My best round score is still 138, got it like 2 months ago on Karkand
Yesterday I managed to get 126 points in 20 minutes though
Was playing spetznas on Ghost Town, and immediately jumped in the tank.
Drove to a spawnpoint somewhere in the middle on a map (it's enclosed by a lot of buildings, don't know the name), around which some major fighting was going on
There were 2 supply crates on the road, close to eachother, so I parked the tank between them, and started the massacre
Killed 30-40 enemies, and then the 2 supply crates were destroyed by arty launched by my own commander (I was hit by at least 20 AT rockets before that happened).
Soon after that my tank finally got destroyed (by the Apache), but I got about 20 more kills after I returned.
Then the round ended, got 126 points in 20 minutes, and the person who got the silver medal had less than 40 points