Base "rapin". I was playing SAS on Warlord as a medic and had a KDR or about 1:3. WFF?
it was on a clan ranked server and they played sharqi 32 and we where 25 players on the server.
I was ground pounding and got a score of 190p and when we had 3 tickets left i got banned.
Message says :  I just dont trust you.
+385|6804|Northern California
I was on Dragon Valley SNIPER ONLY server, and some of my teammates were crossing the lake and ganking people with grenades and planting claymores.  Until then, admins were telling people not to do that or get banned.  But when I told these guys (probably friends with admins) to get back over because i didn't want another game PAUSE..they told me to STFU.  Well, i wasn't gonna put up with that so i told the admin to do his job..then he said i should be respectful of the admin..then I said, "How bout the ADMIn stfu and die beotch!!" 

Well, maybe it was an appropriate ban/kick..but i was still in the right.  lol
+3|6788|Virginia, USA
I was kicked on the first server I ever joined when I first started playing didn't even have any rank or anthing yet. ....I joined and right after was kicked for the reason: "We don't allow Nubs here"
Pissed me off something fierce lol
being #1 score on the team with admin #2
Mr. 20,000
I have been picked for a high average ping of 90!!!
Where's my coffee gone!?
being a prat
Kicked because i killed admin 2x by the TV rocket while he was learning how to fly with transport heli... Then, when I shot the third rocket, admin's heli started to fall and then.. Little Lag and...
You were kicked. Reason: TK'ing or killing teammates for vehicles... I couldn't stop laughing...
kicked because I did not a join a squad.
Can i ask  you all some thing? do you know of a server called  24/7 GULF OF OMAN [RUS] ? Well if you do dont go to it  the admin is a dick. well put it this way i was playing with him and i was wating for a chopper  and out of know were he comes and tacks its but i didn't say crap to him rofl and after he got in the air he hit the ground  i didn't call him noob or stuff like that i jsut did lol and after he got killed he came to get the chopper  but i got it frest so you know  what he dose because i got the chopper and he didn't he bans me and the ban sed you have ben baned for.... this is what he sed .....banded for.. Noob Fag Jue just like that just what i sed [noob fag jue]  all because i got the chopper before he did rolf its so sad so if you see the server called 24/7 GULF OF OMAN [RUS] dont go on it ok becasue the admin is a jack a$$ he well ban you for the dumest crap so dont go on 24/7 GULF OF OMAN [RUS]               
                                                                      TY FOR READY THIS
Can i ask  you all some thing? do you know of a server called  24/7 GULF OF OMAN [RUS] ? Well if you do dont go to it  the admin is a dick. well put it this way i was playing with him and i was wating for a chopper  and out of know were he comes and tacks its but i didn't say crap to him rofl and after he got in the air he hit the ground  i didn't call him noob or stuff like that i jsut did lol and after he got killed he came to get the chopper  but i got it frest so you know  what he dose because i got the chopper and he didn't he bans me and the ban sed you have ben baned for.... this is what he sed .....banded for.. Noob Fag Jue just like that just what i sed [noob fag jue]  all because i got the chopper before he did rolf its so sad so if you see the server called 24/7 GULF OF OMAN [RUS] dont go on it ok becasue the admin is a jack a$$ he well ban you for the dumest crap so dont go on 24/7 GULF OF OMAN [RUS]               
                                                                      TY FOR READY THIS
Good post, i recently got kicked/banned numerous times but my recent was from 137 and =dom= special forces server because they claim that i was using a msx hacks wich i have no fcking clue what it is. Nowadays i try to find servers that has no clan members of the server because once you start owning them they bring up newb fcking excuses and say anything to kick/ban you.
Kicked for "stealing a tank", coincidentally after not bailing out of the apache for an admin. (Sin_669)
Paddles/Plane Whore
+28|6874|Australia, NSW
kicked for shockpaddling one of my clan leaders/our server admins, and taking a screenshot. he only kicked me as a joke, and i posted the screenshot on the clan forums for bragging rights anyway.
Was on Midnight Sun on usmc and as there were only about 10 - 12 people on they were all bunched up in the middle so i grabbed the jet and used it to bail for the far western flag near the enemy non cap so we can get a few flags and spread out a little, jumped in the AA tank and waited at the flag just rollin back and forth, as the flags going down i see a tow missile barely miss my front end, not seeing were exactly it came from i scanned around and saw another one barely miss my tail end a third goes past and ive capped the flag and i see the tow placement right up on the hill on the edge of the non cap so i returned fire and took the guy out, got kicked for base rape! I mean ffs i was being fired upon and only responded in kind, i couldnt believe the admin had actually managed to miss me 3 times as it is.

Surely if theres a no base rape rule it shouldnt allow them to stay within the safe confines of the "demilitarised zone" and open fire without any retaliation

Clear! You're good to go!
+17|6799|"Near Det.", MI
Who here knows p.skunk? If you do you know his server and their rules: No attacking the main bases until it's the last base...you know where iam going with this.

I wish I has screen shots of the conversation...Its on the jalalabad map 64 size and 16 player, I just got done capping the lake flag which was their last ...so then I haul ass to their base (American base, Iam MEC) to blow up stuff and before I blow up their arty I say, "Last base." and boom...it's done. Then I ask commander for supplies yadda yadda yadda, I blow up the UAV thing and one flag goes neutral. So I am thinking I should get out fast or some idiot will start to complain to him. So I start walking to the lake thinking that if I steal a car or tank, I will get banned for taking their stuff when it's not the last base. I get kicked. I return 60sec. later to him shouting at me for being at the base. I say, "That was your last base" and he says, "Thats it, watch your mouth, your banned!" And as hes clicking and typing to bann me I say, "As soon as it went neutral, I started to walk away." Then It went to HQ stating that I got banned for excessive teamkinning or as a sucessful vote...I was in first place with no tk's or flashes.

That just happened too.
scout rush kekeke ^___^
+116|6870|Brisbane, Aus

kicked for being teamkilled by the admin cause he wanted a plane, he never got it lol
One shot wonder
i got banned because the admin wanted the jet i was in
Howdah Lysozyme
+21|6940|Pittsburgh, PA
"flag hopping" with the helo on Mass Destruction...I took one flag the entire round and pwnd em with rockets for the rest.
Tank Troll
+71|7003|London, UK
On the first day 1.4 was out..

GOP Sympathizer
+266|6804|Menlo Park, CA
apparently I have ONE ban to my name!!

However, I have no clue as to how I got banned!!!! I have never cheated or done anything to warrent a ban IMHOP ever!! as long as I have been playing this game!!!!

It happened in April of this year, I dont know what server it was. . . guess just one of those things!!  When you own an admin, and they get pissed, you get banned! LOL I am not too worried about it, but I just cant remember anyone getting upset with me on a server threatening to ban my ass EVER!!
I have two bans i dont understand the reason for.  right now im up to 66 kicks which i know the reason for, but the bans do not make sense. 

1st Ban) I was accused of using a health hack.   First of all i dont even know how to hack the game and secondly, i was banned cause the pwned the admin with a anti-tank rocket while he was in a chopper.  I for what server that was.  LOL

2nd Ban) I was banned to make room for a member of the server eventhough it was a 64 player server and only 12 people were on the server at the time.  If an admin is going to ban someone cause they are playing better than them on thier own server, be honest enough to say so. 

The second way i described has happened to me on more than one occasion where im doing well on a server (scoring twice as much as the opposing team or teammates), then suddenly get kicked for excessive team killing or some other stupid reason i did not commit.

Has anyone else experienced this?
+186|6872|The real world
for pwning a 3 star general over "his" runway
Stocking ur medpacks
+135|6976|Groningen, The Netherlands

Major Payne wrote:

because I'm so bored I'm making this topic you can put here you're lamest reason for being kicked or banned
my lamest i even got 2

1. Kicked for team killing in a server where FF is off
2. Kicked for having a high ping 1 minute long before i even was in the game

Whats yours?
"Kicked to make room for a member"
I was in first place with 32 kills and  only 1 death

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