hey i got one ques can u get sf badges in reg bf 2 like medic,anti-tank, sniper, and etc.. b/c i am trying get my expert badge for medic....
yes you can! Just say you can and you can! Yea you can get reg. and SF badges. Pretty much the samething in BF2 just they added a SF in front of the original.
really? i tried last time for my badges for throwing 10 flashbangs and i did this.. and got nothingArkAng37 wrote:
yes you can! Just say you can and you can! Yea you can get reg. and SF badges. Pretty much the samething in BF2 just they added a SF in front of the original.
According to my information, you cannot get SF badges in BF2. you can, however, get BF2 badges in SF.
sounds like DICE/EA logic to me
so u cant sf badges in reg bf2
i got my bf2 explosives badge in sf, so i will do all my badge upgrades in sf so i kill 2 birds with one stone...
first post!
first post!