Since the expansion as all of you know - the XML feed to this site has been non-functional for most of us.  They haven't fixed it yet.

Also since the expansion arrived, the EA official servers have been stuck on one map (standard Karkand and expansion Devil's Perch).  And they still haven't fixed that... 

The new ribbons and medals are commented out or simply unobtainable given their extraordinary requirements.  There is an air serive ribbon which is unobtainable in the expansion since there are no planes.

For all the good they do, it is amazing to me that these simple things can be so screwed up.  After 7 DAYS of EA server rotations being borked, they haven't even fix that simple little thing.  What is wrong with this compnay?
Just to add to this:

- I’ve met the requirements for veteran anti-tank Specalist 3 times now and haven’t even been awarded basic yet.
- I used the grappling hook 27 times in a round before I got the basic badge (10 uses)
- I got 24 kills in a round without being awarded basic or veteran assault Specalist then next round I get basic after only 6.
- When I kill people they stay in the same position, quite often standing up looking at me. (Spec. Forces)
- I’m often unable to run even with full stamina, it just jerks for a second and that’s it. (Spec. Forces)
- I’ve never been able to use my gas mask since I installed SF.
- Enemies showing up as team-mates / team-mates showing up as enemies all the time.
- Unexplainable lag at totally random times.
- Typing "E" when in team-say / squad-say results in ejecting from an aircraft / chopper.
- Random crashes to desktop in mid game
- Random crashes to BFHQ.
- Jets show team-mates as enemies in bombing view.
- Unable to switch to 3rd person sometimes in jets.
- Most maps stupidly unbalanced. (Iron gator? LoL!)
- Missing red skull and crossbones sometimes on explosives.
- Stats / awards not showing up till days after earning them, or sometimes not ever.
- Many people still cant even run the game since the last patch.
- Anti-Air is more likely to kill your team-mates then the enemy.
- Most filters on the server browser dont work, or dont show any servers at all. Not to mention constant crashing.
- Votes STILL never win due to unrealistic agree percentage requirments.
- Sometimes you need to knife people 3-4 times before they die, but other times its once.
- Switching to detinator when using c4 often throws another pack and blows you up.
- The game is getting like CS for cheaters, punkbuster is useless.
- Random kicks by punk buster with unknown error messages.
- In game server info always shows default port rather then actual port.
- Arty, Supplies and UAV never go where you click on Wetlands and Dalian Plant.
- Sometimes when dropping supplies, no supplies appear but you still have to wait another recharge.
- You cant change your ingame name.
- Sometimes you join a server and your a private with no unlocks.

The state of this game is unacceptable.

Last edited by Kobrakai (2005-11-29 20:01:05)

+0|7057|Vienna- Austria
double amen even
noob on tour
Another thing to add:

- You get the message that you may only join a server with unmodified version of SF although you never modified anything and even installed every necessary patch.
+2|7157|San Jose, CA

ReconSOC wrote:

Also since the expansion arrived, the EA official servers have been stuck on one map (standard Karkand and expansion Devil's Perch).  And they still haven't fixed that...
Let me say that this is DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!  I LOVE Strike at Karkand... but right now i'm getting sick of playing Karkand.  I try to go to other servers, but the clan that owns the server usually OWNS me.  I'd rather be OWNING others than them owning me. 

Dear EA, please fix your servers!!!
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7096|The Hague, Holland
Hm I expierence most of those problems yes, but I can live with it tho. Just not the lag man, lag is horrible.
Give me every bug in the game, but no lag PLZ!


Maybe we should call in XZIBIT and ask HIM to pimp our servers?
MTV, please pimp our servers

Last edited by Sgt.Gh0st (2005-11-30 11:50:42)

Jet Rammer
+4|7040|Debris From Space
yeah most of that stuff has happend to me. the detonator switch bug it's fucking annoying because you end up being killed by the tank you are trying to C4 or, you throw one down and instantly die..
+-1|7122|a galaxy far, far away....
EEEEK. My SF should be delivered tomorrow, but if all of the above apply, I'm not gonnainstall it until ANOTHER patch is released... Holy shit, how can they fuck that hard up an already-buggy game?
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|7057|Malaga, España

jools wrote:

EEEEK. My SF should be delivered tomorrow, but if all of the above apply, I'm not gonnainstall it until ANOTHER patch is released... Holy shit, how can they fuck that hard up an already-buggy game?
''Holy shit, how can they fuck that hard up an already-buggy game?''

1) By trying to make more money
2) By making a new patch

that how to fuck things up

+-1|7122|a galaxy far, far away....
Sounds smooth. I gotta mark that down, just in case I become C.E.O. of some major software house. *wink*
about the c4 problem you mentioned in the above a frequent user of close combat c4, and i havent noticed a change to the use of c4, but i do know that people not familiar to using c4 quickly will often try to blow it up and end up tossing another, and still trying to detonate, will explode themselves. I think its just gamer error on that part, cuz i personnaly noticed no change to use of c4 whatsoever, but sometimes people have problems that others dont due to their systems configs and stuff, so i cant be sure

ReconSOC wrote:

The new ribbons and medals are commented out or simply unobtainable given their extraordinary requirements.  There is an air serive ribbon which is unobtainable in the expansion since there are no planes.
You must be dumb. To get the Air service ribbon you have to play original BF2 with SF to get it. Its the same with the other ribbons aswell.

Chanquad wrote:

ReconSOC wrote:

The new ribbons and medals are commented out or simply unobtainable given their extraordinary requirements.  There is an air serive ribbon which is unobtainable in the expansion since there are no planes.
You must be dumb. To get the Air service ribbon you have to play original BF2 with SF to get it. Its the same with the other ribbons aswell.
So if I play as Spetznatz in vanilla Ill get the service ribbon huh?

Kobrakai wrote:

Chanquad wrote:

ReconSOC wrote:

The new ribbons and medals are commented out or simply unobtainable given their extraordinary requirements.  There is an air serive ribbon which is unobtainable in the expansion since there are no planes.
You must be dumb. To get the Air service ribbon you have to play original BF2 with SF to get it. Its the same with the other ribbons aswell.
So if I play as Spetznatz in vanilla Ill get the service ribbon huh?
You must be dumb aswell. If you own SF you can play the BF2 original maps with those who havent got SF.
So ifyou have a copy of SF installed and then go play on lets say Wake island and totaly own that map with a jet, you will get the Areal Service ribbon.
Have you actually got the ribbon this way? or have any proof whatsoever that this is true?

Kobrakai wrote:

Have you actually got the ribbon this way? or have any proof whatsoever that this is true?
I do not have it, im not a whore, and i only play sf maps now. But if I got veteran assault specialits on wake then it must be that you get the ribbon in vanilla maps. But ask yourself, IF THERE ARE NO PLANES IN SF OF COURSE YOU MIGHT NEED TO GET IT FROM THE MAPS WITH PLANES IN!?!
That doesnt work, so dont shout your mouth off,  about things you have no clue towards. Sf was supposed to include planes, the planes were scrapped from the game eventually. So Based upon this.. either EA forgot to take out the ribbon, or they left it in to make themselves look stupid.
Damn Command and Conquer Generals...
+62|7043|Rochester, NY

Tigg@lot wrote:

Another thing to add:

- You get the message that you may only join a server with unmodified version of SF although you never modified anything and even installed every necessary patch.
YES, YES, YES!!! Finally someone mentioned that!!!
Chanquad -

You are the idiot sir.  You can not get that ribbon in regular BF2 maps even if you have SF.  I have tried it.  It doesn't work.   

Instead of being a jackass and throwing insults around, maybe you should check your facts before you post worthless drivel.

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