doc. josh
there wonte be a 1.5 patch thats y its called 1.4 final

friend list
f35b no longer a flying shoebox
missiles stop hitting friendly targets when passing enemy J10.
change color tv missile crosshair possible (damn dragon valley)
squad BUG fixed (not able to leave squad or make new ones)
sound bug (heli without anyone in keeping to make noise or guns of friends making the annoying sound)

and last but not least:
remove retards from the game
great, we're on page 3 already.  i'm going to get started compiling the request list within a day or two, so we can get the requests that come in late.
+5|7054|Clinton, MD, USA
That the amount of shots in the cartridge of the Jackhammer be increased from EA's fake 7 to the actual 10 rounds.
Ice Cold Killa
+26|6757|Perth, W.A, Australia.
take every thing back to the way it was b4 all the patches came out and just take out bunny hopping and some bugs that were in the game.
1. Add the UH-1N Twin Huey.
2. Add the M1097 Avenger.
3. Remove the F35 completely, Replace with the F-18 Hornet.
4. Add the M14DMR … sman_Rifle
5. Add the function so you can customize your player I.E. Gender, Skin Color, Boonie Hat or Helmet.. Sun Glasses.. etc etc
6. Return the blackhawk to its former glory.
7. Nerf the J10 alittle Bit.
8. Add APCs to the Waterdeck on the USS Esssex.
9. Make the M-2 Lookalike atop the Humvee and M-1A worth a shit.
10. Make Claymores destructable by Explosives or the All Mighty Wrench.
11. Make the Wrench a fucking weapon..   s3v3n[Wrench]SomeN00b23904878
12. Give Aircraft Radar that detects Aircraft only.
+32|6914|Sydney, Australia

stryyker wrote:

Heres a fucking patch for you.

1. Bunny hopping/Dolphin diving restored
2. shockpaddles fixed
3. Blackhawks restored to original power
4. All planes balanced
5. Turn FF back onto claymores permanantly
6. Make standing headshots with a sniper hard again
get rid one and that would be a great patch kill all bunny hopper and dolphin divers
Dark Lord of the Shock Paddles
+1|6895|THE ALAMO
bring back c4 throwing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hockey Nut
+243|6844|Boston, MA

Reject_Wolf wrote:

-SF style hydras on vanilla helicopters (more splash damage)
-Nerf G36E (add more recoil or lower damage to 30)
-Make the F35 around the stats of a Mig or F-18
-Make some Vanilla maps able to be played with Special Forces (The city maps, but I am not sure if this can be done)
-Revert Grenade Launcher back to pre 1.12
Nerf the G36e? Why not nerf the AK-101? That gun is way more powerful...
Medics that do their jobs

S3v3N wrote:

1. Add the UH-1N Twin Huey.
2. Add the M1097 Avenger.
3. Remove the F35 completely, Replace with the F-18 Hornet.
4. Add the M14DMR … sman_Rifle
5. Add the function so you can customize your player I.E. Gender, Skin Color, Boonie Hat or Helmet.. Sun Glasses.. etc etc
6. Return the blackhawk to its former glory.
7. Nerf the J10 alittle Bit.
8. Add APCs to the Waterdeck on the USS Esssex.
9. Make the M-2 Lookalike atop the Humvee and M-1A worth a shit.
10. Make Claymores destructable by Explosives or the All Mighty Wrench.
11. Make the Wrench a fucking weapon..   s3v3n[Wrench]SomeN00b23904878
12. Give Aircraft Radar that detects Aircraft only.
+19|6757|UK but from Russia(StP)
1.4 was the last patch, i dont think there will be 1.5
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6878|Area 51
Make a patch in which every whiner, gets tracked down, gets beaten the hell out of him/her gets his CD/DVD broken, Ip banned.
Then fix everything that they just nuked and done...
Plöt aba Madurah
+34|6756|Austria - Graz
Just restore to 1.12!

Don´t ask EA to do something! They will mess it up again! Just 1.12! Back to Dolphin diving, Statsystem, weapon accuracy, Squad Hopping (many forgot that point)!!!
Thump the ARTY finder!!
Not that they will make a new patch with 2142 coming out but...

1.  More SF city maps would be great
2.  Squad hopping when dead
1) Fix all (if not most) support guns so they can fire over 20 meters when prone.
why?: Because that's what they're for! I'm a machinegunner in the swedish army and i can easily hit a target at 200 meters, machineguns are used for defence, so therefore they should be great while in prone position and som of the lighter ones (m249 and g36) should even be usable while crouched...

It's strange how the most feared and effective infantry weapon has become so crap... and what is this about recoil in a machinegun? Machineguns have almost no recoil! - With all that weight no smallarms round would move it, the machinegun barley jumps a bit, and it's not even enough to affect automatic fire.

The accuracy of a proned machinegunner should be like that of the permanent defences - it's EXACTLY the same thing!

I become so frustrated when the support class sucks, especially when i get killed by a specops with a g36c at 100 meters as his gun is super accurate...

Fix the support machineguns (by either reducing recoil or improving accuracy while proned) as their main role is to fight infantry, and should be able to do so at long distances if proned.
Allow for name changes
cereal killer
+233|7064|the middle of nowhere

Mr.H@x0r wrote:

God noooooooo not ANOTHER patch!!!!!!
Scratching my back

stryyker wrote:

Heres a fucking patch for you.

1. Bunny hopping/Dolphin diving restored
2. shockpaddles fixed
3. Blackhawks restored to original power
4. All planes balanced
5. Turn FF back onto claymores permanantly
6. Make standing headshots with a sniper hard again
hold on a minute cunt face, your the one who moaned in the other thread about things being changed and taking these things out because of moaning kids!, like you said when u crouch its all fucked up, and now your saying other peole want man!
Couple serious ones:

1. Fix the shock paddles - I guess sometimes they are not suppose to work on the first attempt. But they should always recharge without sticking.

2. The whole jumping and shooting issue - First bunny hoppers are not dead it still works. However here is the bigger issue. You cannot shoot while falling!!! If you jump down off a building you cant shoot while falling and it takes you ages before you can shoot.

3. A paracute that actually deploys 100% of the time.

4. Wall exploite - Simply just don't let bullets/ objects pass through walls. This means both ways for wall hackers. Shouldn't be able to stick a boot or cannon through the wall either. If it does it should not do or take damage.

5. Don't allow servers to auto kick when at minimum play level.

- Game has started
- 2 minutes later
- player xxx kicked for high ping.
- waiting for 1 more player to join.

20 seconds later

- waiting for 3 more players to join.


Others that basically change the game once again balance issues.

6. AT rockets should do more damage to heli's and have min arming distance.

7. Grenades and grappling hooks should trigger claymores and grenades should detonate C4.

8. More damage MP7 less accurate at range. They got this one the wrong way around. Increasing the bullet count to 50 would do the trick.

9. When reloading a one shot at a time shot gun like the DAO-12, if you press the fire button it stops reloading.

10. Give the f-35 a chance.

11. It's a Fuken A-10 for chris's sake.

12. Balance all attack choppers so they are the same in every respect.

13. Flares should either reload faster on jets or take more time on choppers.
+27|7150|Dundas, ONT, Canada

Talon wrote:

Got Mex? wrote:

I find it interesting how most of the people that ask for a new patch are the ones that want to see 1.2 BF2 back. Sounds to me like everyone else is convinced that the game is pretty good now with a few minor exceptions.

1. Fix the J10 unbalance. At least to make dog fighting fun. I am tired of the SF "Transport" plane.
2. Mum, can't think of much more except personal preference stuff, not actual bugs/problems.
The game is pretty great now. Best its been yet. Still:

1. 2 more rockets for AT. People dint play support on large maps, so you never get ammo.
2. Choppers should be killed by one AT rocket. Its bloody hard to hit them, and when you do, they just fly away smoking.
3. Remove pistols from AT for more SMOG mags.
4. Add Galahad SF (without the stupid road to USMC base)
5. Add ROG as an unlock to AT class. Comes with the P90.
6. Remove ability to heal/rearm yourself with your own stuff.
gonna go by numbers:

1.No some of AT guys already using AT rockets as a NOOB tube So I think 5 is enough
2.No you'll get one of AT ass holes camping chopper spawn you'll never get off. But I see where are you coming from. Let me guess Sharqi TV station.
3.No you might remove all side arms from every one and equip with with extra mags.
4.YES, Great Idea and i applaud you for think of it.
5.Most defender love RP Gs in SF.
6.Never gonna happen.

Couple other things:

1.Message notification to pilot in a bomber that co-pilot got lock on a target. tired doping bombs on wreckage made by your co-pilot.
2.Fix bug where you live one server and you go to other, you realize that you are privet and don't have your unlock. I had to quit and rejoin same server in order to get my unlocks, at least.
4.Get rid of dolphin diving. I can see much flaming going my way, but i don't care. You should be able get up faster, but when you go prone their should be a Daley on laser accuracy that you get when you dolphin dive.

That is all from for now.

ghettoperson wrote:

Getting rid of the constant CTD's would be nice.... I prefered the server crashes to me crashing. At least it wastes less of my time.
I have NEVER had a CTD... (knock on wood)
BF2s US Server Admin
+76|6932|inside the recesses of your...
Fix all the scoring and awards so that sucky noobs are as good as the top players.
BF2s US Server Admin
+76|6932|inside the recesses of your...

vjs wrote:

2. The whole jumping and shooting issue - First bunny hoppers are not dead it still works. However here is the bigger issue. You cannot shoot while falling!!! If you jump down off a building you cant shoot while falling and it takes you ages before you can shoot.

3. A paracute that actually deploys 100% of the time.
Amen and Amen.  #2 annoys me to no end. I totally get the "drop" on a dude, literally, and he has time to turn around, wait a second to recognize me and then kills me in all the time I wait to get to shoot him.  Totally frustrating.
+4|6919|Sacramento, California
One feature I would love to see is a change of equipment on most of the maps. Put scout choppers in Karkand (For the mobile UAV and dropping off snipers), take the tanks out of mashtuur city and put in APC's, add a few AA vehicles to Gulf of Oman, even a scout chopper in golf of Oman or Operation clean sweep.

I would also love to see Blackhawks regain some of their glory, like the mid-air repairs and add some more oomph to the guns, and put the damn armor back down, now they cannot be shot down!

On a personal note, make all choppers die from one hit of a tanks main gun! Same with jets, a head on shot with a tank round just wounds em, hardly ever kills em.

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