I was playing Leviathan today and hopped in a BTR-90 with my engineer kit as I like to do frequently.  I proceeded to go on a killing spree taking CPs left and right.  Everytime someone thought they were gonna get me I'd put up smoke, disappear, and go repair.  Finally I ran out of ammo.  I tried looking around for ammo crates but couldn't find any except for one in the water which was just barely too deep for me to get ammo from.  So then I used to commorose to ask for ammo.  Didn't see any support guys around and didn't get a crate drop.  So then I created my own squad and used the squadrose to request a supply drop and put an icon on the commander's map.  All the arty, UAV, satellite was up.  I put up another supply drop icon a few minutes later.  I kept pestering this asshat for a good 5 minutes and he would never even acknowledge me.  So now I've wasted a good 10 minutes driving around trying to get more ammo.  I almost got to a crate the enemy dropped but it got destroyed.  Finally I ran into a support soldier who hooked me up.  This is the first I have ever even gotten close to beating my kill streak of 37 (I had around 32) and this was in armor.  My previous kill streak of 37 was as commander when those counted towards your streak.  All the time I wasted waiting for ammo fucked me.  Thanks commander asshat.
"Generous mods" < Thats right Systray !
One commander doesn't ruin the name for all of us I love being commander and I always seem to have compliments during that round or in the next. Just don't play on a team where that guy is commander.

SysTray wrote:

One commander doesn't ruin the name for all of us I love being commander and I always seem to have compliments during that round or in the next. Just don't play on a team where that guy is commander.
Yeah I know but I just am seeing this more and more now.  Either I'll be in armor and need more ammo or I'll be at the enemy's artillery needing more C4 to finish them off.  I could understand if our base was a wreck and he needed to get the UAV back up or something but everytime this happened to me all of our equipment in our main was fine.
Vacuum Sealed for Freshness
+26|7002|The Island of Carls Jr.
I only hate commanders when they beat me by one point. They safely sit their asses and not get shot at
and at the same time beat me by 1 goddamn point.....
+-1|7066|a galaxy far, far away....
Well, as said above, 'one' does not mean 'every'... But I agree with you, there's lot of people who only play commander to get the badge or ribbons, so they actually are commander but play normal (to rake in kills as well). Or they play commander trying to be commander but are total morons.

On the other side, playing commander ain't as easy as it seems. 90% of the times squads just don't give a fuck about orders, people doesn't watch the fucking map so dropping UAV or spotting out enemies is useless (I had to get to the point of shouting, all caps 'HEY PLAYERNAME, BEHIND YOU MAN!!!!'... of course it didn't help either).
Then there's like 200 different people asking for supplies at different locations, and 198 of those people are 1-man-squads. And people running straight toward the red artillery icon. Those are just hilarious.
The worst happens when some of the assets get damaged/destroyed: first, nobody ever repairs them, even if kindly asked to via orders and chat. Secondly, they'll keep asking for that asset's service, ie if the artillery is destroyed, the commander will receive like 10 artillery strike requests... At that point, commander explains that artillery is broken and can't fire until someone repairs it. Next, some of those cocksuckers just calls a mutiny vote, which fails miserably as ever.

I don't want to defend those cheap-ass commanders out there, but sometimes I have to say it's quite frustrating to play commander.
I agree. I play commader a lot and am my clan commander and sometimes it's a difficult, thankless job.
My view is that a commanders job is to command and safeguard his assets, which on some maps is not easy.
When the assets are destroyed, and you've been killed 5-10 times defending the assets because no on will assist you, you get people abusing you in VOIP because you didn't give a UAV (which is destroyed) or ammo crate (repairing uav). The intake flag as Mec is a prime example of a commaders worst nightmare.

Then you have the people commader hunting and you cannot effectively command while engaged in combat and so you get mutinied for defending yourself and not commanding.

people ask for ammo crates and artillery strikes in the most bizzare locations.
people do not repair things or team mates if asked (and I do check if there are engineers in the squad)
Men run away from grey flags even when there is no enemy there.
Apparently there is a special rule where a uav must go where the most lone wolf players are spawn raping and not on a three man squad taking a vital enemy commanders flag away from the main action engaging another small squad.
people say yes sir to orders and then go where they want anyway.
Bombers scream at you in voip to stop giving them orders even though you have just told them a location with 2 enemy tanks and an APC on it.
You try giving orders or info using infantry spotted or using VOIP and You receive abuse for being on a power trip etc

I agree there are terrible commanders out there (I personally am not fond of those who fly choppers???!!!) and this is not a way of giving players grief because I know its a game, and some people just wanna do what they wanna do. I mention all of this to try and show that being a commader is NOT an easy job sometimes, and maybe spare a though as to why a good commander is suddenly not giving you an UAV or supply crate. He's probably dead, engaged with spec ops in his base or something else.

One more thing, some people hate that a commander gets double points for winning but they forget that we dont get points for kills, caping flags giving ammo etc, and if we lose the game our points are usually at the bottom of the pile.

Last edited by auxlen (2005-12-02 04:28:52)

youve now just been Pwned by the Mavster
I agree i play for the team when i go commander and not for myself.slthough any points gained do quite help,but one dick,doesnt mean we are all twats

P.s my best kill streak is 44,though i doubt thats great id imagine some of the regs on here,have had higher
I love commanding as well, and I agree a lot of people don't play commander well.  It chaps me to see a commander doing anything other than commanding, or repairing his assets.  A commander in a helo isn't doing either well.  Another problem with commanding is squads don't use the commander effectively.  I have seen jokers requesting arty strikes out in the water, asking for supply drops in an unaccesable area, asking for arty strikes when there is 1 enemy and 10 friendlies in the area and other foolishness like that.  I will always grant sensible requests.  I would like to belive that the people who ask for supplis or arty in the water just don't know how to use the rose, but sadly I think there are people who do it intentionally....OK rant over
I hate people who try and tell me how to command.  I'm a pretty good commander...and I can fight/command.   Although some people out there think it cannot be done since they cannot do it.  Plus I hate it when team members do not follow orders then complain about you commanding or try to start a vote against you. 

***Thanks to all the players who do follow orders and help make the game run like it was designed to.
Hey guys, I am going to have to agree with all my fellow cmdrs. My cmd score right now is 8249, which means I love commanding, and I am going to point out big cmdr gripes from the flip-side.
1. Troops who never follow orders. Not listening to 1 command or a couple, no big deal. But a squadleader who only answers "NO" to every order is very tiresome
2. Troops that never ask for anything. I have a birds eye view of the battlefield, you as the trooper have the 3D view, I need to know exactly where to drop Arty, supplies, send up a UAV, without your help I am making educated guesses.
3.Snipers that camp enemy flags and won't take them. Hell with SF it is easier than ever! ZIP LINE IN!
4.Troopers milling about (multiple squads) a single CP. Look at your map, move on, don't wait for my orders, take initiative, I might be busy, or ASK FOR ORDERS!
5.Protect me, when I cmd, you will never see me, I find a hiding spot as a sniper and put out claymores, but I cannot hold off a major attack, so when I call for backup, BACK ME UP!
+0|6988|im from idaho but liven in MD
Hey guys, just wanted to punch the dead horse and give a little advice as well about commanding. i agree with everyone for the most part about people not listing, spawning lonewolfs asking for supplies in place that are not accessable i.e. inside the warehouse at karkan or in dailian plants in there little warehouse or better yet they call for an arty strike in the ware house, now i always reject those un less its out side the building but come on people be smart about where your request is at. if your in a building your not going to get it cut and dry. lol 

My advice for those that want to listen . i have roughly 13500 points and have all the badges and ribbons i can think of that require something with being a commander.i have been in first place being commander at the end of the round. and beat alot of the people on there with by a stretch of 50pts its not hard but its not easy the best way i can it expain is use your best judgement about the enenmy and your people. talk to your squads dont be quite either type or voice it not all members play squad leaders or member. i can tell you at first it was hard but then when i got the hang of it was easy . i have been on all different types of maps i.e maps where people dont use commander assests, maps where they do use them and the half and half. I have been on maps where people say yes but dont do it. I uusally say what ever. my advice for those that play on maps that dont use commander utilites. easy easy . just play your best judgement if your scan put the uav on the most congested area, keep your self a tank or apc or even a jeep for yourself in case you have to go defend a flag. do not just sit there you have the utiliies you see where people are at learn to figure out where they re going if your not sure after the scan put up a uav in front of the general direction of where there going drop arty on that flag if its an out side flag, try and anticipate there move . if its inside beat them there kill them off or wait till they leave recapture the flag.i ussually play spec ops or engineer when im a commander so i can fix my own stuff and defend my main base. if alot of my utilities are broke then use the supplies to help replinsh quicker if people are asking for supplies and your utilites are destroyed  then put a note on the screen that runs the length of the screen thats says "when my utilities get fixed and your following my direction i will give you your supplies  i can not give them to you at this time Get your squad member to resupply you or fix you"  also if you stay in the vechile and look around as an engineer your can fix the uav or arty . once it comes back on line go to the next damaged utillity and fix it so there back on line dont worry about bring them back to 100% just enough so you can use it the asset. use your best judgement to. if all your stuff is destroyed and the maps flags are still yours them give ressuply request to them and go fix it your self. I usually like to drop ressupplies  in areas where i see the most  friendlies even if they dont ask for it unless some one is asking for it same with the uav more people go to the resupplies the more points you get .not arty i like to drop them on the most red dots if i have people in there then i write across the screen so they do see it  is "arty strike at the hotel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and make the exclamation point run across the screeen it helped me out alot because they see it and read what yousay and go oh okay let me get out of the way hardly anyone listens to default arty strike in your area or even look at the mini map.and if you look on your scan un less they dont care they will move out . i dont mind going into arty strikes yes its a fiffty fiffty chance i will get killed but i try  and keep the flag. now if there is more friendly there then reds  then wait till either the friendlies die off or the red die then strike your arty some where else like a lone wolfer trying for an out side flag at the suburb on karkan. basically try an aticipate the move it helps . maps where people dont want your severice then you just pretend they want it and drop your supplies in the most congest area of friendlywith your uav if you think they need it if you have lone wolf going for a flag and there is no one in the area give him uav . because he is helping you out by getting the flags so do hime the jesture of uav so he is not sitting at the edge of his seat wondering where they are at and keep an i on your utilities. dont count on your team to help repair your stuff. Just think do it your self . Most of the time they will because there looking for repair points but when they dont just do it for  yourself.
    Also hold your control button down and select all squads. so that when you make commands its going to several squad leaders half of them Will or NOT follow  your commands and if any of them are in tanks or apc and they will follow your direction thats  2 or 3 people going after a flag that might get captured the rest will say no dont bother about it Give mass commands it help big time even if squad 2 is on the other side of the map it  but if squad two is the only one in the area and squad 3 4 5 are in the middle of taking a flag then just select 2 and tell him or her to go where you need him. also left click on them after they are highlighted and let them know you ahve supplies or arty avaible. do your self a favor is if a lone wolf is asking for uav and  you know for a fact that NO-one is in there in the area either tell him by voice or type it on the screen so he knows. it will help you later because when you need him do some thing later he will. especially if he is playing sniper. I will post more about my experiance with commander later but i hope these hints help you But the best advice pay attention to the player in the early part of the game find out who is and whose not following orders the  ones that do give them what they need but make a judgment call make sure to pass off voice commands or notes to let them know why you could not they will apprectiate it and keep a good head on there shoulder instead of mutiny you later . A good part about being commander is letting them know whats is going on . If you dropped supplies already and it recharging write or say that supplies are recharging and you will put a call as soon as they are available even if the default command does it it self.
Oh yeah, JOIN OR CREATE SQUADS! It really pisses me off when I am dropping arty and some squeeze-bag with no squad afilliation comes flying into the impact area, after I have warned arty 10X!
Oh yeah, Engineers, when we ask you to mine an area, MINE IT! YOU WILL MAKE POINTS AND AVOID TKS!
Get your body beat.
no points for blowing bridges..

but spec ops, if you see an engie repairing, let him repair..... dont kill him..... those repair points are damn hard to get....
+0|6981|Longview, TX
Doesn't the BTR-90 go in water?
+3|7038|Abilene, Texas
You get a bad commander? Leave.  I hate commanders that engage in combat and spend as much time dead than spotting for me.  You can't mutiny because nobody votes anymore.

The only thing I hate about being commander is when the round is half way done when I join a map, and nobody is commander, so I proceed to apply and be commander.  Then people start bitching about UAV's and supply boxes.  Saying stuff like " I have been asking you for five minutes."  Why don't these intelligent people be commander then?  My guess is most people have never tried or are not very good at it and bitch at people who at least try.
To The Front
+4|7013|Columbus, Indiana

jools wrote:

The worst happens when some of the assets get damaged/destroyed: first, nobody ever repairs them, even if kindly asked to via orders and chat.
Please don't say nobody, say some of the people I play with. I am not good at this game but I try my best. I found that the only thing I seem to do ok at is repairing my teams stuff. My commander dosen't even have to ask if I see its down I will do the best I can to get it fixed. But sometimes I will be playing another kit and as you can see it don't take long for me to get killed. But I will spawn as engineer and get that stuff fixed because I know how important that stuff is. I read some of the posts that people put up about being commander and I try to learn that stuff. But still nothing beats experience and I only have 4h19m24s as commander but I haven't gotten any complaints yet, but I still have a lot to learn.
+-1|7066|a galaxy far, far away....

elmer1082 wrote:

jools wrote:

The worst happens when some of the assets get damaged/destroyed: first, nobody ever repairs them, even if kindly asked to via orders and chat.
Please don't say nobody, say some of the people I play with. I am not good at this game but I try my best. I found that the only thing I seem to do ok at is repairing my teams stuff. My commander dosen't even have to ask if I see its down I will do the best I can to get it fixed. But sometimes I will be playing another kit and as you can see it don't take long for me to get killed. But I will spawn as engineer and get that stuff fixed because I know how important that stuff is. I read some of the posts that people put up about being commander and I try to learn that stuff. But still nothing beats experience and I only have 4h19m24s as commander but I haven't gotten any complaints yet, but I still have a lot to learn.
Well, you're the black sheep. Yet, looking forward to playing along with you. :)
i get annoyed by many things involving the commander position:

commanders who:
-don't command and are just in the position for the possibility of double points
-take a valuable vehicle like a tank and just park in a corner and command from it
-continuously spam pointless enemy spotted messages on the chat (like a harmless sniper on the far side of a map)
-continuously every round always order me to try and sneak and cap the enemy's back base (i always get stuck with this order) and get mad when i don't want to do it anymore
-ignore continuous calls for supplies or UAV and then promptly when the assets load they give them to someone else
-drop artillery on a flag that their team has just invaded, usually resulting in mutiple teamkills
-insist i repair artillery or blow up a bridge when i am a sniper in an empty squad

*i only have a couple hours of commandeering under this profile, but on my old nickname i loved to command

soldiers who:
-as a lone wolf insist on supplies, but don't tell you where they are at
-refuse to follow legitimate orders, like trying to cap a flag they are right by
-ignore my begs to play AT for one life to take out the tank that has been raping our flag for the last 10 minutes
-don't apply for the command position, but immediately start kick votes when i am accepted
-get mad when you don't have an asset immediately ready to be dropped on their arses
-move into friendly artillery radius after numerous warnings
-refuse to repair assets, when they are playing as engineer kit and are closer to the assets then me (i almost always play engineer as commander)
-refuse to come back and help defend our main base when an enemy squad is roaming in it and killing me, continually destroying my assets, and stealing our armor and/or aircraft.

enemy commanders who:
-continuously send squads deep into enemy territory to kill me and destroy my assets
-continuously drop arty on me when i am alone deep within my main base
-arty rape the fuck out of an uncappable flag so my team doesn't even have a chance of making any progress
-drop a supply crate on my head when i'm not moving... actually that's pretty funny when it happens
BF2sEU old school admin - I don't care who you are

DeltaForceWarrior wrote:

-move into friendly artillery radius after numerous warnings

-refuse to repair assets, when they are playing as engineer kit and are closer to the assets then me (i almost always play engineer as commander)

-refuse to come back and help defend our main base when an enemy squad is roaming in it and killing me, continually destroying my assets, and stealing our armor and/or aircraft.
1. ... and complain about the TK...
2. thats what you have to do, because nobody else cares
3. e.g. Karkand 64: I often have to play in an APC when I'm MEC-Commander because my team does not care about the four flags on our side of the bridge so i have to defend them alone. And usually someone starts to complain when I need some time to answer requests then. Hey boys, what about some help?
(I want to get the WCR one day and I don't want to get it by switching teams...)
Ive noticed this alot lately, commanders running around flying attacking or whatever besides commanding. I have 42 hours of commanding. I have never gotten into a helo or jet while commanding. It isnt possbile to fly and command at the sametime.  DOING A GREAT JOB AT IT.
  If you want to attack while commanding go and snipe . I did it last night and had gotten something like 25 kills whiel doing . I capped 4 flags. (JEEP) the same flag over an over. They would take it, I would arty it, I would take it. But flying around or playing as if you werent commanding is BULLSHIT.
BF2sEU old school admin - I don't care who you are

A commander should be a kind of joker who does some important jobs like defending your main base or repairing his "toys". But he should not go into the main battle.
And he should support his team with quick actions like dropping supplies near a tank that asks for repairs when he knows that there is no engi next to it.

Last edited by Mike<Eagle23> (2005-12-06 07:01:20)

+0|6988|im from idaho but liven in MD
The only flying that a commander can do if you want to is back seat driver of any double cockpited airplanes or as a gunner in the attack helo's if and only IF HE/ SHE Has a good pilot that can last awhile. because he still needs to be spotting and sending request as needed. IF your going to be in the support helo play a seat and re supply your helo as either being a medic or enginner or supply guy. it will help the people shooting the guns if you do that and you can still be spotting and supplieing and uav where its needed. but you must have a good team to do so. I have a 104 hours of commander time. I always play commander and i alway engage in cobat i have not been mutinied by other becasue of a horrible job . i usually get mutinied because some one else wants it for badges or medals or because they have never had the oppertuinity to do so. i usually let them by resigning but if i go to request some thing as a squad leader and the commander has no position i take it back and continue my commander duties.

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