> I'm saying that from the stats I've seen,videos I've seen,and things I've seen done in-game,I never would have imagined that people would take their skills that far,so I'm giving props. I started playing arcade games when Asteroids was bigger than the PS1,and saw what the best Asteroids player that ever lived played like,so I can appreciate genuine skill at FPS games,and the pure genius that some display. As far as me being a shit player,according to one guy,I can't argue with that,considering that my first real experience with FPS games was Half-Life 2 Deathmatch. At the time,I had always been more into the PS sports games like Madden,because the most advanced game my home computer would play was Motocross Madness 2. I played on a friends spare machine,in his server,for 6 months before I had a k/d ratio of just 1.00,playing sometimes 4-5 hours a night getting drilled. I've only played CS:S 5-6 times,and never on my own machine,always at the same friends house. This is still kind of new to me,as opposed to some of you that have playing FPS games as long as they've been available. I still make mistakes all the time in the game,think to do something a second or 2 before I can do it physically,and all kinds of stuff. I'm working on it,but since I work full time,I'm a full-time student learning to program CNC,have a 4 yr old son and another child on the way,and 5-6 other things I enjoy or pursue,the time to spend 247 hours playing a video game since April 12th like Mr. Botswana above me is not something I have right now. On the other hand,if Mr. "you suck" wants to contact me and set up a meeting to play Madden for a couple hundred a game,or real pool for a much larger amount that that,I'm not hard to find. Thanks for the encouragement Stomper,and hopefully this will clarify things for Voodoo. JimmyBotswana,are you hungry? If so,eat a dick. Tommy D.