-Execelent score per minute
- Good kdr
-you have alot of medals, keep it up
-Low global points is that a second account
I do have to say that i would shit my self coming acros you in a game look at your kdr
and dont worry i know y you have so meny worst enemys gene pool informed me
Execelent sniper kdr and accurcy you should get on a game with me and gene
my xfire is psycokiller05
congrats yopu rule
- Good kdr
-you have alot of medals, keep it up
-Low global points is that a second account
I do have to say that i would shit my self coming acros you in a game look at your kdr
and dont worry i know y you have so meny worst enemys gene pool informed me
Execelent sniper kdr and accurcy you should get on a game with me and gene
my xfire is psycokiller05
congrats yopu rule