Is there anyone that can share their tip/hints to being a better soldier?
I'm very close to just uninstalling the game due to the frustration of just plain sucking at this game.
I have 4806 kills and 8602 deaths.
so as you see I suck !
so this was kind of a last resort  of asking for help before I toss the game...
I'm not a quitter,so any help would be appreciated.
thank you
Radioactive Glo
+130|7151|A Small Isle in the Tropics

If I understand what you had just posted, it looks like help with improving your K/D ratio. There is a thread posted sometime back, so here it is...Hit this position!

There are some flaming inside there..but sieve through it.

Why on earth would you want to give up a great game? I suck at it too..but I enjoy blowing up bunny hoppers and see the trajectory of their bodies flying across the skies of BF2

Last edited by mikeshw (2005-12-08 21:14:07)

The H4xor Mod
+161|7160|North Texas
Tip #1) Post in the correct forum!
Tip #2) Check out the Featured Posts (That shit is so good it gets its own section!)
Tip #3) Try searching the forums. A simple search for link* OR guide* AND squad*, might return some info.
Tip #4) You might want to bookmark this page: BF2S Wiki (Keep your eye out for some things to come!)
Tip #5) Try Google, that's a good place to find some valuable info.
Tip #6) The only way to get better, is to play more. When you feel you're getting better, then create a new account, so your stats don't look so bad.
Tip #7) Have fun, don't worry about your stats. Find some good servers to play on, get to know the people that run them, hang out, and hang in there!

slidero wrote:

Learn how to fly jets.
I stand by this.
+0|7033|West Central Indiana
When a shoot-out occurs - drop to the ground in the prone position.  Have your finger ready to hit the PRONE button at all times - it GREATLY improves your firing accuracy.  If the guy you are battling starts bunnyhopping around like some little slipperboy - RELAX and use the force.  9 times out of 10 you will nail 'em in the jimmy and there will be one less pole smoker on the planet.

Last edited by Schizferatu (2005-12-09 07:07:41)

I agree with Schizferatu. Keep playing and you will get better. If you're having problems on foot try armor, Helicopter, or jets. I've seen a ton of players who can't play on foot worth a damn but they are deadly pilots. I'm by no means suggesting that you become a tank whore, plane whore ect..... but at least you can get familiar with some of the other aspects of the game. For now I wouldn't worry about my stats I would just play and have fun. The rest will come with time. Good Luck!
If he has that many deaths and that few kills he probably won't be getting much better. i.e he is a VERY SLOW learner.
I just started playing this game, but my K/D ratio is slighly above 1. I rarely fly, because bombing stuff over and over again is monotonous. Instead, I like to sometimes fight on the front line or defend bases and assets. I think the whole K/D thing is hyped-up, and doesnt reflect how good of a soldier you are. But if you really wanna be a better overall player, here are a few tips:

1) Always, always join a tight and cooperative squad, because you will have some sort of weapon against any military unit
2) Play as a medic so you will always have full health, but also heal teammates.
3) Keep a low profile on the battle field: use buildings as cover, bushes as concealment, and terrain as camoflauge
4) Don't rush in the middle of a firefight without checking to see where the enemies and teammates are.
5) Watch for armor and jeeps (obvious one): they love to run you over or blow your brains out, hint: dont let them see you, especially if you have no means to defeat it, ie. sniper
6) Control your bursts when using automatic fire, learn to prone/crounch
7) Learn the weapons and their limitations: You dont wanna use shotguns for longrange, and in many cases, the pistol and knive are more effective than a gun. Grenades are useful to clear a room, flag area, or make sure nobody is right around the corner.
8) Dont loiter in overused and overexploited spots, and dont stand in the middle of the base near the flag area unless you wanna be target practice for the bombers.

This one is a big one...
9) Use your minimap. Many teammates and commanders will spot enemies for you, and UAV is invaluable. I have seen many people get killed by an enemy right next to him, even after I spot the enemy multiple times.

If you are only desperate for a better ratio, try these:
1) Use armor as an engineer: You could last the whole round without dying!
2) WHORE PLANES, ATTACK CHOPPERS, AND BLACKHAWKS: Very powerful stuff, easy to repair
3) Sniper/commander: You can avoid direct combat (not much fun though)
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7154|Cologne, Germany

this is a bit more advanced, but it might help:
it's no fun being killed over and over again. There's lots of helpful info and one of the best is the 'go prone' bit from Schizferatu, really, it's that simple. If you haven't already assigned a key for 'prone' and you have a scroll mouse that also doubles as a press, use that, that way you're not having to look down or away from the screen.

Other useful tips, don't leave the game on a negative, don't get mad, don't rush in, pick the right kit, one that suits you best, be stealthy, join a good squad, go it alone (sniper).... If it all starts to go wrong, take a break... but best one, ENJOY it... relax and have fun... Do NOT break keyboards (I have 3 in the bin), Do NOT run around with a 'KILL ME' light above your head... and if all the above and more fail (sheesh )... try a few SP games, hone your skills.

studplaya1114 says "Sniper/commander: You can avoid direct combat (not much fun though)." I beg to differ about the sniper bit.... Just the 'one shot one kill' alone is enough to make me laugh...especially if it's against another sniper
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7154|Cologne, Germany

1) always join a squad. even if you don't kill more, it usually means you die less.
2) don't be stupid. If you see the enemy has a tactical advantage ( i.e. better weaponry, larger numbers ), don't attack. hide, take frequent shots from a concealed position. spot the enemy, wait for backup.
3) get yourself a tactical advantage. this is obviously a follow-up to 2). use tanks, APCs, MMGs.
4) don't limit yourself to one kit. If you die and decide to respawn in the same area, pick a kit that will help you survive that particular situation. there is no reason to spawn as a sniper when the enemy is attacking with tanks. goes with 2).
5) if you have no preference, play as a medic. on infantry maps, this will usually mean you die less.
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7035|Sydney, Australia

Schizferatu wrote:

When a shoot-out occurs - drop to the ground in the prone poaition.  Have your finger ready to hit the PRONE button at all times - it GREATLY improves your firing accuracy.  If the guy you are battling starts bunnyhopping around like some little slipperboy - RELAX and use the force.  9 times out of 10 you will nail 'em in the jimmy and there will be one less pole smoker on the planet.
So true. I was using an M24 when this idiot was bunny hopping towards me. I simply dropped down, used his first jump to guage the shot height, and then on his second jump i placed a 7.62mm round between his eyes. I stayed cool and got the kill.

Also, about half an hour ago I took out the pilot of the Cobra on wake. Even the enemy pilot congratulated me. Again, I had relaxed and stayed cool before shooting.
try not dying so much!!! sorry it was an obvious and cheap remark!!! use ur dying to ur advantage i.e. keep spawning in the same place all the time so the enemy can pick u off...he will tell his team mates who will all join in an easy kill situation..meanwhile your team cap all the bases that are now empty because of your diversionary get a crap score but your side wins are a hero!...
all of the above is sound honestly it is!!!..just keep trying ur stats arent that bad i have a thousand more deaths than kills so and have fun...think outside the box. just cos everyone is running down the same road to cap the first flag dont mean u have to...its the first place thats gonna get bombed! (KARKHAND) what others do and follow the links the guys above have the end its not what you read its what u practise thats gonna help...bit of theory and a lot of practise..
very cool...
I go to bed last night and wake this morn to find all these valuable replys.
thanks very much,it is very appreciated and has inspired me to continue to fight.

again,thanks people...    

bs6479 wrote:
"If he has that many deaths and that few kills he probably won't be getting much better. i.e he is a VERY SLOW learner"

in reply to that post...
slow learner,yes.
WONT get any better,well with the postive reply's here not only do I believe I'll get better,I now have a more positive look towards the game which in turn "should" help me to get better and most of all I'll have fun !!
this is my first battle game ever played.
Ive been a sim racer for the last 4 years and one of my team mates introduced me to BF2...

Last edited by NAG_YaNk (2005-12-09 06:20:44)

+0|7033|West Central Indiana
If he has that many deaths and that few kills he probably won't be getting much better. i.e he is a VERY SLOW learner.
Perhaps the O.P. is new to FPS's or even video games in general ?  Or maybe just to playing them on a mouse/keyboard.  It took me awhile to get used to that combo, which I now find FAR superior to console controllers but, it was a beeotch at first.
Got His War On
+37|7087|Golden, CO
My suggestion is to be more sneaky.  If you're empty find some cover right away.  Run around a building and try to judge how long it will take him to get to you.  A well timed frag grenade and he'll run right on top of it.  Use feints and bluffs when you've got enemies.  Once on FuShee pass, I was going solo.  I was trying to capture the Power Plant flag and I jumped over the sandbags.  I noticed two guys in the building next to the flag.  I fired off a couple of shots and went proneI waited a couple of seconds and then popped back up.  One guy was about to toss a frag into the sandbags.  As I popped up I nailed both of them in the best timing I've ever had.

Always try to get the drop on the enemy.  if you can run around to the side or behind the enemy ALWAYS do so unless there is a very important reason to do so, i.e.: preventing a flag capture or defending a commander asset.

Also, at medium range or further, do not use full auto.  You will hit much more often in single fire mode at longer ranges.  This is even more important for the L85A1, because it has terrible full auto accuracy.  In single shot mode, you can more easily adjust each shot to hit the target, while still firing quickk shots.  This goes for every rifle and carbine.  Trying to shoot full auto at range is futile.
+0|7028|cork city Ireland

NAG_YaNk wrote:

Is there anyone that can share their tip/hints to being a better soldier?
I'm very close to just uninstalling the game due to the frustration of just plain sucking at this game.
I have 4806 kills and 8602 deaths.
so as you see I suck !
so this was kind of a last resort  of asking for help before I toss the game...
I'm not a quitter,so any help would be appreciated.
thank you
yah Duck....!!!
lmao @ spud...

thanx again to all
its all been helpful info
Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield

NM156 wrote:

Tip #7) Have fun, don't worry about your stats. Find some good servers to play on, get to know the people that run them, hang out, and hang in there!
Tip #7 is the most important Tip.  Who really cares about stats. Not that better than yourself, but the more I played the better I got, and the less I worry about stats, and by golly I know alot of these ppl have 2 accounts. I noticed that you have to think like the enemy. But mostly I've learned to stick with a medic that is behind me.  GOOD Squads are good, but they truly work.
"It's Recharging!"
For starters, I would recommend taking a good hard look at your controls in settings and thinking about a confortable layout. Controls on your keyboard can make or break your performance.

I'm left handed and the position of my mouse on the left and using the arrow keys for instance is perfect for me, I couldn't imagine being right handed and using WASD, god. Delete is my prone, End is parachute, etc, all very close to my movement keys, which makes movement alot quicker, than say, prone for the default of X.

FPS's arnt to difficult to learn, but can be awkward at first, most of them have the same kind of keyboard controls, so most of us have advantages in terms of general play/movement and stuff.

Again, before you get into the game, think about your controls, graphic settings which may cause lag or freezes, then start slow, prefurably on small servers (24/32), where there isnt a whole lot of action.

And you definately need to learn to fly in this game, which is a completely different topic.. might want to consiter a joystick or gamepad for aircraft/helicopters.

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