+0|7049|Almere, Holland
Ok listen up.. before your are going you answer something useless which I allready know read this.. ok this is the text on somebody else his stats: You are not yet eligible for the advanced rank of First Sergeant because you are missing the awards: Basic Knife Combat Badge, Basic Pistol Combat Badge, Basic Anti-tank Combat Badge, Basic Engineer Combat Badge.

Yes? ok.. on my stats this was never said.. on my stats it said: Next Rank: First Sarge.. 100/100 % 20.000/20.000.. ok? so shouldn't i be a First Sarge?.. does anybody maybe know how i can contact EA/Dice? I allready had the badge i needed for First Sarge all I needed was the AA Badge.. but that one was for the Master Gunnery Sergeant rank.. so that one wasn't rellevant.. does anyone now know what the hell is happening here..  its been a while ago I was promoted to Master Sergeant.. but it now makes sence to me that is should be First Sarge Because it will give me a better change on being a Cmdr in a round.. now I keep being outranked
A stranger in the dark

I don't get the question... I've looked at your stats and there is notthing wrong with it.

Sorry for the non-Dutch, but the following will speed up things...

Dus wat bedoel je nu eigenlijk, heb jij een probleem met jouw statestieken, of is er iemand die je kent die het probleem heeft. Ik vraag het in het Nederlands want ik wil je best helpen, maar begrijp de vraag niet. Jij hebt al de nodige badges maar zit nog ver van de 20k. Dus over wie gaat het?

I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7154|Cologne, Germany

+0|7049|Almere, Holland

=Robin-Hood= wrote:

I don't get the question... I've looked at your stats and there is notthing wrong with it.

Sorry for the non-Dutch, but the following will speed up things...

Dus wat bedoel je nu eigenlijk, heb jij een probleem met jouw statestieken, of is er iemand die je kent die het probleem heeft. Ik vraag het in het Nederlands want ik wil je best helpen, maar begrijp de vraag niet. Jij hebt al de nodige badges maar zit nog ver van de 20k. Dus over wie gaat het?

sorry for the English peeps around here..

Kijk bij RDMC.. heb rond the 33.500 punten lijkt me ver er boven en me het is niet echt een vraag kijk.. er staat bij die gast.. dat hij nog niet naar First SArge mag want hij heeft die en die badges niet.. nou bij mij stond dat nooit bij mij stond volgende rang: First sarge 100/100% 20.000/20.000 punten.. dus ik zou First Sarge moeten zijn.. maar dat werdt ik niet.. en niemand weet waarom dit is..
alvast bedankt voor je moeite:D
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7060|The United Center
so the dutch word for badges is badges.

that...is so cool.

i shouldve started coming to this site years ago...i'd probably know dutch and german by now.

Last edited by ThomasMorgan (2005-12-05 08:03:38)

I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7154|Cologne, Germany

RDMC wrote:

=Robin-Hood= wrote:

I don't get the question... I've looked at your stats and there is notthing wrong with it.

Sorry for the non-Dutch, but the following will speed up things...

Dus wat bedoel je nu eigenlijk, heb jij een probleem met jouw statestieken, of is er iemand die je kent die het probleem heeft. Ik vraag het in het Nederlands want ik wil je best helpen, maar begrijp de vraag niet. Jij hebt al de nodige badges maar zit nog ver van de 20k. Dus over wie gaat het?

sorry for the English peeps around here..

Kijk bij RDMC.. heb rond the 33.500 punten lijkt me ver er boven en me het is niet echt een vraag kijk.. er staat bij die gast.. dat hij nog niet naar First SArge mag want hij heeft die en die badges niet.. nou bij mij stond dat nooit bij mij stond volgende rang: First sarge 100/100% 20.000/20.000 punten.. dus ik zou First Sarge moeten zijn.. maar dat werdt ik niet.. en niemand weet waarom dit is..
alvast bedankt voor je moeite:D
just keep us updated, if you will...
+0|7049|Almere, Holland

ThomasMorgan wrote:

so the dutch word for badges is badges.

that...is so cool.

i shouldve started coming to this site years ago...i'd probably know dutch and german by now.
I use alot of English through my Dutch, but i can be true that badges is badges in Dutch
+0|7049|Almere, Holland

B.Schuss wrote:

RDMC wrote:

=Robin-Hood= wrote:

I don't get the question... I've looked at your stats and there is notthing wrong with it.

Sorry for the non-Dutch, but the following will speed up things...

Dus wat bedoel je nu eigenlijk, heb jij een probleem met jouw statestieken, of is er iemand die je kent die het probleem heeft. Ik vraag het in het Nederlands want ik wil je best helpen, maar begrijp de vraag niet. Jij hebt al de nodige badges maar zit nog ver van de 20k. Dus over wie gaat het?

sorry for the English peeps around here..

Kijk bij RDMC.. heb rond the 33.500 punten lijkt me ver er boven en me het is niet echt een vraag kijk.. er staat bij die gast.. dat hij nog niet naar First SArge mag want hij heeft die en die badges niet.. nou bij mij stond dat nooit bij mij stond volgende rang: First sarge 100/100% 20.000/20.000 punten.. dus ik zou First Sarge moeten zijn.. maar dat werdt ik niet.. en niemand weet waarom dit is..
alvast bedankt voor je moeite:D
just keep us updated, if you will...
Sure .. but does maybe anyone know how to contact EA/Dice.. want to get to the bottom of this.. lol
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7154|Cologne, Germany

RDMC wrote:

B.Schuss wrote:

RDMC wrote:

sorry for the English peeps around here..

Kijk bij RDMC.. heb rond the 33.500 punten lijkt me ver er boven en me het is niet echt een vraag kijk.. er staat bij die gast.. dat hij nog niet naar First SArge mag want hij heeft die en die badges niet.. nou bij mij stond dat nooit bij mij stond volgende rang: First sarge 100/100% 20.000/20.000 punten.. dus ik zou First Sarge moeten zijn.. maar dat werdt ik niet.. en niemand weet waarom dit is..
alvast bedankt voor je moeite:D
just keep us updated, if you will...
Sure .. but does maybe anyone know how to contact EA/Dice.. want to get to the bottom of this.. lol
well, contact them about what ? I still don't know what exactly is wrong with your stats. Robin said they were fine, and your last explanation was dutch only...
+0|7049|Almere, Holland

B.Schuss wrote:

RDMC wrote:

B.Schuss wrote:

just keep us updated, if you will...
Sure .. but does maybe anyone know how to contact EA/Dice.. want to get to the bottom of this.. lol
well, contact them about what ? I still don't know what exactly is wrong with your stats. Robin said they were fine, and your last explanation was dutch only...
He looked at the wrong stats.. i will tell u.. Look at RDMC and you will see that i am way above the 20.000 points.. but anyway at this guys stats i found out that is stated you not egilable for First Sarge because: blablabla.. ok.. so with me that was never the case it just said next rank First Sarge and when i hit the 20.000 points I turned Master Sarge.. strange right? and at that time i had all my badge.. except for my AA badge..
Teargas wh0re
You must be missing a basic badge, even if it shows up that you got all of them. There is a bug that happens when you receive 2 badges of the same type at the same time(IE basic knife and veteran knife in one round). Then you will only get the veteran knife but not the basic one. EA said they would fix it somehow but i'm not sure if they did already.
A stranger in the dark

Ok, wel het begint me een beetje te dagen, (vermeld volgende keer de ander zijn naam, dan weet de rest over wat je het hebt)

Ik denk dat je het volgende bedoelt:

Kan het zijn dat jij de master sergeant al een tijd geleden hebt behaald, voor 24 oktober? Het lijkt me van wel, maar ik kan dat niet nagaan.
Wel er is een 'soort fout' bij EA je moet al de "basic combat" badges behalen voor je de rank van first sergeant wil behalen. Eenmaals je de first sergeant rank hebt behaald zonder de nodige badges kan je niet nog naar master sergeant gaan. Helaas pindakaas...

Nu heb je al wel de nodige badges, dus kom je in aanmerking om ineens Sergeant Major te worden en niet Master Gunnery Sergeant, vandaar dat de progress bar alleen de Ser Maj laat zien. Chuy heeft dat zo'n beetje in elkaar geknutseld dat alleen de hoogse rang die je kan halen wordt getoond, kwestie van zo informatief mogelijk te zijn.

Ik hoop dat ik je een beetje heb geholpen...

you have to have the awards BEFORE you uprank, otherwise your stuck @ master. no questions. and EA wouldn't bother; they have plenty other satisfied customers, and honestly, i doubt that they'd spend time on such a trivial issue. just get that AA badge now, before you uprank again and can't get whatever teh star-rank iss because you dont have the badge.
+0|7049|Almere, Holland

[TUF]Whiskey_Oktober wrote:

you have to have the awards BEFORE you uprank, otherwise your stuck @ master. no questions. and EA wouldn't bother; they have plenty other satisfied customers, and honestly, i doubt that they'd spend time on such a trivial issue. just get that AA badge now, before you uprank again and can't get whatever teh star-rank iss because you dont have the badge.
didnt i say read before you answer stupidly.. i got the AA badge.. i got all the badges i  needed at that time before i had the 20.000 points..
Teargas wh0re
Man dutch seems to be like bavarian for us germans. You get the sense, but you can't read it

At least i can't
+0|7049|Almere, Holland

Ub3r-ElitE wrote:

Man dutch seems to be like bavarian for us germans. You get the sense, but you can't read it

At least i can't
Same here
A stranger in the dark

Yo guys...
Give me some time to solve the problem... I was bloody typing it... And believe it or not, I find it more difficult to type in Dutch than English. There are so many typo's you can make in Dutch...
I hope the question is solved now...


Ps.: The first post was to get it a little clear... Not the answer.
+0|7049|Almere, Holland
well thanks for all u answers..makes alot more sense to me now  i guess I will just play the f*ck out of myselve and be a Sergeant Major and get done with the damn Master/First Sarge thing..
+0|7049|Almere, Holland

=Robin-Hood= wrote:

Yo guys...
Give me some time to solve the problem... I was bloody typing it... And believe it or not, I find it more difficult to type in Dutch than English. There are so many typo's you can make in Dutch...
I hope the question is solved now...


Ps.: The first post was to get it a little clear... Not the answer.
Bedankt man .. EA gaat er toch geen flikker aan doen zo zijn ze gewoon.. en ik word gewoon lekker Sergeant Majoor en ben er klaar mee

A stranger in the dark

En RDMC... Je hebt niet helemaal bij het rechte eind. Je hebt de AA badge helemaal niet nodig voor de rang wel:
Basic Knife Combat Badge, Basic Pistol Combat Badge, Basic Assault Combat Badge, Basic Anti-tank Combat Badge, Basic Sniper Combat Badge, Basic Spec Ops Combat Badge, Basic Support Combat Badge, Basic Engineer Combat Badge, Basic Medic Combat Badge

Wat ik betwijfel is of je je basic knife badge tijdig hebt behaald, dat was op 24 oktober. Volgens de grafiek had je toen al meer dan 20k punten... Dus het is logisch dat je het toen niet hebt behaald...

A stranger in the dark

For the non-Dutch;

Problem 1, he got the knife badge after the promotion (AA has nothing to do with it)
Problem 2; EA don't got there shit together and seems to find it impossible to track the fact that you already met one criteria and only later the other... To bad for those whom didn't got the basic badges in time


Problem solved

Last edited by =Robin-Hood= (2005-12-05 08:33:17)

+0|7049|Almere, Holland

=Robin-Hood= wrote:

For the non-Dutch;

Problem 1, he got the knife badge after the promotion (AA has nothing to do with it)
Problem 2; EA don't got there shit together and seems to find it impossible to track the fact that you already met one criteria and only later the other... To bad for those whom didn't got the basic badges in time


Problem solved
cant remember wether i got the knife badge after my promotion but if you found that out then it must be true thanks man ..
+0|7049|Almere, Holland

RDMC wrote:

=Robin-Hood= wrote:

For the non-Dutch;

Problem 1, he got the knife badge after the promotion (AA has nothing to do with it)
Problem 2; EA don't got there shit together and seems to find it impossible to track the fact that you already met one criteria and only later the other... To bad for those whom didn't got the basic badges in time


Problem solved
cant remember wether i got the knife badge after my promotion but if you found that out then it must be true thanks man ..
how can u see then that i got my knife badge after my promotion?..
A stranger in the dark

Ha, I am the all mighty second God (after Chuy)


The global score graph indicates you were at 21704 points at the 23th of October. If you click on your knife award it says:

You have earned the Basic Knife Combat Badge.


    * First received on: October 24, 2005, 5:55 am

So at the 23th you must have been promoted, while the day after you obtained the knife award... Alas I cannot see when you actually got promoted... But at 21704 you should have...

It's all in the stats... Even how much time you are spending with your girl friend


Why do you have your BF2 Profile pointing to Tiggalot's stats?

Your stats should point to http://bf2s.com/player/46761567/

and on another note... if you are from Holland, why is your nationality set to United States?

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