ok this one is kinda in most servers. you know that every single person that plays this game is selfish. say your on a 32 play server not a big deal guarding the flags eh? ok say you feel like being the hero of the round and you venture off by yourself and you capture a few flags then along comes the rest of your damn team tryin to get the rest of the flags and one is guarding the flags left behind the mass of troopers flawking toward the next flag. then the enemy just follows the group of guy reclaiming the flags after the mass of ppl desert the flag to get the next one. then you yourself after getting those flags have to go back and reclaim them. most likely getting killed over and over again because everyone else is so god damn selfish they dont feel like helping you......tell me who here would that piss off. i have to do this crap every round i play. ok this is a recent one you know on wake ya get two jets for bombing runs and shooting down enemy planes/choppers. heres what happend while i was playing wake. i was usmc we had the jets but they werent doin much not shooting down enemy aircraft....at all. but they'de rather hover over the sea and use their machine guns to mow down ppl trying to cross a bridge. while the enemy aircraft own our asses with their planes and attack choppers. we  and our choppers (wait what choppers) oh yeah the ones that did nothing to help but they flew around the water cataloging the aquatic animals. then the tk's everyones heard this one either the clays or the at mines or the bailing outa the chopper tk's. especialy those morons that thing they can take a jog in front of your car while you drive toward them. or they hop on top of you car cause they know the car is full and they think they will get a free ride. gotta love these dumb ass nubs. k no more complaining about tk's oh yeah the guys that tk for a vehic on there you go the most populare nub in the game. forgot about them. oh well they need to start like selling punching bags with games to deal with the nubs. I DONT WANT ANY NEGATIVE FEEDBACK SO KEEP IT TO YOURSELF.....................................................................................

ubersoldat...dos sniper wrote:

I DONT WANT ANY NEGATIVE FEEDBACK SO KEEP IT TO YOURSELF.....................................................................................
Would suggesting a paragraph or two be considered negative feedback? 
177th Field Artillery
+39|7054|In your head
You saying that everyone that plays this game is selfish means your are as well. It is part of game get used to it! Oh and another thing they are helping get flags and you get mad? Going solo is also being selfish if you on a team and help others by medicing and what not that is teamwork.
lol not really i was too pissed to think about proper grammer. besides unless this is an eglish teachers forum i dont care about grammer.
there is no TEAM if you are part of a squad thats one thing but there is no team if you are near other so called team members and you happen to die and they are medics they should help you eh? most ppls dont do that. thats not a team is a randomly put together group of ppl set on one goal getting kills by all means. and the only reason i go off by myself is because there is no team. unless "theunknownsoldier" is playing then we team-up you know work together heal eachother dont leave anyone behind sorta team. and blowing off guys left and right hoping your teammates will get em isnt teamwork

ubersoldat...dos sniper wrote:

...besides unless this is an eglish teachers forum i dont care about grammer.
Well then I won't point out that its grammar
(kidding, don't take me seriously... if I were serious I'd point out that theres an N in english)

ubersoldat...dos sniper wrote:

I DONT WANT ANY NEGATIVE FEEDBACK SO KEEP IT TO YOURSELF.....................................................................................
so u just want people to agree with u?
if everyone in bf2 is selfish, then that isn't selfishness, because the bar is raised on the selfishness scale, and by posting this and not thinking ur words over more carefully and being such a douche, u are very high above that raised bar of selfishness
ArmChair Warrior
+4|7069|NH - USA
Step away from the keyboard...grab a drink and go out on the balcony and smoke something.

When I log on to play I usually try to do the right thing and win, etc...but I'm also trying real hard not to take the game as seriously as others here do. YikEs! I may be selfish on occasion, but I paid for the game and it wont really hurt anyone that bad. I guess I see both sides of the coin.

We need to start a BF2 12 step program.

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