I once got a friend of mine to let me stabb him 7 times for the basic knife badge. Jupps pretty mutch a looser, however later i went out and got my advanced on in 3 min on karkand so i guess i've somwhat redeemed my self. Dunno why i did it, guess i feelt a lill evil that day and it was fun. Unfortunatly i think a little piece of me died that day, its like i could feel my carma taking a hit.
Btw that friend of mine now got a new call sign. He's now known as "slira" or that would be "sheath" in english
I've also been known to jump in armour whenever i can, another thing im not particulary proud off.
But here is the real evil! I've reacently started using the tube and i belive there is no way to make amends. Im destined to the fiery pitts of hell. Have mercy on my soul!
I will try to change my ways for the good of the communety and the love for the game.
Btw that friend of mine now got a new call sign. He's now known as "slira" or that would be "sheath" in english
I've also been known to jump in armour whenever i can, another thing im not particulary proud off.
But here is the real evil! I've reacently started using the tube and i belive there is no way to make amends. Im destined to the fiery pitts of hell. Have mercy on my soul!
I will try to change my ways for the good of the communety and the love for the game.