I was playing on a 64 player server yesterday. Doing fairly well. I have a few spots that I park light vehicles with mounted guns from time to time that helps get a few kills and allow teammates to grab a flag. Anyways, I was on this server for a bit and would keep scoring in the top 5.
As I was playing my PC decided to reboot. Not a normal reboot either. Meaning the PC cut-off completely without shutting any programs. Then instead of the normal pause that takes place on a reboot after it is shut off it immediately came back on.
I didn't think anything of it and decided to do a few things around the house. I came back to play some more. Everything worked fine until I was actually in a server then it seemed nothing worked. Not the mouse or, the keyboard. So I CTRL+ALT+DEL and shut BF2:SF down and, restart. I go to check my keymap (controls) and, everything is blank.
Now my guess would be if the game had a problem and shutdown on its own, and anything from that problem effected the keymap it would revert it back to default. Not make every key blank. This made start to wonder.
Was this just a fluke or did someone put something in my PC via BF2:SF. Because that was the only thing effected. Also, if it where a piece of malious software it would take little talent to acheive these results so, anyone with half ass knowledge of coding, hacking, ect could pull it off.
I just thought I would bring this to peoples attention incase anyone else has had the same experience. Hopefully it's just a glitch. Do any of you ever have this happen to you?
As I was playing my PC decided to reboot. Not a normal reboot either. Meaning the PC cut-off completely without shutting any programs. Then instead of the normal pause that takes place on a reboot after it is shut off it immediately came back on.
I didn't think anything of it and decided to do a few things around the house. I came back to play some more. Everything worked fine until I was actually in a server then it seemed nothing worked. Not the mouse or, the keyboard. So I CTRL+ALT+DEL and shut BF2:SF down and, restart. I go to check my keymap (controls) and, everything is blank.
Now my guess would be if the game had a problem and shutdown on its own, and anything from that problem effected the keymap it would revert it back to default. Not make every key blank. This made start to wonder.
Was this just a fluke or did someone put something in my PC via BF2:SF. Because that was the only thing effected. Also, if it where a piece of malious software it would take little talent to acheive these results so, anyone with half ass knowledge of coding, hacking, ect could pull it off.
I just thought I would bring this to peoples attention incase anyone else has had the same experience. Hopefully it's just a glitch. Do any of you ever have this happen to you?