Too old to be doing this sh*t
+103|6836|Little blue planet, milky way
Ok, let me start this off by saying that this is guide to get MEDALS. I will not get into how to get the badges (unless someone asks me to) because cougar has already posted a guide to this. You can find it by searching.

Also, NO, this information is NOT covered in the UBAR. The UBAR contains the REQUIREMENTS for each medal, what I'm giving here is MORE than the requirements, I also give information about how to ACHIEVE these requirements.

Then let me say that if you look at my stats, you will notice that I happen to have a LOT of the medals, some even a couple of times, so I know what I'm talking about.

Next, let me say that what you will read here, may by some be considered padding. In reality it isn't. I'll simply give you ways to LEAGALLY get the points you need for getting your medals. You'll NOT be cheating by following this guide, you will be playing for the points, no cheating will be used in this guide

Subsequently, be aware that many (most) medals requires a LOT of time before you can get them. So untill you're fairly close to the time requirement, dont bother to follow these guidelines, as the guidelines frequently will cause you to lower your SPM in order to get points of a very specific type.

First the medals:
* Gold, silver, bronze: These will not be discussed, everyone has them.
* Destinguished service medal: needs 100 hours of SM, SL and CMDR, then 45 (50 ?) team points IAR
* The infantry medals: Requires all infantry badges, will not be discussed
* Medal of valor: 30K team points, 5K driver, 1K CPD, lots of hours
* Navy cross, peoples medallion, golden scimitar: Requires 100h time, 100 round score and 100 wins
* Combat action medal: 250 hours, 35K kills, 25 kill streak, 33 minutes IAR
* Armor, helo, air combat medals: 5K kills, 100h time and 25/30 kills in a round
* Good conduct medal: 250 hours of play, 27 kills IAR with no team damage/kills
* Meritorious service medal: 250 hours, 1K repairs, 1K heals, 1K ammo points
* Purple heart: You dont want this, but if you do, get 1:4 KDR IAR with at least 20 deaths
* Euro forces medal: Requires 100h time, 100 round score and 100 wins

Ok. Now to discuss how to get the individual medals:

* Destinguished service medal: needs 100 hours of SM, SL and CMDR, thn 45 (50 ?) team points IAR

This medal is not hard to get at all. But you DO need to play at least 300 hours to get it. The wiki says you need 45 team play points in a round, but I've never gotten it with less than 50, so I put in 50 points for good measure. So a few pointers:
+ DO NOT play on servers with the squad bug. You must NEVER play squadless.
+ ALWAYS join or lead a squad.
+ ALWAYS apply for command. It doesn't matter if you win or loose, just get the time
+ You can get more than one of these medals. Double up on the time for the second medal.

The tricky parts (how to whore your points):
- For the 45 team points, you need to determine what kind of team points you're good at. In a fairly full IO server it's quite easy to get the points as a medic. But if you're not a front line figure, try to find a depopulated server and drive from flag to flag. Every flag you fully convert is 4 points. On a depopulated server it should be easy to get 12-13 flag captures. If the enemy ends up with only one flag, stop fighting, and let them get more flags so you can go get them back. Avoid fighting, you need to stay mobile. Play engineer so you can place mines to prevent armor from overrunning you. On a Karkand server, you can frequently play support and drop ammo to the nade spammers. This is equally good on IO and normal play. If you're godo in a helo, and can find a VERY good gunner, that can rack up 45-50 kills, then you can get the IAR this way, but this is often hard to do. A depopulated server were the helo is the most powerfull weapon would be a good bet (small dalian, med sharqi etc.), but on these servers there will be some people who will want the helo. TK'ing for a vehicle is a VERY bad idea if you want the 45-50 team play points.
- How to get 100 hours as commander, well, this isn't that hard. Even for lower ranked players. First thing to do is to NEVER play on a karkand server unless it's severely depopulated. There'll always be points whores around with high ranks. Instead play on small/medium map servers, or in general servers with 40 man max. You will frequently get the command position because not a lot of people want it. Also try to play on servers that enforce the "commanders command only" rule. Commanders frequently get kicked from there. If someone else is commanding, try asking nicely if you can get the position. Often they dont mind letting you have it. If you cannot get the command position for a couple of rounds, go find a new server. Also, if you play for the WCR you will be racking up a lot of time aswell.

* Medal of valor: 30K team points, 5K driver, 1K CPD, lots of hours

This medal is fairly hard to get, not because of the requirements, but because of the time it takes to achieve said requirements. So a few pointers:
+ Play a lot of medic/support when you ground pound. It's easy to get team play points.
+ Go for the flags a lot. You can frequently get a few flag defends shortly after capping when the enemy counters
+ Always catch a ride with an APC when you can. Any kills the driver makes will give you a driver point
+ Get most of your driver points first, these are also team points.
+ Play maps with short high scoring rounds. Warlord, Sharqi, karkand are good maps.
+ Do not fear the large servers, many players = many points to get.
+ You can get more than one of these. Double up on all requirements.

The tricky parts (how to whore your points):
- Determine how you best score team points. Medic whoring is usually a good choice. Particularly on an IO server. Downside to using IO is that you wont get any driver points. Ammo whoring for the nade spammers on karkand is a good idea. Medic whoring on karkand is also very good. Dont try to get the points by blowing assets, this is far too slow. It may be good for the team, but it's bad for you. Flag capping is unfortunately also very slow, so this should not be done for fast team points. You can easily get 100 team points an hour from ammo whoring, or 200 from medic whoring. This is still a good 150-300 hours of whoring if you start from scratch. But usually you dont need to.
- 1K CP defends. This is a tricky one. Your best best lie in two options: 1) Cap a lot of flags. You will get a lot of defends from the people trying to get it back. With a little luck you should get at least 4-5 defends in a round 2) Go for sniper or specs ops. Mine one flag while you overlook another. You may only get 3-4 defends in a round, but with luck you can get as high as 20.
Playing on depopulated servers more or less requires you to play on IO servers, or play as specs ops, as a lot of armor will show up to get the flags. In general IO servers is the better option for flag points.
- 5K driver points. This is fairly simple, all it takes is a lot of time. You have two decent options: 1) Get in a helo as pilot, DO NOT solo TV. Find a decent gunner. Get one on VOIP or teamspeak. Line up your gunner a lot. Each kill he gets nets you one point. Have your gunner play engy. Everytime you pass over a friendly tank, have your gunner tell you if it's damaged, if it is, hover over it to have him repair, every point he gets is one more driver point. Ammo and healing points are not easy to get from a gunner, but under no circumstances should your gunner play a kit that cannot get team points. 2) Get in a Karkand, jalalabad or mass destruction server, get 2nd position in a tank or APC. Wait for the driver to start spawn raping. If you're the only other person in the tank/APC besides the driver you will get a driver point every time he kills someone. If there's more than one person in the APC besides you, make sure you get the F2 position. Otherwise you will only get a kill assist, you need a DRIVER kill assist. Just do this as often as you can. Only get in with drivers who will spawn rape, get a friend to drive if you can. Only play on highly populated servers. Easy kills for the driver is infantry, so as few as possible tanks should be on the enemy side.

* Navy cross, peoples medallion, golden scimitar: Requires 100h time, 100 round score and 100 wins
Really the only hard thing is to get the 100 points. A good way to go is an IO server whoring as medic or ammo. Alternatively, get in a depopulated server. Long rounds = many points.

The tricky parts (how to whore your points): There ARE no tricky parts, these medals just take time.

* Combat action medal: 250 hours, 35K kills, 25 kill streak, 33 minutes IAR

This medal is also fairly easy to get, all it really requires is that you put in the time it takes to get to 25K kills.
A few pointers:
+ You can get more than one of these medals, just double up on the kills and the hours.
+ Playing as "backend" commander will get you a decent amount of kills with the arty (so NO IO)
+ Also the commander role is good for increasing your kill streak
+ Populated servers = faster kills
+ the 33 minutes IAR is easy to get, just find a depopulated server and play the map the end.

The tricky parts (how to whore your points):
- Always play on heavily populated servers for your kills. Determine how you're best at getting kills, specialize, and keep doing that untill you have your 25K kills.
- Always play on depopulated servers for your 33 minutes IAR, you should get it first time you try.
- Go commander or be very good in an airplane/helo/tank for getting the kill streak

* Armor, helo, air combat medals: 5K kills, 100h time and 25/30 kills in a round

These medals are fairly easy to get. After the 100 hours you should be good enough in the vehicles to get the kills IAR. Getting to 5K kills before 100 hours can be tough unless you're either spawnraping or very good.
A few pointers:
+ Always go for a vehicle if you can.
+ Never play on full servers
+ Dont play on maps with few vehicles
+ Play maps with a lot of the vehicle type you like the most
+ Play a lot of AF, it has many vehicles

The tricky parts (how to whore your points):
- Always try to spawnrape. Go for the easy kills if you can. While an enemy armor is a tough enemy for your ground troops, dont go for it if you can get 5 kills going for an enemy transport helo. Troop support is secondary. People will hate you for not helping the team, but you WILL be getting your kills and time.
- The kills IAR can be tough if you're not good in your vehicle. The jet, you can always try to get on a depopulated server. The Armor is easy to get spawnraping on a full server (here the tricky part is to GET the armor). The helo can be VERY tricky. A popular choice is to solo TV on a depopulated server. Personally, I like to get in a transport helo and utilize the commander role, and nuke people with the arty. It counts as vehicle kills (!) Dalian, wake and Oman are good if your team can confine the enemy to the carrier and you can arty them.

* Good conduct medal: 250 hours of play, 27 kills IAR with no team damage/kills

This medal is also easy to get. The only thing is to put in the hours. The no team damage is not that hard to avoid. A few pointers:
+ Play on a depopulated server, or spawnrape in a vehicle
+ This medal can be gain more than once. Just double up on the time.

The tricky parts (how to whore your points):
Ther ARE no tricky parts. Just try again if you accidentally did some team damage.

* Meritorious service medal: 250 hours, 1K repairs, 1K heals, 1K ammo points

This is only hard to get because of the 1K repairs. Getting repairs is a LOT slower than heals or ammo. So just use every opportunity to get repair points. A few pointers:
+ Play engineer a LOT, even on foot !
+ Fly by, or drive by damaged assets as often as you can
+ Always try to get a vehicle. Follow armor or other things that can get damaged
+ Repair anything you can find, this INCLUDES the USS Essex guns
+ When in an armored vehicle follow other armored vehicles around

The tricky parts (how to whore your points):
- Play engineer for WEEKS on end, use this oppotunity to earn your engineer combat badge time.
- Follow around ANY vehicle you can. Eventually it will get damaged
- Get in as gunner in a tank or APC if you cannot get the armored vehicle yourself. Get out to repair when you get damaged. Gtting on top of an AA vehicle is also good, but beware of the jet and helos, they WILL hunt you. This is also a good way to get driver points (!)
- Play a lot of Jalalabad and Karkand. Mashtur and sharqi are not good options, because there is very little armored combat.
- Avoid having to repair your OWN vehicle if possible.
- Iron gator is a VERY good map to repair the USS Essex gun.

* Purple heart: You dont want this, but if you do, get 1:4 KDR IAR with at least 20 deaths

Speaks for itself, it's not that hard to die 20 times.

* Euro forces medal: Requires 100h time, 100 round score and 100 wins

Look at the details for Navy Cross. Same methods applies.

Happy medal hunting !

Last edited by Twist (2006-10-12 15:14:36)

I've Seen the Saucers.
+38|7053|Norcal, usa
what the... no purple heart, i will not listen to you.
+26|6732|Qatar: Where The Players Play
Isn't This the reason they made the UBAR section?
The Original BF2 Timelord

Twist wrote:

* Gold, silver, bronze: These will not be discussed, everyone has them.
i beg to differ.

Last edited by TheDoctor (2006-10-11 20:04:47)

+26|6732|Qatar: Where The Players Play

TheDoctor wrote:

Twist wrote:

* Gold, silver, bronze: These will not be discussed, everyone has them.
i beg to differ.
WOAH! I remember you! Haha. Good to see the stats are still ACE lol.
Plenty of people don't have them yet, but they're not hard to get. Medic whoring FTW.
Too old to be doing this sh*t
+103|6836|Little blue planet, milky way

ViCT0RI0US wrote:

Isn't This the reason they made the UBAR section?
Corrected the first paragraphs to answer your question.. No this is NOT the same as the UBAR. the UBAR only tells you the requirements, you can see these by simply looking at your stats. This is a GUIDE. It tells you HOW to get the points you need WITHOUT cheating.
Infantry Whore
+42|6989|Kingswood Country
Fair call on some of these - relatively straightforward for a lot, but some nice tips on a couple of the harder ones. Little bit iffy on the issues for whoring points over working for the team, but then it is a medal guide and not a path to sainthood. +1
I actually had to try quite hard to get my purple heart.
Over the line!
+70|7062|Mark it zero.

Pubic wrote:

I actually had to try quite hard to get my purple heart.
i just had to rely on my old shitty computer with 10fps
Angry Engy

Twist wrote:

+ Always catch a ride with an APC when you can. Any kills the driver makes will give you a driver point
Huh, don't think I knew that.  I thought it was a kill assist point.

Good guide, some tips worth knowing.
BF2s Frat Brother
nice job  +1 for you!
Too old to be doing this sh*t
+103|6836|Little blue planet, milky way
Ok, I've updated a few items. If you have questions or comments, just post. If you want more detailed information, let me know and I will update again.
Nade Spammers Must Die
Abit of a waste of time i think. Just follow the requeirments for the medals. Pretty straight forward.

Last edited by Sgt_Bob05 (2006-10-12 20:34:53)

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