+0|7087|the motherland uk

chitlin wrote:

this guys going a little insane now he is arguing with himself rofl
yeah you or whoever posted that garbage deleted it im guessing it was you =p

ill give a facinating recap

apprarently america lost the cambodian war

tanks landed by themselves at a beach 30 miles from omaha becuase america is too stupid to coordinate tanks and troops landing at the same place

and the united states isnt the major contributor of troops in iraq / afghanistan it was the united nations and the fighting forces of ireland scotland wales cyprus france and italy

oh and the united states allways asks the sas to fix all thier military problems since they are inept

way to try to save face by deleting retarded babble
hmm def a little mental
Got Whiskey?
+63|7100|Meiriceá - frm 'Real Capital'

aardfrith wrote:

I was going to make a reasoned argument on this but I really can't be arsed.  I don't give a hoot who's in the game so long as it's not Al Qaeda and the IRA (terrorist groups that have attacked my country).  I'm slightly dubious about having Americans in the game as they funded the IRA (and other Irish terrorist groups)

So, I can understand people that would have been upset about Israel's inclusion had it happened but I can also understand any Chechnyans that have suffered the Russians' wrath etc.

Making any game that uses real-life military organisations is bound to run into problems somewhere in the world.  Live with it.
I've edited
I've deleted my comments and sent a PM, IM quite feck'n sure Chuy, triggz, NM, Bschuss, would not want me response posted....

You only consider injustices where you want to see them, yet you turn a blind eye to what YOUR people have done to us for hundreds of years....I'm done with this post and more importantly aardfrith. Slainte~!

Last edited by [GDC]SinnFein (2005-12-07 18:15:42)

Got Whiskey?
+63|7100|Meiriceá - frm 'Real Capital'

aardfrith wrote:

thinner44 wrote:

"Live with it" . What a really odd thing to say after your statement above. I think if I was an American I would be slightly offended by your remark that "they funded the IRA (and other Irish terrorist groups)" . A very very small minority did indeed support the IRA.... but not every American. Please substantiate your claims if you're going to post inflammatory remarks. As for 'blue on blue', that's been happening since conflicts began, from all sides.
Okay, what I said was a little mixed up.  I am not anti-American.  I know not every American supported the IRA but without the funding from NORAID, [ ] their attacks would have been fewer and less people would have died.  Having been close to two IRA bombs, having seen the carnage in Warrington and Enniskillen, I am somewhat anti anyone who supported them.   I was looking forward to George Bush invading Ireland and taking out the terrorist organisations on both sides of the border (and religious divide) in his War on Terrorism.
This is my last post on this toipic, I HOPE IT's YOURS!

Any further post should be in SERIOUS DEBATE forum NOT the game forums!!!!!

Last edited by [GDC]SinnFein (2005-12-08 12:55:13)

Onequestion for you,  are you in the SAS or have access to top secret files, documents, and all that stuff for both the US and British Military?  No?  Ok, no more talking like that for you.
if you would read the posts ..apparently my post wasnt that clear what i was conveying ...

i had responded to someones horribly ignorant post and they subsequently deleted thier post "recap" was simply to repeat what he said so what i posted didnt seem to come from left field ..

ill give a quick post/response clear up what noone has interest in

he said america never finishes war they start and his examples were cambodia and vietnam .

i said..
yeah umm the war in cambodia ... good one ..... cambodia was just a facet of vietnam gona have to stop at that cuz when we withdrew from vietnam south vietnam was still secure and we attempted to vietnimise the war till 76 ..and there is no other example...
he said the us allways asks the sas to take care of things they cannot ..-

i said
give a source where it says the united states requested assistance dfrom the sas .... becuase it never happened
i said that 99% of the coalition is american and he gave examples of ireland scotland wales cyprus italy france contributing to the UN coalition

i said..
UN isnt in iraq you retard, guess you missed that whole point when the us tried to get un approval and were denied ..and when i said 99% it wasnt literal ..the height in of american  troops in iraq was 334,000 now its 160,000 compared to that of 8,500 british so im sorry its not 99% its 95% .. horrible mistake

ireland scotland ? thats just the united kingdom... cyprus ?? rofl ?? ther are no troops from france.. italy has 3 thousand ..please name more countries that contributed nothing or more obscure refrences .. hey dude kazakhstan gave 20 troops why not mention them .. you so obviously have no clue what youre talking about
and he said that the reason the us didnt have tanks on omaha beach was becuase they landed 30 miles from omaha ..

i said ..
and on d-day at omaha beach they landed at normandy and the tanks that were supposed to be amphibious sunk due to rough seas .. you are clueless about history why do you bother responding
i suppose i am officially have a conversation with myself which is awesome .. just wanted to clear it up hopefully becuse it seems some people htink im crazy or something after dude cowardly deleted his post ... i hope you found this facinating

Last edited by chitlin (2005-12-07 19:24:40)

Well this is all about personal opinion and patriotism. Technically, the American army does relie on technology over skill compared to other countries and yes the IDF is an awesome military power, but one can't compare anything to the Australia Special Air Services. They really are about the best military force in the world, They help TRAIN special forces from other countries, Americans are just blinded from the fact most of the patriots fill their heads with lies. The Marines have and always will be shock troops, the IDF have and always will be an awesome force, but the ASAS are and always will be the best force in the world.
Well this is all about personal opinion and patriotism
Americans are just blinded from the fact most of the patriots fill their heads with lies.
the ASAS are and always will be the best force in the world.
pot callingthe kettle black ... you talk about being blinded by patriotism when youre obviously the one blinded

they are and allways will be the best force ? youre livin in a dream world where austrialia runs things ..last time i looked allways is a pretty long time and austrailia has no record of winning any conflicts playing a major role ..allways being directed by the uk..
Wow, that took over an hour to read the whole post, though I think I spent about 30 minutes of that reading a post by some mafia guy. Here is a good site for him:

I kept a talley of the votes, and it turns out that the British SAS rocks to first place with 16 votes.
US special forces did well, at 47 votes, but many were rather whiney and defensive and there are 38 version of their special forces, so they netted out at only 2.65 votes.

Tied for second were the ASAS, the Netherlands special forces (which I'm still not sure what to call) and the JTF2 (who I'm voting for).

What was the point of this thread?
+4|7053|Hamilton, Scotland

Tyferra wrote:

The IDF are brilliant though. This is what the did to one guy who they needed to assassinate, (I'll call him Mr. X because I can't remember his name.:
They scrambled his cellphone, so he couldn't recieve or send anything. Of course Mr. X, (who dosn't know what's happening,) takes his phone to a repair place. While it is there, the IDF plants a small explosive in it. When the guy gets it back, Mr. X finds it works perfectly. One of the first calls he gets goes something like this:
"Hello, is this Mr. X?"
"Yes, who's this?"
The conversation ended about then as the IDF triggered the explosive and took off Mr. X's head.

That's just a cool way to assassinate someone, but the IDF are one of the best Special Forces in the world and should have been included in BF:SF.
Quality man!, i agree( even thought i dont know in detail who they are, forgive me) totally, hey the more armies the better!!
Mybe replace the spetnaz vs. SAS map (god, whats the name of it again?) with spetnaz vs. IDF, 2 cool man
i think you mean ghost town

i agree the more armies the better but make them viable not the dutch ^^
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7096|The Hague, Holland

chitlin wrote:

i think you mean ghost town

i agree the more armies the better but make them viable not the dutch ^^
Goddamnit what is your freaking problem against the dutch ? Siriously, "Dutch-Hater!"-Goldmember.
It would be so cool to have the Dutch in this game, nobody would understand us.

chitlin wrote:

im simply saying that not technically naming them chechnyans take absolutely nothing away from its potential for cotroversy..
You're kidding me? It's not any less controversial? So it wouldn't make any difference at all, if they were not called Rebels but Chechnyans in the game? Are you insane?

.... chechnya has 2 offical languages chanyan and russian and it is not only ex soviets who speak russian ...
Yes I know that. Nice strawman argument.  I never said no Chechnyans speak Russian. I said Chechnya has its own language, it's own culture and ethnicity if you will. Any reason why any Chechnyans speak Russian is because it was part of the Soviet Union and there a lot of ethnic Russians who still live there, ALL OF IT BECAUSE OF THE SOVIET HISTORY. If you were going to make a game with Chechnyans fighting Russians, why wouldn't you have the Chechnyans speak Chechnyan?

considering there is tension between the united states and china and has the potential to be a much larger conflict than anything else in bf2 id say it might be the most controversial... and you dont know what youre talkiing about in refrence to chinas nues ..thier space program still in its infacy only has the ability to leave orbit and return, they still dont have icbm's
WRONG! China most certainly does have ICBMs … 3044.shtml

....China’s growing long-range missile capability, notably its DF-5, DF-31 and DF-4 ICBM brigades under the PLA’s 2nd Artillery (Missile Corps). These longer-range missiles by themselves are formidable – and foreboding, as the Taiwanese authors claimed that these missiles are targeting American territory.

Not to mention China has plenty of short range nukes that can wipe out Japan and South Korea, how the hell would we even be able to get any sizeable military near China without them getting nuked? And do you think risking Japan and South Korea is worth it?

and at this time could not lauch a large scale nuclear attack from that far you cant know how the war would be fought ..seeing as how there has been only 2 nukes used in wars and none in 60 years
China has enough ICBMS according to US intelligence to wipe out 30 American cities. That's assuming China doesn't have more that we don't know about. Second, I think it's safe to say what a nuke would do. There's enough evidence and science to accurately predict it would mean a pretty bad day for the world.

there are no insurgents in syria huh ? i duno where you get your news from but from what ive read and seen thats the number one source of insurgents.. although there are no operations inside syria to my knowledge..
BINGO! You got it Sherlock! There are no insurgent operations in Syria, so the British SAS fighting Insurgents equipped with flashbangs and teargas sure does fit close to reality doesn't it? 

you can call a duck a dog but its not going to convince anyone or keep anyone from being offended
Now you are just completely ignoring me and using strawman arguments. I never said there would be zero controversy, that's now the third time I'm saying this. I'm saying less! And Israel, whether anyone agrees or not, is a highly controversial country in every way, it's history, it's policy, and it's existence. Controversial doesn't mean Israel's existence, policy, or history is wrong or evil, just that it is a source of A LOT of controversy. You will never see the IDF in any videogame, as long as the motive is to sell videogames.

Last edited by jarm8180 (2005-12-08 14:42:55)

© 2009 Jeff Minard
BINGO! You got it Sherlock!


Cavendel, learn to count before u attempt to giv me grammer lessons, wait infact giv me that site when i write to tony blair, how that ????
i'd go w/the Ghurkan SF or Maori SF, they've stopped the authoritative, lisping Brits in the past.  The SAS should train up your cricket & rugby squads, mate.  Getting beat by a bunch of sheep-shagging islanders doesn't speak well for the empire. 
sure fine a minute amount of less controversy by not specifically calling them chechnyan ..

newsmax is a horrible source ..none of it factual .. its a right winger site trying to bolster paranoia about china ..

peruse that site a little more if you think that source is credible .. i think you might think otherwise ..

a better way to determine thier icbm nuclear capability since there is no way china is going to release that kind of sensitive information .. is to look at thier space program since icbm's leave the atmosphere travel distances then reeter .. something china has yet to do .. thier space program is underfunded and inexperienced ... look at the economy of china with a population 5 times ameriac but a gdp that of 1/4th .. i cannot say for certain that china doesnt have a large amount of icbm's but i suspect from thier space prgram that they dont .. plus i was told by someone in the us army that the concensus as far as he knows it is that they are not there yet .. maybe soon
+4|7053|Hamilton, Scotland

jarm8180 wrote:

chitlin wrote:

im simply saying that not technically naming them chechnyans take absolutely nothing away from its potential for cotroversy..
You're kidding me? It's not any less controversial? So it wouldn't make any difference at all, if they were not called Rebels but Chechnyans in the game? Are you insane?

.... chechnya has 2 offical languages chanyan and russian and it is not only ex soviets who speak russian ...
Yes I know that. Nice strawman argument.  I never said no Chechnyans speak Russian. I said Chechnya has its own language, it's own culture and ethnicity if you will. Any reason why any Chechnyans speak Russian is because it was part of the Soviet Union and there a lot of ethnic Russians who still live there, ALL OF IT BECAUSE OF THE SOVIET HISTORY. If you were going to make a game with Chechnyans fighting Russians, why wouldn't you have the Chechnyans speak Chechnyan?

considering there is tension between the united states and china and has the potential to be a much larger conflict than anything else in bf2 id say it might be the most controversial... and you dont know what youre talkiing about in refrence to chinas nues ..thier space program still in its infacy only has the ability to leave orbit and return, they still dont have icbm's
WRONG! China most certainly does have ICBMs … 3044.shtml

....China’s growing long-range missile capability, notably its DF-5, DF-31 and DF-4 ICBM brigades under the PLA’s 2nd Artillery (Missile Corps). These longer-range missiles by themselves are formidable – and foreboding, as the Taiwanese authors claimed that these missiles are targeting American territory.

Not to mention China has plenty of short range nukes that can wipe out Japan and South Korea, how the hell would we even be able to get any sizeable military near China without them getting nuked? And do you think risking Japan and South Korea is worth it?

and at this time could not lauch a large scale nuclear attack from that far you cant know how the war would be fought ..seeing as how there has been only 2 nukes used in wars and none in 60 years
China has enough ICBMS according to US intelligence to wipe out 30 American cities. That's assuming China doesn't have more that we don't know about. Second, I think it's safe to say what a nuke would do. There's enough evidence and science to accurately predict it would mean a pretty bad day for the world.

there are no insurgents in syria huh ? i duno where you get your news from but from what ive read and seen thats the number one source of insurgents.. although there are no operations inside syria to my knowledge..
BINGO! You got it Sherlock! There are no insurgent operations in Syria, so the British SAS fighting Insurgents equipped with flashbangs and teargas sure does fit close to reality doesn't it? 

you can call a duck a dog but its not going to convince anyone or keep anyone from being offended
Now you are just completely ignoring me and using strawman arguments. I never said there would be zero controversy, that's now the third time I'm saying this. I'm saying less! And Israel, whether anyone agrees or not, is a highly controversial country in every way, it's history, it's policy, and it's existence. Controversial doesn't mean Israel's existence, policy, or history is wrong or evil, just that it is a source of A LOT of controversy. You will never see the IDF in any videogame, as long as the motive is to sell videogames.
dam thats a long message!!

We probably dont know if china has SF guys because ther'ye so secretive, even  suspisious

Last edited by A.Drew(G.Drew (2005-12-09 09:50:56)

iPod is broken.
+1,048|6978|NT, like Mick Dundee

dshak wrote:

good lord... I was merely saying that I would have liked to see the Israeli SF unit in the game, but I guess what I really did was start a post so people couild demonstrate how truly and competely full of themselves they are.



Oh, and aardfirth - yeah it really sucks about friendly fire, but its happens, and I wonder how many british lives were saved because of the efficiency of the US military in those conflicts?? I wouldn't go getting all riled up and anti american if I were you, I still seem to recall some kind of "world war" in which the US basically saved your ass. I loved it in the other thread on here where people were saying the British and Russians would have won the war without the US, how was that going for you anyway?

bah, there I've gone and started pissing myself.
I agree with you Dshak... I want more everything though... More maps, more armies and more game modes...

Pity EA killed the modding community of BF2 with the rank system...
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.

aardfrith wrote:

thinner44 wrote:

"Live with it" . What a really odd thing to say after your statement above. I think if I was an American I would be slightly offended by your remark that "they funded the IRA (and other Irish terrorist groups)" . A very very small minority did indeed support the IRA.... but not every American. Please substantiate your claims if you're going to post inflammatory remarks. As for 'blue on blue', that's been happening since conflicts began, from all sides.
Okay, what I said was a little mixed up.  I am not anti-American.  I know not every American supported the IRA but without the funding from NORAID, [ ] their attacks would have been fewer and less people would have died.  Having been close to two IRA bombs, having seen the carnage in Warrington and Enniskillen, I am somewhat anti anyone who supported them.   I was looking forward to George Bush invading Ireland and taking out the terrorist organisations on both sides of the border (and religious divide) in his War on Terrorism.

As for "blue on blue", accidents do happen.  Look at my stats on BF2 and you'll see I'm not perfect and I don't expect any army to have a blemish-free record.  However, the US military's record in Iraq speaks for itself.

However, back to the topic that was posted.  I don't think any real armies should have been included.  The omissions and the inclusions are bound to cause arguments - how many nations have been on the receiving end of the Spetsnaz' bullets?  Who is to say whether the IDF would have been any more or less controversial?  Even the SAS have had moments they'd rather have avoided - anyone remember the killings in Gibraltar?
Yeh would be great he would kill 2 million Irish people to get rid of 500 terrorists. Great man that bush.....

Last edited by Chowley (2006-03-04 19:45:36)


[GDC]SinnFein wrote:

aardfrith wrote:

I was going to make a reasoned argument on this but I really can't be arsed.  I don't give a hoot who's in the game so long as it's not Al Qaeda and the IRA (terrorist groups that have attacked my country).  I'm slightly dubious about having Americans in the game as they funded the IRA (and other Irish terrorist groups)

So, I can understand people that would have been upset about Israel's inclusion had it happened but I can also understand any Chechnyans that have suffered the Russians' wrath etc.

Making any game that uses real-life military organisations is bound to run into problems somewhere in the world.  Live with it.
I've edited
I've deleted my comments and sent a PM, IM quite feck'n sure Chuy, triggz, NM, Bschuss, would not want me response posted....

You only consider injustices where you want to see them, yet you turn a blind eye to what YOUR people have done to us for hundreds of years....I'm done with this post and more importantly aardfrith. Slainte~!

Funny how im not offended by having the SAS in the game, I'm not petty even though it would be justified.

chitlin wrote:

yeah umm the war in cambodia ... good one ..... cambodia was just a facet of vietnam gona have to stop at that cuz when we withdrew from vietnam south vietnam was still secure and we attempted to vietnimise the war till 76 ..and there is no other example...

give a source where it says the united states requested assistance dfrom the sas .... becuase it never happened

UN isnt in iraq you retard, guess you missed that whole point when the us tried to get un approval and were denied ..and when i said 99% it wasnt literal ..the height in of american  troops in iraq was 334,000 now its 160,000 compared to that of 8,500 british so im sorry its not 99% its 95% .. horrible mistake

ireland scotland ? thats just the united kingdom... cyprus ?? rofl ?? ther are no troops from france.. italy has 3 thousand ..please name more countries that contributed nothing or more obscure refrences .. hey dude kazakhstan gave 20 troops why not mention them .. you so obviously have no clue what youre talking about

and on d-day at omaha beach they landed at normandy and the tanks that were supposed to be amphibious sunk due to rough seas .. you are clueless about history why do you bother responding
Ireland isnt part of the UK.

dshak wrote:

first of all.... I didn't mean to start a "my dad can beat up your dad" argument as someone else on here suggested. The only point I will counter is that guy who says the SAS are better because they don't rely on technology like american SF do.

This is a ridiculous statement. A) they use just as much technology, and B) anyone who knows ANYTHING about SEAL training would never, ever, say that.

The IDF are probably the most potent SF in the world and here is why, they have much of the same, training, tech, etc etc as everybody else, the difference is in operational experience. While most modern SF operators spend a large amount of time training and a small amount, well, operating... the IDF are constantly forced to conduct live excercises (because the brains of western civ decided somehow it would be a good idea to create Israel right in the middle of the Islamic Fundamentalist world) Whether its raids into Palestinine or home security actions, I'd be willing to bet the IDF SF have nearly 10 times the operational experience of any SF unit in the world.

I'm an american. not jewish. no ties at ALL to Israel... but those guys are BAD MOTHER F**KERS. PERIOD.

Also, for the guy who said "IDF=terrorists"... I won't defend them or attack them, except to say I don't think you have a right to either, that is, unless you also happen to live in a country surrounded by enemies, constantly under attack, and where people tend to be blown into pieces while sitting at their favorite coffee shop or pizza parlor. They are aggressive, they are proactive, they are controversial indeed... but they are also dealing with an equally if not more aggressive culture hell bent on destroying their country, one that only understands one means of negotiation themselves - murder.

My OPINION is that they are the best, but only because they are forced to be every time the wake up and get out of bed. There isn't another elite unit in the world that has the "workload" the IDF has.
i agree with most of this statement but my main thought about SF in general is that, no one really knows inless you were one of them, and even then sometimes they don't know, how much a certain unit goes through on a daily basis, now i agree that from a first impression that the IDF do have more experience, but to say that they are the best... i have to slighty disagree with that becuase i don't think that becuase they only SEEM to operate in their own country, it would seem possible that in another counrty they could have some trouble. (as a side note it is only considered an assassination if it is an important political leader)

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