Bombing isn't that hard once you get the attack method down so you can do it almost every time the same way. The most important thing to remember is "DO NOT" fly straight and level at the enemy your trying to blow up, when you release the bombs they will sail straight and level right over his head and hit nothing. I'm no expert but my stats speak for themselves, I can hit my targets.
When on a bomb run stay high, do not run at tree level, when you spot a target stay high until you get close then come in at about a 45 deg dive. Release your bombs at about 50 feet off the ground, obviously this is a guess but you get the idea. Do not try and put the bombs on top of your target or you will miss. Aim about 20-30 feet in front of the target, the momentium will carry the bombs directly to the target. Release and pull straight up to avoid the blast.
Each planes bombs act a little differently and you may need to adjust a little when switching from one aircraft to another.
Hope this helps you out.
P.S. If you are a good pilot with quick reflexs you can come in at a much steeper angle, making it easier to hit your target just make sure you leave yourself enough room/time to pull up.