
not too bad Accuracy

nice to see you play all different maps

balanced out vehicles and infantry

not too bad stats...should get BF2 SF...its more fun:]
Keep up the good work:]

BF2s AU Server Admin
+315|6894|Melbourne, Australia.
@Leesupport...wow! lots of gator.

Not bad SPM, good win/loss but you can probably work on your inf KDRs

Nice SPM, K/D and win/loss

Some medic whoring on karkand i guess, but still a good k/d with that kit.
Nice driver scores i think.
And he likes his jet.
And no purple heart, thats good.

All in all i think his/hers stats are solid

Last edited by voodoodolphins (2006-08-31 01:49:43)

Immobile Sniper
> I've looked at the stats of not just the guy above me,but close to 2 pages of responses on the subject,and I haven't seen anyone who ISN'T a better player than me,including the guy above me. Not to hijack the thread,but coming from a guy old enough that I've been playing video games in general,arcade included for 26 years,the skills some of you here have are just plain disgusting. So,here are your BIG UPS. Tommy D.

Immobile Sniper wrote:

> I've looked at the stats of not just the guy above me,but close to 2 pages of responses on the subject,and I haven't seen anyone who ISN'T a better player than me,including the guy above me. Not to hijack the thread,but coming from a guy old enough that I've been playing video games in general,arcade included for 26 years,the skills some of you here have are just plain disgusting. So,here are your BIG UPS. Tommy D.
Dude u suck and your stats are shit

Immobile Sniper wrote:

> I've looked at the stats of not just the guy above me,but close to 2 pages of responses on the subject,and I haven't seen anyone who ISN'T a better player than me,including the guy above me. Not to hijack the thread,but coming from a guy old enough that I've been playing video games in general,arcade included for 26 years,the skills some of you here have are just plain disgusting. So,here are your BIG UPS. Tommy D.
im not sure i understand what you are saying...plz clarify.
Re-Incarnation. You mean re-spawn right?
+44|6959|Cardiff - Wales - UK

voodoodolphins wrote:

Immobile Sniper wrote:

> I've looked at the stats of not just the guy above me,but close to 2 pages of responses on the subject,and I haven't seen anyone who ISN'T a better player than me,including the guy above me. Not to hijack the thread,but coming from a guy old enough that I've been playing video games in general,arcade included for 26 years,the skills some of you here have are just plain disgusting. So,here are your BIG UPS. Tommy D.
im not sure i understand what you are saying...plz clarify.
Not bad. a few medals you can get there if you put the effort in
+519|6935|Gold coast, Aus.

leetkyle wrote:

Very nice, although you're a karkand whore ;P
"ex-karkand whore" would be better karkand was the only map my old card didnt artifact on. now i have my new one, I playall the maps.

and stomper, good KD:R and good to see you play all maps (with a bit of karkand in between =P) Could do with more victims, but i know i should have more victims then i actually have. And very little tk's ect = good.


Last edited by gene_pool (2006-08-31 02:29:20)

I knife Generals
+278|6850|Search Whore killing fields
gene. Nice stats, spm nice, kdr is nice. Good to see you play all the mpas. Your like me. I started out as a karkand junkie, Now i just play what ever map i think will be fun today. 9/10. I like your shiney rank badge. It reminds me of fish sticks

Last edited by DirtyMexican (2006-08-31 02:30:33)


gene_pool wrote:

leetkyle wrote:

Very nice, although you're a karkand whore ;P
Could do with more victims, but i know i should have more victims then i actually have. And very little tk's ect = good.

Can you explain me how the victim list works, i cant seem to figure it out.

M24 Abuser
+99|6814|Valley of the Dragons
DirtyMexican :

SAK Expert with time in Tank & Transport. Nice BRS of 300+ as USMC.

A more or less even spread between all the Kits, with a tendency to use the unarmored classes Medic, SpecOps and Sniper. Lots of Clay kills btw
50/50 on being either a teamplayer or a loner, depends on your class I guess.

Has worked on getting all is his badges & ribbons and is now putting in time (I guess) to get them to Expert level.

Try playing more SF you will like it and it makes for a nice change of pace
Nade Spammers Must Die
Jemme101: 758hrs only Sgt Major, Ouch
Dragon Valley most played map - Cool
I can forgive you for poor Inf stats because of maps.
Immobile Sniper
> I'm saying that from the stats I've seen,videos I've seen,and things I've seen done in-game,I never would have imagined that people would take their skills that far,so I'm giving props. I started playing arcade games when Asteroids was bigger than the PS1,and saw what the best Asteroids player that ever lived played like,so I can appreciate genuine skill at FPS games,and the pure genius that some display. As far as me being a shit player,according to one guy,I can't argue with that,considering that my first real experience with FPS games was Half-Life 2 Deathmatch. At the time,I had always been more into the PS sports games like Madden,because the most advanced game my home computer would play was Motocross Madness 2. I played on a friends spare machine,in his server,for 6 months before I had a k/d ratio of just 1.00,playing sometimes 4-5 hours a night getting drilled. I've only played CS:S 5-6 times,and never on my own machine,always at the same friends house. This is still kind of new to me,as opposed to some of you that have playing FPS games as long as they've been available. I still make mistakes all the time in the game,think to do something a second or 2 before I can do it physically,and all kinds of stuff. I'm working on it,but since I work full time,I'm a full-time student learning to program CNC,have a 4 yr old son and another child on the way,and 5-6 other things I enjoy or pursue,the time to spend 247 hours playing a video game since April 12th like Mr. Botswana above me is not something I have right now. On the other hand,if Mr. "you suck" wants to contact me and set up a meeting to play Madden for a couple hundred a game,or real pool for a much larger amount that that,I'm not hard to find. Thanks for the encouragement Stomper,and hopefully this will clarify things for Voodoo. JimmyBotswana,are you hungry? If so,eat a dick. Tommy D.
BF2s AU Server Admin
+315|6894|Melbourne, Australia.

Sgt_Bob05 wrote:

Jemme101: 758hrs only Sgt Major, Ouch
Dragon Valley most played map - Cool
I can forgive you for poor Inf stats because of maps.
WTF bob? poor inf stats? his sniper rifle KD is 13:1!!!! You're crazy bob! .

Anyway, @ up

Why post your whole life story for .

Last edited by -[Silver.Inc* (2006-08-31 04:29:07)

I'm just that good
+156|6932|Cork, Ireland
@ Silver.Inc:

Love the KD Ratio and SPM but get those SF Badges!

Last edited by BlaZin'Feenix (2006-08-31 04:32:02)

+519|6935|Gold coast, Aus.

BlaZin'Feenix wrote:

@ Silver.Inc:

Love the KD Ratio and SPM but get those SF Badges!
KD:R right on the 1.00 good job.

Your nearly out of the first seargent stage (biggest jump in the game) after that its easy sailing. Pretty all round player
captured alot of control points and have a good k/d
Nade Spammers Must Die

-[Silver.Inc* wrote:

Sgt_Bob05 wrote:

Jemme101: 758hrs only Sgt Major, Ouch
Dragon Valley most played map - Cool
I can forgive you for poor Inf stats because of maps.
WTF bob? poor inf stats? his sniper rifle KD is 13:1!!!! You're crazy bob! .

Anyway, @ up

Why post your whole life story for .
Yeah must of missed that GJ on that very impressive
Say Hello to My 11-87

gene_pool wrote:

BlaZin'Feenix wrote:

@ Silver.Inc:

Love the KD Ratio and SPM but get those SF Badges!
KD:R right on the 1.00 good job.

Your nearly out of the first seargent stage (biggest jump in the game) after that its easy sailing. Pretty all round player
For a sniper, i figured the K ratio and claymore kills will be higher.  Nice accuracy.  If you werent a sniper I would say you flag captures are low, but you bring up alot of assists so it shows you pay attention.  As for yourr medic stats, very nice revive numbers, heals are just as important

Last edited by Sigarms357 (2006-08-31 04:50:00)

i smell burning

Chillin&killin wrote:

captured alot of control points and have a good k/d
Nice established account, although bit too much karkand.
Nice inf ratios, lethal with a claymore
Nade Spammers Must Die

Immobile Sniper wrote:

> I'm saying that from the stats I've seen,videos I've seen,and things I've seen done in-game,I never would have imagined that people would take their skills that far,so I'm giving props. I started playing arcade games when Asteroids was bigger than the PS1,and saw what the best Asteroids player that ever lived played like,so I can appreciate genuine skill at FPS games,and the pure genius that some display. As far as me being a shit player,according to one guy,I can't argue with that,considering that my first real experience with FPS games was Half-Life 2 Deathmatch. At the time,I had always been more into the PS sports games like Madden,because the most advanced game my home computer would play was Motocross Madness 2. I played on a friends spare machine,in his server,for 6 months before I had a k/d ratio of just 1.00,playing sometimes 4-5 hours a night getting drilled. I've only played CS:S 5-6 times,and never on my own machine,always at the same friends house. This is still kind of new to me,as opposed to some of you that have playing FPS games as long as they've been available. I still make mistakes all the time in the game,think to do something a second or 2 before I can do it physically,and all kinds of stuff. I'm working on it,but since I work full time,I'm a full-time student learning to program CNC,have a 4 yr old son and another child on the way,and 5-6 other things I enjoy or pursue,the time to spend 247 hours playing a video game since April 12th like Mr. Botswana above me is not something I have right now. On the other hand,if Mr. "you suck" wants to contact me and set up a meeting to play Madden for a couple hundred a game,or real pool for a much larger amount that that,I'm not hard to find. Thanks for the encouragement Stomper,and hopefully this will clarify things for Voodoo. JimmyBotswana,are you hungry? If so,eat a dick. Tommy D.
Waste of pixels
i smell burning
@ Sgt_Bob, you only had to take a look at his stats to see he was joking. He's the first player I have seen in ages that has under 1/1 KDR in all vehicles!!!
Just remember Sniper, practice makes perfect I'm sure you'll adapt.
Platinum Star whore
+365|6991|Middle of nowhere
@ Bob:

-FREAKIN high SPM!! sweet job!
-awesome KD ratio aswell , especially with half kills in infantry
-kill streak and death streak are both pretty sexy
-Come one now, there's more than Karkand ya know
-sweet amount of victims!
-awesome accuracy, i wish i had that with Assault rifles
-Great tank and plane ratios, very impressive
-what?? you haven't played a 25 min round??!?!?!?  come on, i'm sure you can take some 'Time off' to get the Infantry Officer ribbon, or take some more time to get your 3 Combat Action medals that you could have
-same with the other ribbons, i'm sure you can get them, just take a little TIME

great job all around m8!! keep up the awesome work! , it's hard to find an Assault player that good, nice job

good luck on getting Vet Helo if you go for it
i smell burning
@genius - yep that you are, read the topic title? Same as bob before you i guess...
"Generous mods" < Thats right Systray !
Alright, hopefully I'll get a better opinion than "Chopper slut" out of this one.

Attritus, you're good. Get the SPM and KDR to 3 (by any means) and you can call yourself leet.

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