Personally i think its harder. That can be argued for sure. I love not haveing air assets pounding u all day long. I love jets and im a good pilot but its really unbalanced. Physics aside the way you fly in this game is arcadeish. Fighter jets flying at 350mph so they can drop bombs? I think there should be air only maps for massive air battles. A fighter jet should be so busy in the air hes not even ableto look at whats happeneing on the deck.
I notice this game is more like a hybrid than a fps. I think of it as FPS, so i play it like that. If im in a jet i shoot down other jets and choppers not infantry. My teams has infantry for that. Which leads me to "whoreing" vehicles. Tanks still gets used alot ,but thats ok .Its a infantry battle and if your dumb enough to let a tank see you, you deserve to get shot. (Not like sneaking behind your enemy to cap a flag in the back only to have a jet from no where blow you to kindom come)
Im willing to bet most people who dislike SF are x-pilots that realise they have no real skill in the game anymore. Some people all that matters is the points and kills, and that maybe true. But some of the most fun and best ingame experiances for me involved one or two kills, maybe a flag capture.
Back to my point. SF is a in your face battle of reflexes and knowledge of your equipment. More dependant on you skills as a fps player. And less on game inbalances.
One more thing when your talking about expansions. Why not have a air force expansion or navy expansion and focus on those branches. Just a few of my thoughs. Please flame on.
I notice this game is more like a hybrid than a fps. I think of it as FPS, so i play it like that. If im in a jet i shoot down other jets and choppers not infantry. My teams has infantry for that. Which leads me to "whoreing" vehicles. Tanks still gets used alot ,but thats ok .Its a infantry battle and if your dumb enough to let a tank see you, you deserve to get shot. (Not like sneaking behind your enemy to cap a flag in the back only to have a jet from no where blow you to kindom come)
Im willing to bet most people who dislike SF are x-pilots that realise they have no real skill in the game anymore. Some people all that matters is the points and kills, and that maybe true. But some of the most fun and best ingame experiances for me involved one or two kills, maybe a flag capture.
Back to my point. SF is a in your face battle of reflexes and knowledge of your equipment. More dependant on you skills as a fps player. And less on game inbalances.
One more thing when your talking about expansions. Why not have a air force expansion or navy expansion and focus on those branches. Just a few of my thoughs. Please flame on.