Ok, in the "So long..." thread someone stated there are no hackers in BF2. I've heard this from several people saying something similar, that hackers just don't exist in BF2. This simply is not true. The reason this appears so is for a number of reasons.
1. It's hard to spectate in BF2 and you're often unable to see hacking taking place like you would in CS. Even when spectating an individual, it's hard to catch. Take aimbots. They are nerely impossible to spot. Headshots aren't shown as a kill as they are in other games. So when someone is popping off kills, it's hard to tell they're hacking.
2. There are 2 types of hackers. Idiot hackers (like myg0t) that enjoy fucking with people. The other is those that do it to appear as though the have skill. Since this game promotes ranking up and such, many "idiot hackers" don't exist on servers as their goal isn't to play the game, but to merely disrupt it.
3. Also many hacks that are out, don't include hacks to disrupt gameplay. (Such as speedbots, voiceannoys, etc.) Just less visible hacks like wallhacks, maphacks, and
To back up my statement, follow this link to see the master ban list for Punkbuster games:
As you can see BF2 has already massed nearly 800 bans for game hacks. BF1942 has nearly 1000, and that has been out much longer than BF2.
Not to mention these do not include many hacks that don't get you banned. Some hacks that don't attempt to screw with PB will get you just kicked for 2 minutes before you can rejoin another server. Some hackers prefer these hacks as they don't get you master banned.
So, ya, that's it.
1. It's hard to spectate in BF2 and you're often unable to see hacking taking place like you would in CS. Even when spectating an individual, it's hard to catch. Take aimbots. They are nerely impossible to spot. Headshots aren't shown as a kill as they are in other games. So when someone is popping off kills, it's hard to tell they're hacking.
2. There are 2 types of hackers. Idiot hackers (like myg0t) that enjoy fucking with people. The other is those that do it to appear as though the have skill. Since this game promotes ranking up and such, many "idiot hackers" don't exist on servers as their goal isn't to play the game, but to merely disrupt it.
3. Also many hacks that are out, don't include hacks to disrupt gameplay. (Such as speedbots, voiceannoys, etc.) Just less visible hacks like wallhacks, maphacks, and
To back up my statement, follow this link to see the master ban list for Punkbuster games:
As you can see BF2 has already massed nearly 800 bans for game hacks. BF1942 has nearly 1000, and that has been out much longer than BF2.
Not to mention these do not include many hacks that don't get you banned. Some hacks that don't attempt to screw with PB will get you just kicked for 2 minutes before you can rejoin another server. Some hackers prefer these hacks as they don't get you master banned.
So, ya, that's it.