Fixes/tweaks/additions in regular Battlefield 2Infantry suggestions
*Give the MEC and PLA commanders a full range of voices, instead of borrowing from the squad leader wavs.
*Make it to where you have to physically trip over claymores to set them off and/or make a specific mine FF option (FF on for mines or claymores)
*Decrease claymore blast radius slightly, but soften damage on the outer blast radius. Seems like once you're caught in it, 98% of the time it will kill you.
*Slightly increase the accuracy of the MP5 and Type 85.
*Two additional clips for the MP5 and Type 85, and one for the PP-19 and the P90.
*Slightly increase damage and/or accuracy for the Type 95.
*Decrease rounds in the DAO-12 and/or damage, or simply make it less accurate either by wider spread or heavier recoil.
*Decrease the damage by the G36E slightly or increase recoil. Something to make the gun have its up and downs so it's not a M16 and better.
*Assault class should get an additional team point for capping/neutralizing flags, and can slightly cap/net them faster.
*Killing tanks should reward two kill damage assists i.e. 1 guy SRAWs a tank, another one SRAWs a tank, and another guy SRAWs the tank, getting the kill. The first two each get a kill damage assist.
*All kits should get 2-3 grenades, with assault having 3-4 (I don't mind 4).
*Someone who is support also resupplies themselves slower. (above issue)
*Heavier recoil on PKM, but maintain damage and overall accuracy.
*MG36... just some sort of change.
*Jackhammer should have 8 shots instead of 7.
*Slight increase with M95 accuracy.
*Assault class gets two smoke grenades.
*Supply boxes should heal at a faster rate (it's about what, half the speed of holding a medkit?).
*Very slight decrease in damage and accuracy of G3 possibly.
*Increase M95 damage towards soft targets (not Helicopters).
*Repairing a tank of 50% of it's health results in a repair point, and 75% of an APC's. Repairing a commander’s asset by 90%, or basically fully, results in two repair points (or repairing 45% for one point). Repairing commander assets is also faster.
*Only one or two friendly vehicles can repair you at a given time. A supply box counts also, but infantry doesn't.
*Increase repair radius of vehicles, especially transports.
*Increase repair rate of passengers in helicopters, and repairing by 50% results in a repair point.
*Healing 50% of someone's health results in a heal, but reviving results in only one point. Medic badge requirement would have to increase to accommodate this.
Vehicle suggestions
*The Mi-28 should be able to fire a volley of 10 missiles.
*Slight increase in splash damage on helicopter rockets (possibly).
*J-10 bug where enemy air to air missile slide off of it.
*Tanks should have limited coaxial machine gun ammo.
*Fix where it's still possible to kill infantry ducking in the gunners seat on a tank.
*Increase RIB speed slightly, and possible increase hit points.
*Increase speed slightly of heavy Nanjing, Vodnik, and HUMVEE.
*Increase Nanjing traction (seems to have pretty crappy traction if you ask me).
*Slightly increase the damage/splash damage on the blackhawk miniguns.
*Increase the rate of fire on the Mi-17 and Z-8 side mounted machineguns, or mount grenade launchers on them: PLA HK GMG; MEC AGS-17.
*Increase hit points or maneuverability on the Mi-17 or Z-8.
Fixes/tweaks/additions in Euro ForcesInfantry suggestions
*Fix registration problem with the HK53A3
*Add 7 more shells for the Benelli M4
*Add 1 more clip for the FAMAS
*Possible edit to Spec Op or Medic head gear?
*Replace M249 SAW LMGs with HK21s.
Vehicle suggestions
*Brighten both the Challenger 2 and Leopard 2A6EX tank skins (the maps are not as bright, but MEC and PLA tanks show up fine).
*A change to how the Tiger HAP flys. Tends to dip (like accelerates really fast when diving).
*Fix where enemy air to air missiles slide off the Euro Fighter.
*Increase armor on the Challenger 2 very slightly, or make it like a cross between a tank and a self propelled howitzer with higher explosive rounds. (not entirely sure on this one)
*Fix bug where time in transport is not recorded into stats while playing Euro Forces.
*Correct Challenger 2 image (the same the M1A2 only with the gunner seat marker changed).
*Decrease the size of the Challenger 2 (it is way out of proportion).
*Same skin or alike on the DPV from Great Wall used on the L2A6EX on Great Wall. That's a great skin.
Addition suggestions (you know, what if?)
*New APC.
*New fast transport.
*New medium transport.
*New bomber.
*New mobile AA.
*New ground defense.
*New AA defense.
*New AT rocket
*New pistol
*Add more flags on Taraba Quarry.
*Bring back the EU service ribbon.
*AT and Sniper kit do not share the same weapon as the unlocks. P90 and the L96 are both excellent unlocks... but the EU could have something of it's own.
*Both Euro Tanks should have their own unique engine sounds (both borrow from the Type 98 engine sound) and firing sounds (both borrow from the M1A2).
Fixes/tweaks/additions in regular Armored FuryVehicle suggestions
*Increase hit points on the EC-635 (isn’t as agile as the WZ-11, which seems about the same size)
*Make it to where 3+ hits from AA can take down an attack jet. (seems like you can survive 2 sometimes but it's hard to avoid).
*Allow infantry on scout helicopters a 180 degree of view from left to right.
*Decrease the chance of scout helicopters from being hit by AA.
*Increase the damage of attack jets main cannons towards vehicles. Obviously not overpowering, but enough to do quite a bit of damage being finished off with a few bombs.
*Highlight air units on screen in attack jets.
*Greater control over jets when adjusting speed. Seems to become too sensative or not sensitive at times. Smoother control that's all, and greater lift after coming from a dive.
Addition suggestions
*Create a flag at the cul-de-sac on Road Rage 64 player.
*Have two scout helicopters instead of just one on the 64 player version.
Fixes/tweaks/additions in all of Battlefield or later edits.*Increase ticket count on 16 player maps by 25-50%. Possibly higher on certain maps (like more on some of the vehicles maps but less on the infantry maps like Karkand so it isn't a point whore fest... get the idea?)
*Increase ticket count on 32 player maps by 25%. Again maybe higher on some maps.
*Adjust spawn points on all maps and sizes in IO. Maybe more flags, or place them better so teams are balanced, edit cap time, and radius if possible.
*Either allow some maps to have transports, or give all maps transports without any mounted guns (but allow troops to fire their own weapons. Depending on how large the map and how critical they are, add more. Some maps could do away with them.
*Allow SF players (who launched SF not vanilla), to play on a SF server that can include normal BF2 maps into rotation.
*If a server plays only Euro Forces or Armored Fury, give the "2" icon it's respective color (blue or orange).
*Bring back squad hopping, of give the squad leader a chance to get revived longer (can opt for it).
*Tweak unlocks so they are not nublocks. Unlocks should be alternatives because stock weapons are not the same for every army. G36E gives medic players burst firepower if they prefer it over full-auto, not G36E over the M16 because it's much more accurate. A good example of what unlocks should do is the M96 or the L96 give players bolt action over semi-auto sniper rifles because they prefer that.
*Better hit registration and video sync.
*Game stability has improved which I am grateful of, but crashes still happen. I've played many games where crashes were almost non-existent, so why can't BF2 reach that kind of stability?
*MAKE THE BOOSTERS FREE! They are most likely not making much money off of them anymore, and it would increase both booster activity, especially for Euro Forces.
*Friendlies should be able to flag enemy mines and claymores.
*EU weapons should be unlocks in Special Forces. SF weapons can be used in BF2, why can't some BF2 weapons be used in SF? Obvious choice is the EU weapons. If SF weapons weren't mostly borrowed from MEC, it wouldn't be too hard to select weapons from the PLA, USMC, MEC, and EU to be SF unlocks.
*New BF2 map that is a PLA urban map. It would be cool if it was in Europe, and featured the EU.
*Snipers that spot enemy targets last longer on the minimap than normal.
*Anti-tankers who spot enemy vehicles last longer on the minimap than normal.
*Blowing up commander assets results in 1.5 points, not just one. 2 might be ok.
*Spec Op class gets 6 items of C4.
*AT class can get use flashbangs if they use stock weapons, as in not using the unlocks.
Oh yea... make EU weapons SF unlocks! In order to have these unlocks though... you need to buy Euro Forces and play it for 25-50 hours.
I didn't cover
SF because I haven't played it much and I don't think much needs to be changed. Someone who has played it more than me has probably put in their respective suggestions.
Last edited by Hellogoodsir (2006-10-24 00:10:30)