this is sooooo true when the brown smelly stuff hits the fans who is u hear on the news that sorted it out, who is that goes all over the world fights wars and dont get there asses kicked its the sas, and just to prove the point , WE DONT TRAIN THE ENEMY ON HOW TO KILL US, dig digshaunboulton wrote:
No way is the IDF the best in the world, its the SAS, how many times do i have to say it. SAS is the best in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, for those who have read this post.
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so wrong it hurts, sas are the speciel forces of the british air force, the do recon, yup thats true, but if thats the case why is it that they attack and not the british pathfinders, its becuase they are special forces, they attack defend and recon they started out as recon behind german lines but then turned to sabotage, then attack then all off them plus a few other things all rolled into one, they take the best from all our armed forces and combine them into on very stong and elite fighting force which is the sas, they also used to ahve a sub branch of the sas that were dedicated for combating the ira.HavocDemon wrote:
Ok, I served in the military and I have watched many SF forces work, and I have done research on alot, and I can ttell you that the "Mine is bigger than yours" contest is stupid, and heres why...
SAS and US SF are Two completly diffrent things...
1) SAS is not really a SPECIAL FORCES. They do covert missions but they arent special forces, they are just an elite force of soldiers that are just considered superior than most, and I know what Im about to say is gonna stir up some flams, but the SAS are more like Rangers than SF. Not to say the SAS isnt over better then the Rangers, but the thing is, the SAS is just an elite unit.
2) US Special forces are split into groups. The reason they are called special forces arent because they special... its because they Specialise in an area. Such as, one unit is more for CQB Urban operations, one unit is more for Jungle operations. The reason the US calls them special forces is because they have them specialise in an area, and it goes deeper than just CQB and so forth. We have special forces dedicated to Search and Rescue missions for when its riskier than sending in a normal CSAR team.
But honestly, to those of you who say the SAS are all powerful and mighty, You should have watched the military channel last week, they had a thing on an SAS Operation back in Desert Storm. Heres the summary of what happened...
1) The unit got split up... an 8 man unit... got split up... They didn't have comms to talk to eachother with. One have of the unit kicked a civilian out of their car and stole it... The other unit held a civilian hostage to get a ride. One unit broke into 2 groups, one with 2 men one with 3. When one of the groups engaged a unit, the other half ran because they heard gun shots. The other Unit that held a guy hostage, left one of their men for dead in the desert after he took a shot and was getting dehydrated. Later, when their was only two of the, the guy left his not yet dead teammate in a barn to make a mad run for the Iraq border.
In the end, 3 of them were captured and told the Iraqi's everything about the operation..
Also, their mission planners didn't have enough information of the area, they didnt plan the mission out well enough, and, they didn't even give the unit enough ammo to last a full day.
And here is part of hte reason I think US SF holds a slightly higher bar than the SAS...
As the rangers in Somolia showed best... we leave NO man behind...
and just a side not. quote
1) The unit got split up... an 8 man unit... got split up... They didn't have comms to talk to eachother with. One have of the unit kicked a civilian out of their car and stole it... The other unit held a civilian hostage to get a ride. One unit broke into 2 groups, one with 2 men one with 3. When one of the groups engaged a unit, the other half ran because they heard gun shots. The other Unit that held a guy hostage, left one of their men for dead in the desert after he took a shot and was getting dehydrated. Later, when their was only two of the, the guy left his not yet dead teammate in a barn to make a mad run for the Iraq border.
what happened in black hawk down again, dont u use that as a training video now
Last edited by shingara (2005-12-06 11:01:28)
they really need the bukkake army.
If the IDF had been included, all we would see would be Muslim organisations the Western world over whining constantly, the way they always do (to try and get us to submit to their will), and EA would have withdrawn the game in the name of stupid political correctness, the way companies always do.
And by the way, the Special Air Service/ Special Boat Service is the best special forces combat unit in the world.
And by the way, the Special Air Service/ Special Boat Service is the best special forces combat unit in the world.
british special forces..... always the bestxanthpi wrote:
And by the way, the Special Air Service/ Special Boat Service is the best special forces combat unit in the world.
Last edited by Green-Lynx (2005-12-06 06:36:42)
The SAS is the best, no question about it!
From an interview with an SAS soldier in a documentary:
"They had gone to speak to the Israeli's about not entering the war because of the threat of losing the allies and it wasn't until he mentioned that they had special forces behind enemy lines that the Israeli's started to back down. But it wasn't until the Israeli's asked which special forces were there, and he said 'we've got the British SAS in there' that they actually did back down."
(When the SAS were in Iraq weeks before Desert Storm during the Gulf war, Iraq were launching SCUD missiles at Israel)
Gotta love these guys!
From an interview with an SAS soldier in a documentary:
"They had gone to speak to the Israeli's about not entering the war because of the threat of losing the allies and it wasn't until he mentioned that they had special forces behind enemy lines that the Israeli's started to back down. But it wasn't until the Israeli's asked which special forces were there, and he said 'we've got the British SAS in there' that they actually did back down."
(When the SAS were in Iraq weeks before Desert Storm during the Gulf war, Iraq were launching SCUD missiles at Israel)
Gotta love these guys!

thats the lamest reasoning possible to determine who is beter .. in reality i suppose you really cant say for sure who is best .. but this one guy is scared of them so they are the best is stupid ..
The role the SAS plays in modern warfare includes:
* Intelligence gathering missions behind enemy lines.
* Long range insertions to destroy multiple targets.
* Close quarter protection and bodyguarding (BGing) of senior British dignitaries.
* Taking part in CRW operations when a police unit such as SO19 does not have the capabilities.
* Conducting missions in areas without official British Government involvement.
* Training special forces of other nationalities.
none of which really include being a strike force like the seals and rangers sure they kick ass but i have doubts that they have as strenuous training and field experience in combat as rangers / seals
The role the SAS plays in modern warfare includes:
* Intelligence gathering missions behind enemy lines.
* Long range insertions to destroy multiple targets.
* Close quarter protection and bodyguarding (BGing) of senior British dignitaries.
* Taking part in CRW operations when a police unit such as SO19 does not have the capabilities.
* Conducting missions in areas without official British Government involvement.
* Training special forces of other nationalities.
none of which really include being a strike force like the seals and rangers sure they kick ass but i have doubts that they have as strenuous training and field experience in combat as rangers / seals
Ok, so just because they failed you wont admit they were SAS? Im sorry but like I said SAS arent gods...mafia996630 wrote:
HavocDemon wtf are u on about, i think u chat shit for the simple reason that, wtf would the sas recuit a bunch of noobs who cant even do an operation and on top of that cant keep there mouth shut. ??????
u need to update your facts mate, this is the yeaR 2005.
SaS all the way.
Plus who cares if this is 2005, fact is, they were SAS. And yes, the SAS DID recruit people who cant do an operation and keep their mouth shut...
See this is why these debates are retarded, when you point out a bad fact people either deny it or go "Yeah well, that doesnt happen anymore" or stupid shit like that. and im not saying any american SF unit hasnt ever failed, but realise that no unit is perfect, and can, and WILL fail at one point.
Exactly, that makes them an ELITE FIGHTING FORCE, there is a diffrence between and Elite Unit and a Special Forces unit. Last I checked the SAS did more than just Recon and such. Such as entering enemy lines and blowing shit up. Last I check blowing stuff up wasn't quite recon. Plus an American SF doesnt take the best out of area and put them into one unit, we take the best of each unit, put them in their own unit, and then train them more, make them the best they can be. The SAS take what they know and imply it as a small elite force.shingara wrote:
they take the best from all our armed forces and combine them into on very stong and elite fighting force which is the sas, they also used to ahve a sub branch of the sas that were dedicated for combating the ira.
Seriously we need to close this topic because I am getting tired of people fighting this...
British will ALWAYS say SAS
Army buffs and some civi's will always say Delta Force or Green berrets.
Marines will always say RECON
Navy and most Civis will say SEALs...
This is a never ending batttle. Im not saying the SAS arent great and Im not saying any unit is better, but I wish people would just stop and the fighting and admit equality... Because most people here just say "SAS ARE BETTER I CANT HERE YOU LA LA LA LA" and seriously its getting really fucked up.
once and for all not elite fighting force special forces, ei there name SPECIAL AIR SERVICES, special forcesHavocDemon wrote:
Ok, so just because they failed you wont admit they were SAS? Im sorry but like I said SAS arent gods...mafia996630 wrote:
HavocDemon wtf are u on about, i think u chat shit for the simple reason that, wtf would the sas recuit a bunch of noobs who cant even do an operation and on top of that cant keep there mouth shut. ??????
u need to update your facts mate, this is the yeaR 2005.
SaS all the way.
Plus who cares if this is 2005, fact is, they were SAS. And yes, the SAS DID recruit people who cant do an operation and keep their mouth shut...
See this is why these debates are retarded, when you point out a bad fact people either deny it or go "Yeah well, that doesnt happen anymore" or stupid shit like that. and im not saying any american SF unit hasnt ever failed, but realise that no unit is perfect, and can, and WILL fail at one point.Exactly, that makes them an ELITE FIGHTING FORCE, there is a diffrence between and Elite Unit and a Special Forces unit. Last I checked the SAS did more than just Recon and such. Such as entering enemy lines and blowing shit up. Last I check blowing stuff up wasn't quite recon. Plus an American SF doesnt take the best out of area and put them into one unit, we take the best of each unit, put them in their own unit, and then train them more, make them the best they can be. The SAS take what they know and imply it as a small elite force.shingara wrote:
they take the best from all our armed forces and combine them into on very stong and elite fighting force which is the sas, they also used to ahve a sub branch of the sas that were dedicated for combating the ira.
Seriously we need to close this topic because I am getting tired of people fighting this...
British will ALWAYS say SAS
Army buffs and some civi's will always say Delta Force or Green berrets.
Marines will always say RECON
Navy and most Civis will say SEALs...
This is a never ending batttle. Im not saying the SAS arent great and Im not saying any unit is better, but I wish people would just stop and the fighting and admit equality... Because most people here just say "SAS ARE BETTER I CANT HERE YOU LA LA LA LA" and seriously its getting really fucked up.
otherewise they would be called eas wouldnt they. and dude if what u say is true about your yank special forces no wonder they dont complete half the stuff they start cos u have a bunch of demo experts going together ect ect ect ect.
and the last time i saw any news from any war its always the shnit has hit the fan we had to ask the sas to go and sort it out, just it seems that when there is ever a film made nowadays it seems to be the americans who are doing the fighting and winning, dont seem to remember the last time they actually won a war they started.
0f course i know someone is gonna say ww2 but hell im pritty sure yanks didnt join in till it was nearly over and it was the russians pols uk and the french who took the worst losses from that.
and just to prove it here is it in black and white fact, follow the white rabit( the link that is )
im finished with the post now its got to dumb,
Last edited by shingara (2005-12-06 10:39:43)
Anyone that risks their life to protect the rights and beliefs of their country and people is #1 in my book. No one group is better than the other. Atually now we are past the point of raw skill and technology is becoming the pivot that decides at military powers effectiveness. This does give the advantage to countries with a more active economy than the less "fiscal-ly" active ones.
Less money calls for bolder and, more dangerous tactics. Don't confuse this with skill. It doesn't mean other countries couldn't preform the same strategy. They just don't have to.
Ex: Basically all countries use nightvision. Now where a country with less money invested in military research may dedicate alot of time training how to spot enemies with nightvision ect. Other countries like the US and UK now have nightvision that can see other nightvision goggle. Enemy goggles will flash like a slow strobe. I can't say exactly how it works but, I have seen it with my own two eyes.
I'm not say anyone is better than another. Just that everyone has there own niches that make them better in a certain department. One of my personal favs is the Russian lady snipers of WWI. For their time and place they where amazing. You all should read up on them. There are some pretty interesting stories. For example, one woman actual got shot in the jaw and still have the ability to pull herself together and snipe the bastard that shot her in the face. I can't say that I would react the same.
You should all praise these people and not deface their lose of life by debating that they aren't as good as another. They are all #1.
Besides, We all know that it would only take one ninja to win a war. Don't know why the military hasn't figured this out yet. Geez. j/k.
P.S. As said before the was no beach storming at Normandy. It was a scene in an old movie and people just assumed it true. The attack was at night too. If they storm the beach they would have been destroyed with a quickness. Also the US was in WWII starting in Dec, 7, 1941. They may have not been there since the start but, they where there most of the time. So says my grandfather. He served in the 376th Heavy Bombardment Group Sq. 515. stationed in Italy. He was the navigator/radio operator. He said he would run the top gunner position from time to time also. They where in B24s. He was also in Korea and Vietnam.
Sorry my P.S. bacame a bit of a salute to my gramps. I come from a large military family.
Less money calls for bolder and, more dangerous tactics. Don't confuse this with skill. It doesn't mean other countries couldn't preform the same strategy. They just don't have to.
Ex: Basically all countries use nightvision. Now where a country with less money invested in military research may dedicate alot of time training how to spot enemies with nightvision ect. Other countries like the US and UK now have nightvision that can see other nightvision goggle. Enemy goggles will flash like a slow strobe. I can't say exactly how it works but, I have seen it with my own two eyes.
I'm not say anyone is better than another. Just that everyone has there own niches that make them better in a certain department. One of my personal favs is the Russian lady snipers of WWI. For their time and place they where amazing. You all should read up on them. There are some pretty interesting stories. For example, one woman actual got shot in the jaw and still have the ability to pull herself together and snipe the bastard that shot her in the face. I can't say that I would react the same.
You should all praise these people and not deface their lose of life by debating that they aren't as good as another. They are all #1.
Besides, We all know that it would only take one ninja to win a war. Don't know why the military hasn't figured this out yet. Geez. j/k.
P.S. As said before the was no beach storming at Normandy. It was a scene in an old movie and people just assumed it true. The attack was at night too. If they storm the beach they would have been destroyed with a quickness. Also the US was in WWII starting in Dec, 7, 1941. They may have not been there since the start but, they where there most of the time. So says my grandfather. He served in the 376th Heavy Bombardment Group Sq. 515. stationed in Italy. He was the navigator/radio operator. He said he would run the top gunner position from time to time also. They where in B24s. He was also in Korea and Vietnam.
Sorry my P.S. bacame a bit of a salute to my gramps. I come from a large military family.
Last edited by staticblue (2005-12-06 12:07:25)
Excuse me, war with japan in WWII, last I checked the Russuain, UK, nor the French did anything about that....
and which war has the British started and won latley? and I dont mean Skirmishes, i mean Wars...
and just because it has SPECIAL in it, doesnt make them SPECIAL FORCES... Just means they are special in terms of the other parts of the military.
and which war has the British started and won latley? and I dont mean Skirmishes, i mean Wars...
and just because it has SPECIAL in it, doesnt make them SPECIAL FORCES... Just means they are special in terms of the other parts of the military.
Last edited by HavocDemon (2005-12-06 12:07:57)
ok dude NO1 said sas are gods nor did anyone say that SAS are perfect.HavocDemon wrote:
Ok, so just because they failed you wont admit they were SAS? Im sorry but like I said SAS arent gods...mafia996630 wrote:
HavocDemon wtf are u on about, i think u chat shit for the simple reason that, wtf would the sas recuit a bunch of noobs who cant even do an operation and on top of that cant keep there mouth shut. ??????
u need to update your facts mate, this is the yeaR 2005.
SaS all the way.
Plus who cares if this is 2005, fact is, they were SAS. And yes, the SAS DID recruit people who cant do an operation and keep their mouth shut...
See this is why these debates are retarded, when you point out a bad fact people either deny it or go "Yeah well, that doesnt happen anymore" or stupid shit like that. and im not saying any american SF unit hasnt ever failed, but realise that no unit is perfect, and can, and WILL fail at one point.Exactly, that makes them an ELITE FIGHTING FORCE, there is a diffrence between and Elite Unit and a Special Forces unit. Last I checked the SAS did more than just Recon and such. Such as entering enemy lines and blowing shit up. Last I check blowing stuff up wasn't quite recon. Plus an American SF doesnt take the best out of area and put them into one unit, we take the best of each unit, put them in their own unit, and then train them more, make them the best they can be. The SAS take what they know and imply it as a small elite force.shingara wrote:
they take the best from all our armed forces and combine them into on very stong and elite fighting force which is the sas, they also used to ahve a sub branch of the sas that were dedicated for combating the ira.
Seriously we need to close this topic because I am getting tired of people fighting this...
British will ALWAYS say SAS
Army buffs and some civi's will always say Delta Force or Green berrets.
Marines will always say RECON
Navy and most Civis will say SEALs...
This is a never ending batttle. Im not saying the SAS arent great and Im not saying any unit is better, but I wish people would just stop and the fighting and admit equality... Because most people here just say "SAS ARE BETTER I CANT HERE YOU LA LA LA LA" and seriously its getting really fucked up.
in my books the SAS,SBS and the US SEALS are all as good as each other, the SAS just have a mythical profile, everyone wants to know about the SAS because its a legend regiment and ONE of the best in the world, the selection is legendary as being hellish, as is the SEALS selection but it just isnt as high profiled.
What if the Malitia was all you had like in 1776 or france 1941 Etc etc bla balaa bla.Vic_Mackie wrote:
In my book if you serve your countries military (not milita) you are a honorable person. SF or not they still kill and die for there country men.
Oh yeah Marine Force Recon rock!!! Semper Fi.
It's funny to hear y'all talk about this training and that equipment. Have any of you ever served in the military and if so, in a special ops unit?
i hesistate to respond to this kid becuase hes obviously ignorant but hey why not for the people who arent mentally challenged ^^
*begin literal* yeah ..umm be sure to point me out a more comprehenseive and capable army .. thanks ..
also at the end of the pacific war the russians did attack japan in china ..kind of a fuck you how we took a while to join the battle in europe even though stalin asked us to join sooner.. as well as them seeking to gain things from china and japan
examples please .. and im sure youre right of the numereous conflicts america has taken part in they are too specialized to complete hence our numerous failures *end sarcasm*no wonder they dont complete half the stuff they start cos u have a bunch of demo experts
*begin literal* yeah ..umm be sure to point me out a more comprehenseive and capable army .. thanks ..
...the "yanks" declared war on germany in 1941 and the war was over in 1945 ... thats not almost over twat ..besides the fact that the most successfull theaters of the war by the allies occured from 1942 and on in think you get the picture.. probably not since you such a retard.. attempting to diminish the contributions of people who gave thier lives for your freedom is true douchebaggery..0f course i know someone is gonna say ww2 but hell im pritty sure yanks didnt join in till it was nearly over
yeah try not talking out your ass so much since the war in iraq is fought 99% by americans and there is no situtation that will occur where the united states army will say we cant handle this someone call the sas ... douche try being in reality..and the last time i saw any news from any war its always the shnit has hit the fan we had to ask the sas to go and sort it out
also at the end of the pacific war the russians did attack japan in china ..kind of a fuck you how we took a while to join the battle in europe even though stalin asked us to join sooner.. as well as them seeking to gain things from china and japan
june 6th 6:30 am the first landing crafts hit normandy beach ...i duno what crack you been smoking but its a historical factP.S. As said before the was no beach storming at Normandy. It was a scene in an old movie and people just assumed it true. The attack was at night too. If they storm the beach they would have been destroyed with a quickness.
way to dishonor what really happened say the holocaust never happend and 9/11 was computer graphicsIf they storm the beach they would have been destroyed with a quickness.
In SF its dark and everyone use zip-lines. The army that is missing, are the NINJAS.
Their're silent and kill you soooooo fast that you couldnt realize.
Their're silent and kill you soooooo fast that you couldnt realize.
yeah umm the war in cambodia ... good one ..... cambodia was just a facet of vietnam gona have to stop at that cuz when we withdrew from vietnam south vietnam was still secure and we attempted to vietnimise the war till 76 ..and there is no other example...
give a source where it says the united states requested assistance dfrom the sas .... becuase it never happened
UN isnt in iraq you retard, guess you missed that whole point when the us tried to get un approval and were denied ..and when i said 99% it wasnt literal ..the height in of american troops in iraq was 334,000 now its 160,000 compared to that of 8,500 british so im sorry its not 99% its 95% .. horrible mistake
ireland scotland ? thats just the united kingdom... cyprus ?? rofl ?? ther are no troops from france.. italy has 3 thousand ..please name more countries that contributed nothing or more obscure refrences .. hey dude kazakhstan gave 20 troops why not mention them .. you so obviously have no clue what youre talking about
and on d-day at omaha beach they landed at normandy and the tanks that were supposed to be amphibious sunk due to rough seas .. you are clueless about history why do you bother responding
give a source where it says the united states requested assistance dfrom the sas .... becuase it never happened
UN isnt in iraq you retard, guess you missed that whole point when the us tried to get un approval and were denied ..and when i said 99% it wasnt literal ..the height in of american troops in iraq was 334,000 now its 160,000 compared to that of 8,500 british so im sorry its not 99% its 95% .. horrible mistake
ireland scotland ? thats just the united kingdom... cyprus ?? rofl ?? ther are no troops from france.. italy has 3 thousand ..please name more countries that contributed nothing or more obscure refrences .. hey dude kazakhstan gave 20 troops why not mention them .. you so obviously have no clue what youre talking about
and on d-day at omaha beach they landed at normandy and the tanks that were supposed to be amphibious sunk due to rough seas .. you are clueless about history why do you bother responding
this guys going a little insane now he is arguing with himself roflchitlin wrote:
yeah umm the war in cambodia ... good one ..... cambodia was just a facet of vietnam gona have to stop at that cuz when we withdrew from vietnam south vietnam was still secure and we attempted to vietnimise the war till 76 ..and there is no other example...
give a source where it says the united states requested assistance dfrom the sas .... becuase it never happened
UN isnt in iraq you retard, guess you missed that whole point when the us tried to get un approval and were denied ..and when i said 99% it wasnt literal ..the height in of american troops in iraq was 334,000 now its 160,000 compared to that of 8,500 british so im sorry its not 99% its 95% .. horrible mistake
ireland scotland ? thats just the united kingdom... cyprus ?? rofl ?? ther are no troops from france.. italy has 3 thousand ..please name more countries that contributed nothing or more obscure refrences .. hey dude kazakhstan gave 20 troops why not mention them .. you so obviously have no clue what youre talking about
and on d-day at omaha beach they landed at normandy and the tanks that were supposed to be amphibious sunk due to rough seas .. you are clueless about history why do you bother responding
They should put in IDF's SF , hell if it wern't for them we wouldnt have half the Wars we got.
yeah you or whoever posted that garbage deleted it im guessing it was you =pthis guys going a little insane now he is arguing with himself rofl
ill give a facinating recap
apprarently america lost the cambodian war
tanks landed by themselves at a beach 30 miles from omaha becuase america is too stupid to coordinate tanks and troops landing at the same place
and the united states isnt the major contributor of troops in iraq / afghanistan it was the united nations and the fighting forces of ireland scotland wales cyprus france and italy
oh and the united states allways asks the sas to fix all thier military problems since they are inept
way to try to save face by deleting retarded babble
Last edited by chitlin (2005-12-06 21:19:54)
who ever has said or wants to says ninjas, please look at the date, people stop fighting wth swords and ninja stars a long time ago, and if a very good ninja had a fight wth a rookie soldier wth a decent gun, the rookie soldier is likely to winn in most situations,
"They should put in IDF's SF , hell if it wern't for them we wouldnt have half the Wars we got."
i dont see wot this has got to do wth anyfink, yes we all knw half the wars started cos of iseral, and we all knw how they can go to hell. but beside that what u are sayin is no relevent.
ok so if no1 can agree on what is the best, or what should hav been included, then i say put in SGC(stargate command) i mean like, they fight alians, protect the land which all other SF's walk on, (earth) .
"They should put in IDF's SF , hell if it wern't for them we wouldnt have half the Wars we got."
i dont see wot this has got to do wth anyfink, yes we all knw half the wars started cos of iseral, and we all knw how they can go to hell. but beside that what u are sayin is no relevent.
ok so if no1 can agree on what is the best, or what should hav been included, then i say put in SGC(stargate command) i mean like, they fight alians, protect the land which all other SF's walk on, (earth) .
sorry to disappoint, thats just the army. Force Recon, while they don't have the anti terror squad, they are skill and endurance and not much else. The Marines just don't have the money for the equipment, seeing as how the Navy treats'em like a redheaded step child.jamiecracker wrote:
hahahaha SAS was the first and will always be the best,they rely on skill and endurance not technology like the americans(not saying that they aint good)
Onequestion for you, are you in the SAS or have access to top secret files, documents, and all that stuff for both the US and British Military? No? Ok, no more talking like that for you.chitlin wrote:
yeah you or whoever posted that garbage deleted it im guessing it was you =pthis guys going a little insane now he is arguing with himself rofl
ill give a facinating recap
apprarently america lost the cambodian war
tanks landed by themselves at a beach 30 miles from omaha becuase america is too stupid to coordinate tanks and troops landing at the same place
and the united states isnt the major contributor of troops in iraq / afghanistan it was the united nations and the fighting forces of ireland scotland wales cyprus france and italy
oh and the united states allways asks the sas to fix all thier military problems since they are inept
way to try to save face by deleting retarded babble
In Iraq and Afghanistan the single largest provider of troops by a soverign nation is by the US, the combined might of the other countries is more I believe, but no one country has more troops on the ground.
Last edited by Ridir (2005-12-07 13:14:09)
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