tor11 wrote:
Iv used the G3 when iwas in service in the Norwegian army, and it it recond too be the most reliable weapon made, u can also get with a nade lancher too, scope and two feet, its good sniper rifle too! I was a medic and we had target practice with it and if u were good u had no problem hitting a target on 500m and longer ! the inpact alone on close range is werry deadly, the shock alone kills more than the bullet, the bullet mowes i circles (kalled vikking) has a smal entry wound and exitwound the sice of a fist! soo the G3 we use in Bf2 is a lot weaker than the real thing! it goes threw armored west with no problems! soo it a god weapon i use it alot in game!
Most reliable? Its a great weapon, but I would pick an AK or FAL over it for reliability. How much experience do you have with it vs. other weapons? I'm not trying to say the G3 is bad, but its not my top pick for servicability or reliability. I'll take the other two before the G3. Oh, and forget it if it malfunctions and you need parts. Creek, no paddle.