I play and I play, and I keep getting shot by the goddamn f2000.  I play more and I get rushed with the Scar-L.  So I say WTF!!!
Why in the hell did they do this.  They are giving the people who can afford, or want to waster their money, an advantage in an aleady not to stable game.  So what can we do about it, I'm poor right now, and I don't feel like wasting money on something I will probably stop playing in two months, I don't beleive its worth it.  Its gay and annoying, its stupid, EA and Dice have really fucked themselves over on this one.
Renaissance Soldier
+2|7091|Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Numerous other threads about this, like here and here.

Debates on this are currently like the debates pre-1.03 patch, when unlocks were much rarer. Everybody thought that the unlockable weapons were so much better (kept calling them "upgrades"), and many a lesser experienced player though, "Gee, if I only had that weapon, I'd be so much better. This is totally unfair."

Well, chatter about the incredible power of the unlocks dropped as soon as everyone had them, and the good players who earned several unlocks before the patch were still better than the ones who didn't have many unlocks before the patch. Not to mention when the guys who put together UBAR gave out the details of the damage and devaition of all the weapons.

You want more options when choosing a weapon, then stop complaining and buy SF. You can still put up a good k/d ratio and score many points without them.
+0|7031|Minneapolis, MN USA
Or you can do the "unthinkable".  TK for their kits.  Oooooo...but you'll have some pissed off people after your buns after that!

The Kid
Yeah, really.  Sounds like you got killed twice in a row and got angry.  You know what?  I still use the AK-101 over the F2000 if there's going to be CQC.
If you are going to stop playing it, then why are you bitching about it anyway. Just buy it, it doesn't cost too much anyways plus the new weapons aren't a whole loy better.
Scottish Moderator!!!

<eN>Madcat wrote:

So what can we do about it
buy the game, get the unlocks, stop moaning, and play the game
Na...some of you are missing the point. " Just buy SF ". Thats what EA would love now wouldn't they. I bought BF2. I paid good money in faith for BF2. Now others can get access to weapons that I don't have access to (unless I tk and/or pick one up which is rare ). So shouldn't they really call this Special Forces Mercanaries ?
Not soldiers who fought their way to a certain skill level. They bought their way into it. I think they should've just had seperate servers for the SF people. Like they had BF 1942 or you could activate the Desert Combat mod and play on it. Imagine yourself playing BF 1942 and certain other players had the 50 cal from DC mod.
Imagine a Doom 3 game but only getting the BFG if you bought an expansion pack. Hey theres an idea. Let the next expansion pack have a BFG in it. I'd buy that one.
j00baroni w/ l33t sauce

If you wanna whine, do it in the complaining forum here. Besides, it's not like you notice getting killed by the AK-101 all the time. The reason you notice it is because 1)everyone's using it and 2)it's new. The F2000 is not some be-all, end-all weapon either. The only weapon that is a major upgrade would be the G36E. Aside from that, the new unlocks are all pretty balanced.

EDIT: haha, forgot to add the "not"

Last edited by fikraag7 (2005-12-07 15:18:08)

i dont recall the site but i saw one in another thread recently that had all the weapon stats for SF and BF2 weapons, and the dmg was about the same on f2000 as with the other assaults(tho g3 has higher dmg than any other assault guns) and the same with the scar-l.

shut your fucking whiny face, its not an uberweapon, its not even a great weapon, its about the same as an AK with a scope and more bullet deviation.

just because so many people are using the new weapons doesnt mean your noob ass wouldnt be getting pasted by the same guy with a different weapon anyways.
SF unlocks. Got three of them. But when i play BF2:SF usually i can't select the unlcocked weaponry (wrong side or whatever). A bit strange, but  I don't really care. As a Medic i got my L85A1, as support the infamous PKM - I hardly have the desire to use the shiney new equipment (apart from basic curiosity maybe). And it works out pretty well for me - even against enenmies with those seemingly new "uberguns".
The reason is simply: I know how my gun is handled effectivly in combat situations, know its limitations and the conditions that favour its use. THAT is worth more than a good rate of fire/precission  (IF it really is so much better), some tend to call THAT experience.

So stop moaning and sharpen your skills!

Last edited by pogled (2005-12-07 12:51:50)

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