100% Artillery Magnet
+3|7064|Derby, England
Ah the great "noob tube" vs "my toob owns u" debate.

I've been on the receiving end of a team almost exclusively made up of noob tubers, and god damn they were effective, and gave us a right run for our money. In the right hands the "noob tube" becomes an infantry shredding weapon, and the whole aim of conquest it to reduce the enemy tickets to 0, and one way to do this is to kill as many troops as possible.

I hate being noob tubed and I have hardly used a nube tube myself, but I understand it's importance and place in the game. If a noob is more effective using a low skill weapon, if he was on my team I would rather he used the grenade launcher than constantly get killed and lose us points.
+52|7068|Christchurch New Zealand
Dead right Imp

One of the things i like about SF is the focus on "pure infantry". mainly because the noobtoobers and c4 chuckers seem to have a tougher time of it, because people seem to squad up more (well actually roll as a squad anyway). so the little darlings see the pointman fire and as they are hopping about to reload get a whole heap of ammo unleashed on their cheap asses. MAGIC

I dont have a problem with the GL as such, I think its a fine weapon. I dont like the term noobtoob BUT, when you have a tosser who carts it aroubnt the whole time and fires it at his feet - then does the Bugs on you while he reloads - that gets me angry.

THE GODDAMN LAUNCHER IS A RANGED WEAPON - how hard would it be for EA to make it take out the weasel that fires it straight down, or give it an arming distance aa style?
American Hillbilly
+12|7112|Long Beach, CA
I don't mind getting Nade launched from distance, its the crappy noob player that comes charging around a corner with it out and stumbles across me and lets one loose that kills me just before I woulda got him.  IMHO theres no skill and NO HONOR in running around using a nade launcher as a primary weapon.  It really is more of a situational weapon, say if your attacking vehicles or your outnumbered, or your good with it at distances and have terrible primary weapon aim.
only peeps with no skill use the 'noob tube'?...nah theres no skill in getting killed k/d is crap but i dont blame it on grenade launchers, nor do i like it being called a noob tube (just my opinion), if i have any gripes with BF2 its the amazing zero bomber jet pilots or the dammned bunny hoppers! cmon who would really jump up and down in a war to avoid being hit? it basic training in the real army?...everyone has a gripe with certain classes or weapons in any game..theres no skill in pulling a trigger, theres more skill in not getting killed and actually hitting your intended target. What happens if someone throws too many nades are we gonna call them spammers!.....ffs you use whatever it takes to kill the enemy be it a GL, G3 or a sharpened for bunnies hit the deck and aim for the chest cos they only hopping to try and the game all the same...lets face it theres more to gripe about than just noob tubers *sic* commanders who use arty to take out one guy...watta waste of time and assets....(guilty of that one myself on occasion lol, mainly when our side has no chance of winning 3 tickets to 100)
Don't get me wrong, my best kit is the assault kit because I was halfway decent with the launched nades.  The difference is, I didn't use em at close range.  I didn't run around with it armed.  Minimum range= no problem.  Cause the 203 takes a fair amount of skill to kill with at medium and long ranges.  I don't use it anymore because I can't stand the direction it's going.  It's no surprise that the percent of assault kits to other kits has risen about 350%.

No one has REALLY mentioned what pisses anyone off though.  It's not JUST the fact that the weapon can be whored or used in a manner in which it was not designed.  It's the fact that there is almost nothing you can DO about it.  In BF2 (as in most games) there are a lot of options you have when something is heading your way to kick your ass.  With a noob toob shot (ie. turning a corner, running into an opfor, and him dropping one at both of y'alls feet) you really can't do anything about it.  There are no options except hope to god his aim is bad.  The minimum range is a check/balance on the weapon.  At range, when you see an assault, you can start diving for cover.  As in most classes, their weapons strengths and weaknesses allow you to ewither HAVE an option if surprised, OR, move in a manner that would allow you to have an advantage or option if you think of it ahead of time.  With this, there is nothing you can do except drive a tank.
I like fighting against noobtubes,

most of the time they can't aim anyway so wait for them to reload and use your CS skills to headshot them.
continuosly getting grenade launched? 1)click enter 2)select assault kit 3)use grenade launcher

retaliation is my number one reason for using the nade launcher

you've all got one in your weapon quiver, so stop whining and give the nade whore some payback

aaaaaah...sweet revenge

p.s. real hot chick in your sig maverick

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