
Expert Engineer Specialist Badge.
I wonder if i play in SF and try for 44 kills,i can get the "Combat" too by making 40 kills...
Is it possible?
+13|6729|Amarillo Tx
Yes thats where i got mine, i got 43 and the round ended lol.

we should team up and get our 44 kills as engys somewhere.

Crispin wrote:

Yes thats where i got mine, i got 43 and the round ended lol.

we should team up and get our 44 kills as engys somewhere.
Are you sure?
I got 41 kills.All as Engineer...I didnt get any Expert Engineer Combat Badge....

PS.Look at my team...and the score...
18 vs 143...
That was the third map that i was fighting almost alone and got so close to the Expert Engineer Specialist Badge...

Last edited by kardinalios (2006-08-17 09:02:49)

+13|6729|Amarillo Tx
I had to kill 43 to get my Expert for Vanilla sometimes it fubar like that..

Last edited by Crispin (2006-08-17 11:29:20)

44 for special forces 40 for vanilla

kardinalios wrote:


I try so hard 2 days now to get the Expert Engineer Specialist Badge...
44 kills...

Got in here--->
Warlord map

Game starts and i was British side.Get in the lav and run to get flags and kills.Another guy got the tank and we really kick asses...
It wasnt so hard because we were playing 10 people.
Finally the Insurgent stuck in a flag in the Palace.
Me and the tank just wait them to come...
I was first in points and had about 10 kills.Sudden i see THIS-----> http://img162.imageshack.us/img162/840/loosersmf8.jpg

Wait for a minute and get in again.I saw that the guy on the tank wasnt in...
I think that you can guess what happened....
I asked them when they saw me steel a teammate but of course have no answer...
I got the tank,and went to the Palace again.
Saw two enemys try to escape with Zip Lines.They had [SBP] in there names.Yes...the admins...
Kill the first easily.The second try to blow me with C4 but he didnt make it because he couldnt drop them to the tank.Kill him too...
I saw one guy try to get the lav and escape.Hit him twice and killed him.His nick was SHEjK.

Guess what happened next...Oh yes....Second kick for Stealing...

Try to get 3rd time,but the server had already crashed!!!
The admins were http://bf2s.com/player/20655871/ ,  http://bf2s.com/player/70743661/ and http://bf2s.com/player/43420281/
There web www.i3d.nl EA GAMES TRUSTED PARTER.
Well i am reckoning that this moan is at the the SBP server, one i have played a fair bit on recently. Now though I'm sure you are royally upset about being kicked have you possibly considered whether there may be a reason behind it. I know for a cert that SBP regularly maintain a no APC or Tank use on their server, giving out multiple on screen warnings to players not to use the tanks or apc's. Surprisingly those who give the 'no way' response or simply ignore them on their way round the map in their favorite full metal jacket get kicked. Usually with the shooting/stealing teammates vehicles kick. You'd be amazed how many people log in and think their dreams of armour whoredom have come true, some heed the warnings and others don't, which camp do you fall into mate.

Now while i am not justifying their actions, it is their server like it or not, it is their rules like it or not. I guess it's easy to come on here and say Admins suck by telling one persons side of the story, but maybe you could be a little more expansive with the facts first mate, that is assuming you bothered to take note of them in your fervor to get badges. Hey maybe you could even go to their website and talk to them about it (address is on the their server loading screen).

As others have already said mate there are lots of servers out there to choose from, so don't have a coronary over it.

mymatemarmite wrote:

I know for a cert that SBP regularly maintain a no APC or Tank use on their server, giving out multiple on screen warnings to players not to use the tanks or apc's.

kardinalios wrote:

Saw two enemys try to escape with Zip Lines.They had [SBP] in there names.Yes...the admins...
Kill the first easily.The second try to blow me with C4 but he didnt make it because he couldnt drop them to the tank.Kill him too...
I saw one guy try to get the lav and escape.Hit him twice and killed him.His nick was SHEjK.

Guess what happened next...Oh yes....Second kick for Stealing...

Try to get 3rd time,but the server had already crashed!!!
The admins were http://bf2s.com/player/20655871/http://bf2s.com/player/70743661/ and http://bf2s.com/player/43420281/
That was the third continues game in that server and there wasnt any "no armor in here" rule until then.

But lets see it from the other way...
I guess if theres a "no armor in here" rule,its for everybody.Right?
But the admin took a lav,in the "no armor in here" server,and try to escape.When he saw that he couldnt escape,he kick,to can escape.
So,the rule isnt for everybody...Right?

If theres rulez,i follow them.I LIKE RULEZ.
I hate when the loosers admins make a rule in a sec because they suck as players.

And something last...
I hate to read all the time."Its ok,try to find another server,there thousands."
I want to PLAY the game and i dont want to TRY TO FINDall the time for servers that there admins dont suck.

PS.You are one of those 3?Or an admin in this server?
I see you have only one post,new resistered,and no stats.
I guess that if you were just a visitor,you wont be bothered to write something for SBP...
+164|7016|Normal, IL
I was playing on a very popular server the other day, teamperfection.net's 24/7 karkand and sharqi (although it is only karkand....) anywho, got kicked by an admin named terminal reality twice because, as far as i can tell, i killed him too much. i was commanding when all of a sudden i get a warning from him not to use exploits..... i asked three times what exploit it is i was doing and every time he simply responded: you know..... well, i wasn't using anything and i didnt know, but after the round i got kicked for "language"..... i never swear in-game, it's tasteless, but i headed back in to ask why.

upon arriving he simply said "shut up and play or get kicked" i said, that's all im here to do is play..... a few seconds later im kicked for "JUST PLAY" as the reason.... nice, real mature.

i get back in but decide not to say anything and just proceed to dominate them for about 4 or 5 rounds before the server crashed. they never responded to any messages i left on their website asking why i got kicked, so now i just go there and get on the opposite team and knife him whenever i get the chance, or put c4 on him because all he ever does is sit in armor. either way, im satisfied, but be warned that the admins there are power hungry and pretty childish.

kardinalios wrote:

mymatemarmite wrote:

I know for a cert that SBP regularly maintain a no APC or Tank use on their server, giving out multiple on screen warnings to players not to use the tanks or apc's.

kardinalios wrote:

Saw two enemys try to escape with Zip Lines.They had [SBP] in there names.Yes...the admins...
Kill the first easily.The second try to blow me with C4 but he didnt make it because he couldnt drop them to the tank.Kill him too...
I saw one guy try to get the lav and escape.Hit him twice and killed him.His nick was SHEjK.

Guess what happened next...Oh yes....Second kick for Stealing...

Try to get 3rd time,but the server had already crashed!!!
The admins were http://bf2s.com/player/20655871/http://bf2s.com/player/70743661/ and http://bf2s.com/player/43420281/
That was the third continues game in that server and there wasnt any "no armor in here" rule until then.

But lets see it from the other way...
I guess if theres a "no armor in here" rule,its for everybody.Right?
But the admin took a lav,in the "no armor in here" server,and try to escape.When he saw that he couldnt escape,he kick,to can escape.
So,the rule isnt for everybody...Right?

If theres rulez,i follow them.I LIKE RULEZ.
I hate when the loosers admins make a rule in a sec because they suck as players.

And something last...
I hate to read all the time."Its ok,try to find another server,there thousands."
I want to PLAY the game and i dont want to TRY TO FINDall the time for servers that there admins dont suck.

PS.You are one of those 3?Or an admin in this server?
I see you have only one post,new resistered,and no stats.
I guess that if you were just a visitor,you wont be bothered to write something for SBP...
No Armor rules are against the ROE regardless of the type of server except unranked servers.  The server should be reported.  The should also be reported for kicking for asking why you got kicked in the first place, this sounds a lot like admins abusing their power.

DSRTurtle wrote:

No Armor rules are against the ROE regardless of the type of server except unranked servers.  The server should be reported.  The should also be reported for kicking for asking why you got kicked in the first place, this sounds a lot like admins abusing their power.
No i'm not one of the 3 you have mentioned, they are all Slovenians, SBP - Slovenian Black Panthers, nor am i Sheijk (before you ask). As i said in the post i have played on their server a fair bit recently, and am not one of their admins. Also i didn't say i agreed with the rules, but unlike you i simply adapted to the surroundings. The main reason i posted was because you gave a version of what happened, and i have seen numerous examples on their server of what they do, and the two don't tally thats all.

What you choose to do about it mate is up to you, i personally feel that with all those servers out there to choose from, you must be able to find somewhere that suits your predeliction for Karkand and armour.

Last edited by mymatemarmite (2006-08-21 08:43:38)


mymatemarmite wrote:

No i'm not one of the 3 you have mentioned, they are all Slovenians, SBP - Slovenian Black Panthers, nor am i Sheijk (before you ask). As i said in the post i have played on their server a fair bit recently, and am not one of their admins. Also i didn't say i agreed with the rules, but unlike you i simply adapted to the surroundings. The main reason i posted was because you gave a version of what happened, and i have seen numerous examples on their server of what they do, and the two don't tally thats all.

What you choose to do about it mate is up to you, i personally feel that with all those servers out there to choose from, you must be able to find somewhere that suits your predeliction for Karkand and armour.
I think that this is a complain threat about lame servers and admins.
I saw lame admins and i make my complain.Thats the reason you read MY version.

I like play in Karkand.I like maps that you get points and you dont waste your time by walking long distances,killed,walking long distances,killed* etc etc or waiting for an enemy to kill,or wait to get an airplane or heli etc ect
I dont think that its a crime to like to play in Karkand.Most of the players like to play in Karkand...

About the armor think.Look at my Armor Combat Medal to see my stats and compare them to my total time.Im not all day in armor and doing rounds as you see...If you want to see...

*Even now that there is "Vehicle Drop" sometimes its difficult to find one...Because commander uses it for cartillery,or because they dont see-hear-want to hear the "requesting a pickup"...

I would like to be an thread that admins adv there servers."Come to us and play because we dont suck".IF they suck,report them in the thread.But sometime,they suck too...

Last edited by kardinalios (2006-08-22 06:01:15)

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