
Against bunnyhopping and dolphin diving?

Yes54%54% - 394
No45%45% - 327
Total: 721

SgtMurphy wrote:

exploit ?? hahahaha... get real dude. Just because a few retards cant shoot a jumping man...
don't oversimplify to make your point right, it's lame i dont even know if you're talking about bhopping or ddiving

if it's bhopping w/e, if it's ddving they aren't shooting at a jumping man, they're shooting at a jumping head, big difference

SgtMurphy wrote:

is no reason to change the entire player movement 6 months after game release.
they didn't change to "entire player movement" they added a small time delay from prone to standing/crouching, which is more consistent with reality, who the hell can jump up in the air from a prone position with two hands on a rifle even once, let alone constantly
and also, they made it impossible to shoot while in transition from once stance to another, which has nothing do with movement at all
meybe you should take your own advice and...

SgtMurphy wrote:

get your head checked.
'illegitimate strategy' ???
I guess choppers capping flags from the air is legitimate ??
puts you in a very risky position and is idiotic, besides if yer gunner stays in the chopper you only get a cap rate of 1 player, if he jumps out, 2 man cap rate but the chopper is practically defenseless unless he flies away, leaving his gunner at risk on the ground, but at any rate it is legitimate since capping flags works on player proximity to the flag, that like saying capping a flag with a tank is illegitimate because you shouldn't be able to cap from inside a vehicle, and besides that, the transport choppers were practically made for flag capping, fly in with a full load, drop all but yer gunners on the flag and defend with those sweet ass miniguns, that's just smart teamplay, not a glitch, you were meant to be able to do that.  whether you should be capable of capping from the air is up for debate

even if they made it impossible to cap from a vehicle all you'd have to do is land and get out, which imo is a waste of a good attack chopper either way

hahahahaha... or dropping cars on enemies ??
they nerfed that too, remember? yer using this point as if it's still valid, but it's not

ahahaha..    DICE are idiots. Anyone who tries to defend DICE's way of thinking needs their heads
anyone who defends a glitcher is welcoming hackers and people that tk for vehicles, and punish for accidental tk's are the idiots, yer gonna bring down the game altogether if left unchecked

A bunch of swedes writing a modern war combat game was the first indicator.
u realise, of course, that it was a bunch of free thinker swedes who are responsible for your having online games at all right? i mean, they only INVENTED THE BLOODY INTERNET YOU TOOL, and don't give me that bullsh*t arrogant "no, the USA invented the internet" which people everywhere seem to think

http://public.web.cern.ch/Public/Conten … WW-en.html

plz, click, CERN is located where? Sweden? really? wow

Good thing the French team at EA didnt write it, each kit would have had a white flag in it..   my point is, if you think your argument is legit just because DICE does something, you need to get your head checked.
EA is in france? gee i thought they were in the UK

as you can see, noobs oversimplify, exaggerate and state issues that have been fixed as if they still exist in a vain attempt to validate their side of their argument

sounds a lot like bureaucracy, COULD BUREAUCRATS BE THE NOOBS OF MODERN SOCIETY!?!?! noooooooooooooooooooo..........  <sarcasm>

Last edited by IntrebuloN (2006-09-18 15:36:08)

+28|6748|Jax, Fl
Again I agree with everything you said except the internet was developed by the US Military, the World Wide Web was developed by the Swedes.

DeepSkysUrGe wrote:

Again I agree with everything you said except the internet was developed by the US Military, the World Wide Web was developed by the Swedes.
popular misconception, sir

the internet was developed by CERN as a way for universities to quickly and efficiently share information

from this one of their scientists developed the world wide web, at CERN, in sweden

the code itself tho was mostly conceieved by a brit
CERN  pwns all.... we just dont know it... yet
Say wat!?

ToiletTrooper wrote:

People that votes yes:   Are low ranked noobs that never win of everybody in combat!
People that votes no:     Are good people!

EDIT: Against the using!
lol @ you.

I would own you anyday.

PS Nice stat padding. 825 BR for US and MEC, good cheating!

Last edited by Vilham (2006-09-20 14:59:59)

Mr. Bigglesworth
Some guy started a thread about noobtubing bieng back. Cmon, will it ever end?

rawls2 wrote:

Some guy started a thread about noobtubing bieng back. Cmon, will it ever end?
and yer suprised? now that ppl can't ddive, they resort to the next easiest way they know of to get kills

if i did a 'lil research i would probably find that noob-tubing declined as ppl started to learn how to ddive

mebbe someone that was around at that time could shed some light on the topic

ppl that play for kills alone will latch onto any questionable tactic or maneuver they hear about

for instance, people that actually hack will rarely start playing a new game without having found/read-up on/downloaded and installed the hacks they will recquire to "pwn" the new game

it's like people that own a gaming console, once they've bought that gameshark, they're never likely to play any game in it's original format without entering a code or three

Vilham wrote:

ToiletTrooper wrote:

People that votes yes:   Are low ranked noobs that never win of everybody in combat!
People that votes no:     Are good people!

EDIT: Against the using!
lol @ you.

I would own you anyday.

PS Nice stat padding. 825 BR for US and MEC, good cheating!
how is it stat padding or cheating to have a high BR on the map/teams he plays almost exclusively?

oh, it's not...just looks to me like he's a good medic and i very exp. on karkand.  so tell me, do YOU have 18k+ revives?

no, you have 294

and don't tell me he got those via padding, he only has 950 team kills...
Hand's shaken' / Heart's beatn' / Still Shootin'
+32|7039|Ft. Laudy, FL, USA
I HATE the prone--->crouch lag when you cant fire for like 2 secs, i get killed so mny times cause of that BS. they took antibunny hopping to ridiculously harsh standards. Anyone who cant put a couple of well placed shots into a 1.3 bunny hopper should...hmm...die.

HeadShotAK47 wrote:

I HATE the prone--->crouch lag when you cant fire for like 2 secs, i get killed so mny times cause of that BS. they took antibunny hopping to ridiculously harsh standards. Anyone who cant put a couple of well placed shots into a 1.3 bunny hopper should...hmm...die.
bunny hopping hasnt been changed

and prone -> crouch has nothing to do with bunnyhopping

and everyone's in the same boat as you, so if yer dying from prone -> crouch you need to change your style of play...

and it's not 2 seconds, it's like 0.25 seconds

Last edited by IntrebuloN (2006-09-21 00:59:26)

Say wat!?

IntrebuloN wrote:

Vilham wrote:

ToiletTrooper wrote:

People that votes yes:   Are low ranked noobs that never win of everybody in combat!
People that votes no:     Are good people!

EDIT: Against the using!
lol @ you.

I would own you anyday.

PS Nice stat padding. 825 BR for US and MEC, good cheating!
how is it stat padding or cheating to have a high BR on the map/teams he plays almost exclusively?

oh, it's not...just looks to me like he's a good medic and i very exp. on karkand.  so tell me, do YOU have 18k+ revives?

no, you have 294

and don't tell me he got those via padding, he only has 950 team kills...
Guess your a noob then... what you do is get another padder on the enemy team, then that guy kills your teammate you revive, kill revive etc  NO ONE 15k revives but only 2k heals, i would also like to point out that it is impossible to get that high a score without cheating on an near empty 64 server. Even with the minimum players possible 8 on a 64 player server none of those 8 players are likely to get over 300 BR score.

Vilham wrote:

IntrebuloN wrote:

Vilham wrote:

lol @ you.

I would own you anyday.

PS Nice stat padding. 825 BR for US and MEC, good cheating!
how is it stat padding or cheating to have a high BR on the map/teams he plays almost exclusively?

oh, it's not...just looks to me like he's a good medic and i very exp. on karkand.  so tell me, do YOU have 18k+ revives?

no, you have 294

and don't tell me he got those via padding, he only has 950 team kills...
Guess your a noob then... what you do is get another padder on the enemy team, then that guy kills your teammate you revive, kill revive etc  NO ONE 15k revives but only 2k heals, i would also like to point out that it is impossible to get that high a score without cheating on an near empty 64 server. Even with the minimum players possible 8 on a 64 player server none of those 8 players are likely to get over 300 BR score.
why not? heals are harder to get because you have to heal someone so much before you get a heal point

and besides that, calling me a noob because i don't know how to stat pad is silly you little muffin baker you!

Last edited by IntrebuloN (2006-09-21 03:36:08)

POE2 Addict For Life
+21|6897|Vic, Australia

IntrebuloN wrote:

and it's not 2 seconds, it's like 0.25 seconds
To be totally honest I haven't noticed any change when going to prone and from what I know, BF2 is the only game were a man who is diving, gun pointed to his side, can shoot straight and kill another soldier.

If BF2 was to adapts America's Army : Special Forces crouching/proning/standing speeds and increase the accuracy of ALL (maybe besides the g36e) the weapons while crouching/kneeling and standing,  everyone wouldn't need/want to go prone because the accuracy is better while standing/crouching(kneeling) and jumping down takes 2-3 seconds for the gun to be prepped ,after they go prone, so it would be a sneaking/hiding only technique and Nerf (yes i said Nerf) jumping or increase the jump distance and reduce the height and add a "action" maneuver button to climb onto low ledges or onto waist high bins or boxes (that you would normally be able to jump over/onto) would remove/reduce bunny-hopping and prone spamming all together/a-lot.

(hell I dont know why I don't play A.A more often )

Last edited by Plisken (2006-09-21 05:47:34)

Say wat!?

IntrebuloN wrote:

Vilham wrote:

IntrebuloN wrote:

how is it stat padding or cheating to have a high BR on the map/teams he plays almost exclusively?

oh, it's not...just looks to me like he's a good medic and i very exp. on karkand.  so tell me, do YOU have 18k+ revives?

no, you have 294

and don't tell me he got those via padding, he only has 950 team kills...
Guess your a noob then... what you do is get another padder on the enemy team, then that guy kills your teammate you revive, kill revive etc  NO ONE 15k revives but only 2k heals, i would also like to point out that it is impossible to get that high a score without cheating on an near empty 64 server. Even with the minimum players possible 8 on a 64 player server none of those 8 players are likely to get over 300 BR score.
why not? heals are harder to get because you have to heal someone so much before you get a heal point

and besides that, calling me a noob because i don't know how to stat pad is silly you little muffin baker you!
heal points are far easier to get, you just run around spamming med packs on the ground and any time someone runs across one and gets healed you get a med point.
I'm English, not British!
+113|7084|Rotherham, England
I don't give a shit whether it stays or goes, Tanks FTW!
yea lol, vehicles are a safe haven from all the bunny hoppers/dolphin divers

Vilham wrote:

ToiletTrooper wrote:

People that votes yes:   Are low ranked noobs that never win of everybody in combat!
People that votes no:     Are good people!

EDIT: Against the using!
lol @ you.

I would own you anyday.

PS Nice stat padding. 825 BR for US and MEC, good cheating!
You would own me?? Hmmm, i challange you, you stupid noob. inf only
Mr. Bigglesworth

IntrebuloN wrote:

rawls2 wrote:

Some guy started a thread about noobtubing bieng back. Cmon, will it ever end?
and yer suprised? now that ppl can't ddive, they resort to the next easiest way they know of to get kills

if i did a 'lil research i would probably find that noob-tubing declined as ppl started to learn how to ddive

mebbe someone that was around at that time could shed some light on the topic

ppl that play for kills alone will latch onto any questionable tactic or maneuver they hear about

for instance, people that actually hack will rarely start playing a new game without having found/read-up on/downloaded and installed the hacks they will recquire to "pwn" the new game

it's like people that own a gaming console, once they've bought that gameshark, they're never likely to play any game in it's original format without entering a code or three
Alls fair in love and war.
Say wat!?

ToiletTrooper wrote:

Vilham wrote:

ToiletTrooper wrote:

People that votes yes:   Are low ranked noobs that never win of everybody in combat!
People that votes no:     Are good people!

EDIT: Against the using!
lol @ you.

I would own you anyday.

PS Nice stat padding. 825 BR for US and MEC, good cheating!
You would own me?? Hmmm, i challange you, you stupid noob. inf only
lol bring it on padder.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

Vilham wrote:

ToiletTrooper wrote:

Vilham wrote:

lol @ you.

I would own you anyday.

PS Nice stat padding. 825 BR for US and MEC, good cheating!
You would own me?? Hmmm, i challange you, you stupid noob. inf only
lol bring it on padder.
Yeah I saw him on a knife only server a couple of days ago. A d-diving statspadder, if you gayored and J-10 whored as well you would be the biggest asshole on the forum.
I find bunny hopping annoying at times and yes its unrealistic, but I suppose you just have to try your best to kill the person doing it because they arent gonna change their ways just for you...
Im glad they fixed the ddiving, but as some ppl have stated this leads to the annoyance of standing up from prone and not being able to fire, ending up gettin killed by the person you were covering from etc
I think they could have fixed that by placing the delay before you stand up instead of after you stand up. This would still stop the diving and you would still have to wait a realistic amount of time to stand up but doesnt leave you vulnerable with half your body out of cover and not being able to fire...if that makes sense
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
Well BHing hasn't been a problem since 1.2 came out, but it was still a really lame tactic when it was in. Now its only good for dodging snipers and tanks while as an offensive movement is foolhardy.

Plisken wrote:

IntrebuloN wrote:

and it's not 2 seconds, it's like 0.25 seconds
To be totally honest I haven't noticed any change when going to prone and from what I know, BF2 is the only game were a man who is diving, gun pointed to his side, can shoot straight and kill another soldier.

If BF2 was to adapts America's Army : Special Forces crouching/proning/standing speeds and increase the accuracy of ALL (maybe besides the g36e) the weapons while crouching/kneeling and standing,  everyone wouldn't need/want to go prone because the accuracy is better while standing/crouching(kneeling) and jumping down takes 2-3 seconds for the gun to be prepped ,after they go prone, so it would be a sneaking/hiding only technique and Nerf (yes i said Nerf) jumping or increase the jump distance and reduce the height and add a "action" maneuver button to climb onto low ledges or onto waist high bins or boxes (that you would normally be able to jump over/onto) would remove/reduce bunny-hopping and prone spamming all together/a-lot.

(hell I dont know why I don't play A.A more often )
i proposed something similar on page 8 or so of this thread

doctastrangelove1964 wrote:

... Now its only good for dodging snipers and tanks while as an offensive movement is foolhardy.
lol  was in oman sniping... like i always do.. (i like to enjoy coffee while i play).. was on crane... and this guy was at one of the two middle flags on the US side.. he was waiting for a tank or something...  i popped him once... no headshot.. and he starts bunnyhopping...

i fire a couple of more shots on the off chance i might hit him but i missed.. but he kept hoppin.. so i kept typing "boing boing boing"... lol so he knew he was being watched...

still hoppin waiting for tank... tank spawns same time his teamamte spawns... teammate gets to tank first and takes off... he stops hopping... looking at the departing tank he waited for (probably in disbelief)... so i shot him and killed him... lol...

guess this should be in the "best kills" thread... but it was just funny.. i musta typed "boing" a dozen times b4 gettin the kill shot... lol

but.. bunnyhoppin people doesnt bother me.. i get a laugh out of it.. and i just wait (if i can) until they stop hoppin and then shoot 'em


Vilham wrote:

ToiletTrooper wrote:

Vilham wrote:

lol @ you.

I would own you anyday.

PS Nice stat padding. 825 BR for US and MEC, good cheating!
You would own me?? Hmmm, i challange you, you stupid noob. inf only
lol bring it on padder.
Padder or not, a padder with more skill then you!

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