Vanilla is a common term for refering to versions of software. Basically, it just means "basic version." If i had version 1.0 of MSl33t, and you have version 1.1 MSl33t Xtreme, i would have vanilla MSl33t. Sometimes its used to refer to a simpler version of a webpage with no frames and basic shit and its called the "vanilla site."
Guess what nubs, just because you see a word on the internet that you dont understand doesnt mean it falls into the r0flc0pt3r category!
However, Kessel provides us with some thought provoking insight in this passage of the thread:
kessel! wrote:
yeah battlefield vanilla is soo stupid. so is roflcopter. Out of all the words that mean ordinary, you idiots had to pick vanilla? NICE. Hey go suck a fat dick while you're at it.
Yes kessel you are exactly correct, r0flc0pter is soooo stupid, and in recent days, the members of the bf2s forum held a secret meeting and decided to invent this usage of the word vanilla. First we picked words out of a hat, then we drew straws, but ultimately we decided to use the most homosexual fat dick sucking word possible, "Vanilla."
Or... perhaps we should consider that you might pull your head out of your ass for twelve seconds and acknowledge the possibility that you might be a fucking idiot. I know wordz might be komplikated for you, but us wôrdzicåll¥ inclined folks, we sometimes use these crazy symbolic/analogy/metaphory type things. Vanilla is generally considered to be the most popular and commonly served flavor of ice cream. If someone asked me for a bowl of ice cream without specifying a flavor, i would resort to vanilla as the default. vanilla ice cream, vanilla battlefield 2. stop pissing in the gene pool we have enough kessels. <3
Last edited by OMGEliteGaming (2005-12-06 00:43:48)