Tyferra wrote:
The best squad I've ever been in consisted of:
1 Spec Ops. (Me, Squad Leader,)
1 Medic
2 Anti-Tank
1 Support
1 Sniper
Yes, Snipers are useful in squads. With this particular squad we were defending a point, (Wetlands.) Our Sniper was on the tower giving us a heads up and shooting infantry. Our A-Ts were marking one entrance while I had C4d the other. The Sniper had also layed his two Claymores on the infantry entrances. Support was stationed in the building near the flag. The Medic was with the A-T guys ready to run around to heal everyone. I meanwhile was pretty much the random, running everywhere.
We were assaulted by 2 Tanks, 3 APCs two light transports, (the car things,) and a shit-load of infantry. I managed to take out an APC, (1 person,) and a full transport, (3 people,) with C4. The A-T guys were great. If a veichle went through the entrance thy both fired rockets on either side. Because of that, the driver didn't know where the rockets were coming from, and so one A-T could fire the finishing shot, or the Medic or Support could shoot the guy who got out.
The Sniper was doing his job well, his two claymores were used, (one killed two infantry,) and he was making sure that the Medic, Support and I didn't have to run around too much. The Support guy had to leave his post to re-arm the AT guys who had finished off a second tank and an APC, (one had been killed but the Medic did his job well.) An APC got through, but I managed to sneak up on it and plant two C4 charges and sneak away to blow it up. Unfortunatly, the APC killed our Medic.
The next attack came from one of those dune buggies. It was let through by the A-T guys because they thought it was friendly. It lined up on me and tried to run me over. I just fired shots from my carbine at it while the support guy shot at it too. He managed to kil the top gunner while I got the driver, so the middle gunner was a sitting duck and I killed him.
That was the last assault on that particular point from the enemy. They gave up after that and attacked another point. Still, their constant barrage of me and my squad lost them a lot of tickets and a lot of time, so they only had one capturable control point while USMC had the rest.
I've always wanted to type this story about this, it's still my favourite moment in BF2. If you read all of it, congratulations.
good story. I just wished every BF2 match was like that.
I imagine this game to be even better as soon as we get rid of the lone wolfes ( except for the occasional sniper or Sepc Ops ).
Once I played with a commander who actually communicated with me ( I being SL ) through VoIP, giving specific instructions what he wanted my squad to do. Also, he spotted enemy units for my squad on the inch, up to a point where I was able to blindly lob a gren over a fence to kill an enemy hiding behind it. You never had to worry about enemy vehicles approaching unnoticed, too. He would tell me soon enough, so I was able to prepare my squad for it ( tell 2 of them to spawn as AT or set up a C4 trap ).
Moreover, this guy actually had a valuable tactic for that map worked out, so he'd order the other squads to perform different duties. At that point, the match really was just about map control than anything else.
You never forget these matches. It was one of the rare moments when the game was actually played nearly to its full tactical extent, rather than being just a standard FPs with tanks and helis in it.
Boy, I hope I'll play in a match like that again...