Kennebunkport, ME to be exact.
+0|7036|Longview, TX

ScreamingJay wrote:

|EZ|CRUSHER wrote:

Firstly, is English your primary language there? Either way, you're butchering it.

Secondly, you have no clue what you're talking about.

Third, you can say things like this because you will always have a blanket of security. No one wants to target your little nothing of a contry.

Fourth, thank to your country we were forced to endure Xena.

Fifth, where in the hell do you get your numbers. A Craker Jacks box?

Six, It is almost is almost assured that less people will die from the likes of Al Queda(sp?) because we did deal with them. (..and continue to.)
So who is butchering the English language now?
Easy killer, there is a world of difference between a total lack of capitalization, grammar, and punctuation and an obvious typo. I didn't claim to have anything mastered and I'm glad you're on top of things. Thanks for your support!
Get C4, here!

|EZ|CRUSHER wrote:

Thanks for your support!
what is this, a campaign?
+1,411|7055|FUCK UBISOFT

campaigning what?
+1|7103|Voice of reason

nzjafa wrote:

hahaha, what a crock of shit. doing the work of? we don't want your wars.
the problem i have with the american military is that they think they are doing some sort of good for the people of the countries they fight in. they aren't.

you lost, what, 4,000 at 9/11? big fucking deal. yes, i know that we went too, but when the coalition went to afghanistan they killed about 50,000 civilians. not military, but civilians. and you wonder why so many people turn to insurgence? i mean, what could they possibly have against you? you're showing them the light of democracy, right?
i suppose the fact that most of them have no homes, no running water, and no family doesn't really matter. i really wish that you could see our media. i really do. you don't know the atrocities your boys commit.
Obviously if you had a brain you would realize as the moderator said it was a photoshop job.  Done by a soldier who was expressing how he feels. I as a soldier agree with him.

Please back up your claims of 50K deaths. Show proof. That is all I ask.  It seems you have been getting your information from an Radical Islamic website. Notice I said Radical there is no problem with Islam just the retards who twist it into some shortcut to see 72 virgins by killing innocents.

My view of the world is not jaded.  I simply ask you this in referance to civilian casulties. If you were manning a checkpoint and 2 days ago your buddy got blown up by some guy who ran the checkpoint. Would you take the chance on the next car running the checkpoint doing that to you? Or would you pump it full of lead and err on the side of caution. Saving your life and those of your troops. The guys over there make hard decisions everyday. It is easy to sit back and trow stones if you do not understand the dilema that soldiers face everyday on the ground.

I do not know if you have ever served your country or just sat on your ass. I do not pretend to know the level of pride you posess. But it seems to me the only thing you value is your own ass. You complain and cry but do not do anything about it. Join Red Cross or Cresent help others do somthing other than flame.

I have more respect for somebody who tries to do something and fails that a person who does not try at all. You Sir seem to me like somebody who does not try at all.

We lost 4K on 9/11 quoting you. You say who cares. Well frankly as Americans we care. We do not back down and ask for more as some of you would seem to do. You hit us we hit back.

Personally I am glad you are not an American. But if you get invaded or Al Queda takes over your country I promise to come and rescue you. I hope you sleep well under the veil of our sacrifice. I cannot blame you for your ingnorance. I can only hope as you get older you will mature and realize the ass you sit on all day is not the most important ass around.  It is the ones you are trying to help the best way you can right or wrong. But we are trying to help others.

I have been around the world and am used to dealing with differing opinions. I can empathize and have discusions about other ideas. But I can tell about you already you are as close minded as a spoiled 2 year old given everything but accountable for nothing. I feel sorry for you and other of your ilk.

Sleep well
+1,411|7055|FUCK UBISOFT

the sleepy man wrote:

Sleep well
why sleep well i still have 7 hours until i go to sleep
good post fizz what branch / when you was enlisted?
+1|7103|Voice of reason
Actually still in Army and an MP. Been in 13 years.

For Mr Miguel Diaz... I  said sleep well because others are protecting him and doing the dirty work so he could express him beliefs weather they are agreeable or not.

Last edited by fizz85 (2005-12-06 18:56:32)

no shit so what are your duties in the dmz

how you like korea also .. from what ive heard its not the nicest place to visit and the kamchi (spelling?) *the smelly ferminted cabbage* or w/e smells and taste like crap ? ^^
As an Australian id like to voice my opinion.
While we aussies do not completly support the war in Iraq we do support the troops there.

These brave people are risking their asses to make our lives safer and some poeple  (nzjafa) go around talking S**t about them.

I hope someone flies a plane into your house!

+1|7103|Voice of reason
I am not there now. I was a Platoon Leader up there last year.  Korea is ok. Just very differant and Kimche tastes good. It is the eating of dog that I avoid.

My duties were training my guys, alerts, field training etc... The bigest differance with anywhere else is that you are in Arty range. Kind of makes it suck a bit more than usual and you have less down time if any.  But I cannot complain it does not compare with the things the guys have to deal with over in the dessert/

Last edited by fizz85 (2005-12-06 19:30:14)

"It's Recharging!"
Are you guys blind? Do you even bother reading all of the other posts inside a thread before hijacking it? As stated two or three times already, ITS A DAMN PHOTOSHOP JOB!

Anyone could have done it, American, Solider, or someone from Japan for all we fucking know. And who cares? It's meant to be a humourous picture, not to convey some kind of deep hidden message worthy of pointless replies on this forum.
+1|7103|Voice of reason
I hope the people know it is a photoshop job as it is stated now 4 times. I think it has moved beyond that.

We were debating some of the points raised by the photo. Like how some troops view other countries participation or lack there of in the "War on Terror". That is the direction it is headed in now.
Yes exactly.
The last few messages have little to do with photoshop really.
Horseman 77

nzjafa wrote:

hahaha, what a crock of shit. doing the work of? we don't want your wars.
the problem i have with the american military is that they think they are doing some sort of good for the people of the countries they fight in. they aren't.

you lost, what, 4,000 at 9/11? big fucking deal. yes, i know that we went too, but when the coalition went to afghanistan they killed about 50,000 civilians. not military, but civilians. and you wonder why so many people turn to insurgence? i mean, what could they possibly have against you? you're showing them the light of democracy, right?
i suppose the fact that most of them have no homes, no running water, and no family doesn't really matter. i really wish that you could see our media. i really do. you don't know the atrocities your boys commit.
They were counted as Civilians becuase there Weren't in Uniform.

They had no homes and running water before the War started.

They live ( and Happily so ) in the stone Age.

Granted if it weren't for Israel we would be reading about them in National geographic but..

the USA didn't start that Country G.B. did.

PS, they havn't been back so I guess G.W.B. blew the shit out of the Right 50.000 civilians.

Sorry pick another topic to Cry about.
+447|7161|Seattle, Washington, USA

nzjafa wrote:

hahaha, what a crock of shit. doing the work of? we don't want your wars.
the problem i have with the american military is that they think they are doing some sort of good for the people of the countries they fight in. they aren't.

you lost, what, 4,000 at 9/11? big fucking deal. yes, i know that we went too, but when the coalition went to afghanistan they killed about 50,000 civilians. not military, but civilians. and you wonder why so many people turn to insurgence? i mean, what could they possibly have against you? you're showing them the light of democracy, right?
i suppose the fact that most of them have no homes, no running water, and no family doesn't really matter. i really wish that you could see our media. i really do. you don't know the atrocities your boys commit.
OK, I get your point, but the 9/11 comment was completely unnescessary. Try growing yourself a little human trait called "Sorrow". I bet you woudn't be saying that if you had lost your family or something in that attack.

Last edited by Homeschtar (2005-12-06 20:25:42)


chitlin wrote:

you lost, what, 4,000 at 9/11? big fucking deal
way to be a dick and wrong at the same time it was 2000

but when the coalition went to afghanistan they killed about 50,000 civilians. not military, but civilians.
the current estiamtes of civlians is 3500 in afghanistan and 25000 in iraq .. these are esitmates and might be incorrect but there is no way to have accurate numbers becuase of the way iraq and afghanistan is unorganised
you're right. 6 in the morning or so, and i was thinking of the wrong war. way overshot the mark anyway.

i don't take back what i said. i feel sorry for people who lost folks in that attack but its been blown WAY over the top, and frankly, i'm sick of it.

firsty, you act as if it was unprovoked. the roots of that attack go back a long way. and you can't go overseas and kill people, then make a big deal out of it when they attack you. its a war, see. thats what happens in a war.

secondly, i've lost people to the middle east conflicts, mainly because tony blair is bush's bitch, and i dont think that it was worth any of their lives. in a couple years i'll probably be there too, and i think that it has no point other than from a corporate point of view. and i think that comparitively, the inhabitants of the entire towns which have been flattened have much more right to be angry than you do.

Last edited by nzjafa (2005-12-06 23:00:29)


|EZ|CRUSHER wrote:

Firstly, is English your primary language there? Either way, you're butchering it.

Secondly, you have no clue what you're talking about.

Third, you can say things like this because you will always have a blanket of security. No one wants to target your little nothing of a contry.

Fourth, thank to your country we were forced to endure Xena.

Fifth, where in the hell do you get your numbers. A Craker Jacks box?

Six, It is almost is almost assured that less people will die from the likes of Al Queda(sp?) because we did deal with them. (..and continue to.)
firstly. no it isn't. try learning farsi, you moron. its more simple than english, but i doubt you could do it. and if you did i'd be able to point out mistakes in your grammar too.

secondly. i say what i'm taught. in school, we are taught that americans are idiots. we are taught that bush has no idea what he's doing, and that the US army is full of gung-ho trigger happy schoolboys. i probably don't know what i'm talking about, but its not my ideas.

third. it isn't a blanket of security, its a huge ocean. no-one wants my country because it is of no strategic importance and has pretty much no resources except coal, and some natural gas. its a nice country but presents no advantage in a war. no one attacks it presents no threat to anyone. we are fortunate to have a great and very intelligent leader. she doesn't send troops anywhere unless it is NESSECARY. NZ troops in Iraq did not fire one shot. because of this, Australia is being threatened by terrorists, and we arent.

fourth. do you think i like xena? her war cry makes my ears hurt. her outfit sometimes causes me to puke into my mouth.

fifth, i got it from a lecture. but like is said before i quoted the wrong war, so yes, i'm wrong.

sixth. yeah, i'm sure the al-queda killed a lot of people in its own country. that would make sense.

sorry for any offence i caused but i don't take back anything i said. americans are very nice people, i've met lots. but the government and the army and mindframe are all fucked, and many people are sick of hearing about them.  if munitions and oil companies didn't control the army there, the world would probably be much more peaceful.

seeing as i only seem to fuel argument, i'll leave this post. flame me all you want.

Last edited by nzjafa (2005-12-06 23:44:22)

Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

Ryan_Mercury wrote:

It's meant to be a humourous picture, not to convey some kind of deep hidden message worthy of pointless replies on this forum.
yeah, but it started and this will go on until someone makes one stupid answer that leaves him feeling like shit and the other feeling triumphant in his own self-pride of, not winning, but making the other guy mess up.
It'll rot until some new guy comes along and picks a fight by reviving it and necro'ing his opinions on.
necro'ing ? whats that mean ? ill pick the new fight !

i say what i'm taught. in school, we are taught that americans are idiots.
hah somehow i really doubt your schoolbooks or teachers have it in thier lessons .. today children were going to talk about how stupid americans are.. i have yet to get a good response to this but do you feel being dominated and told what to do by idiots ? i mean your country is so much smarter and better why dont you change this ?

im not a big fan of bush and i will certainly concede that hes not the best speaker ..hes really fun to make fun of.. but he went to yale became a millionaire and president how stupid can he really be ? what have you done that makes you so much smarter? its really easy for assholes to sit on thier couch and be judgemental.

i almost want to agree with you on the whole 9/11 aspect. i feel sorry for the families who lost thier loved ones in 9/11 but it has definately been blown out of proportion. however iraq has nothing to do with 9/11. i cant help but think that iraqi's prefer the 30-50 thousand dead in 3 years, while being sad, not as bad as the miilions of kurds and others that died and were imprisioned and tortured under saddam.

and you might have heard of the pacific war .. where imperial japan was right on your doorstep ..i dont think guadalcanal new guinea or thailand and many other had oil or gold but japan invaded them anyhow yeah you being under americas blanket might be the reason you are alive today ^^ maybe your grandfather would have been killed by a jap ? oh it was a good thing we were there so that didnt happen. it is pretty cool how americans give thier lives so that you can be a little judgmental prick for no reason ..

i think if iraq becomes a successfull democracy and brings some peace and civility to the middle east thatd be good right ?
just nothing
This is turning into a flame fest, started by nzjafa. Cool yourself down or you'll be taking a vacation from the forums.

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