I was at the lead in a ranked server today and at the last few minutes, I got lagged out. By the time I restarted BF2 and reconnected back to the server, it was a new round. That precious gold star just slipped out of your hands over a stupid server lag. I have gotten 4ths alot and always had a chance to get a star of somekind, I get lag. I hate EA and their crappy internet connection quality. Do you always hated that???
gee that stinks. i usually get in the top 3 near the end of the round but then some1 uses a apc or heli and kill slike 5 people and i lose rank 1 thru 3
I just checked my stats, I got bronze star for my efforts. Why! Why! Why stupid lag had to get me!!! I wanted that gold star! Waaaaaahhhhhhh!!!
Okay, I will end that overdramatization...
Okay, I will end that overdramatization...