+3|7094|Abilene, Texas
I know the TV station is an easy target for both sides but every game I play both sides lose all logic of a coordinated attack and attack the TV station like a moth to a flame.  Last night I could have walked from each flag and captured them as everyone - commanders included - fought inside the TV station.
+2|7136|North Texas
I noticed that a couple of days ago...
I walked past the guard station, right into the front door of the palace and took both flags without firing a single shot.

The next round, all the fighing took place in th palace.

You would think there was a helicopter spawing on the helipad on top... MINE!
The other funny thing about Warlord is that the Brits always use their tank that is at their uncappable and the Insurgents never use their tank that's at the palace gate.  I'm not exactly a fast loader and I can always get the tank there, and even better, if I spawn as a Brit and our tank is gone then I can always take an ATV and grab the enemies tank.  20+ rounds on this map and I think it's been available for me at least 15 times.
I've found that you won't last long in a british tank driving it up that main road towards the TV station... man do those anti-tank guys loving firing from on top of that tower. If it wasn't for that darn fog I'd be able to cover that rooftop from the crane in the British uncappable, its JUST out of scope for my M24. That would be like fish in a barrel
Maybe they're all watching telly... it could be something really interesting and the rest of us that are capping all the other flags are missing out on a really good film or something. Apart from that, you're probably right, it's like a moth to a flame

XBoughtonX probably has hit the nail on the head here, they all see the big H and think.... mine, all mine, gerrrofffff
Yeah, it's all about playing the makeup of the other team.  If I'm in the tank and I get rocked by like 4-5 rpg guys running around then I go assault and just tear them apart.  Also, if you're British, I always go around the west road towards the plaza.  I avoid the TV station like the plague unless it's the last flag to cap.
Δ > x > ¥
I don't think I've ever played Warlord where it's not been a mass brawl inside the palace.  Medic, support and GL heaven.
Its the blackhawk wreck which makes ppl think they are fighting for the lost pilots!!!!
+3|7094|Abilene, Texas
You know, a Anti-Tank with RPG and DAO-12, sniper, medic and a support could hold off an entire army in the TV station for an entire game.  Armor would have to drop by with great trepidation, we'd have claymores to stop tresspassers, constant resupply and health. 
Zip lines are becoming popular as an entry into the second floor balcony of the TV station.  Too bad there's that darned DAO-12 waiting!!!

KillerAFET wrote:

You know, a Anti-Tank with RPG and DAO-12, sniper, medic and a support could hold off an entire army in the TV station for an entire game.  Armor would have to drop by with great trepidation, we'd have claymores to stop tresspassers, constant resupply and health. 
Zip lines are becoming popular as an entry into the second floor balcony of the TV station.  Too bad there's that darned DAO-12 waiting!!!
Yeah i love when an enemy is zippying down to me and i have a dao i just start unloading and they *zip* right into their death.
AK Whore
+152|7109|Barrington, RI
The TV station probably reminds them of Sharqi where holding the TV station is critical to determining who wins.
J-10 whore

Jodah3 wrote:

The other funny thing about Warlord is that the Brits always use their tank that is at their uncappable and the Insurgents never use their tank that's at the palace gate.  I'm not exactly a fast loader and I can always get the tank there, and even better, if I spawn as a Brit and our tank is gone then I can always take an ATV and grab the enemies tank.  20+ rounds on this map and I think it's been available for me at least 15 times.
Yep agreed. No one spawns there. They either spawn at the tv stattion or the insurgent hideout:P funny eh. When at karkand they are rushing for the tanks lol.

KillerAFET wrote:

You know, a Anti-Tank with RPG and DAO-12, sniper, medic and a support could hold off an entire army in the TV station for an entire game.  Armor would have to drop by with great trepidation, we'd have claymores to stop tresspassers, constant resupply and health. 
Zip lines are becoming popular as an entry into the second floor balcony of the TV station.  Too bad there's that darned DAO-12 waiting!!!
You're not wrong. Although I find that the SAS APC is exceptionally good at clearing the top of the TV station of would-be snipers and tank killers. With the APC covering the tank's advance, I've rarely seen the SAS struggle to get past the TV station.
Semper Fi!
I played in the TV station once as a medic and got my high score of 111 on the map.  I had a support guy with me who just fed me ammo and i tossed grenades and revived him and another duo that were there.  It was by far the most fun i've had in SF.  I just watched as my score sky rocketed past the other people, and then past the commander's x2
I don't know what it is. Somebody captures a flag, an enemy will try to defend it, and more teammates come, them more enemies, then teammates, enemies, teamates, enemies, teamates,...Sure makes the level easier. Then, when i capture the flags, I join in.
Its the best forward CP of the insurgence, the first one there that starts uncapped, plaza i think people can drop in on it its harder to keep, the tv station is a stronghold. YOu can as some1 mentioned rp from the roof get reinforcements from the other flag if it goes down, sniper from the buildings all around it via ziplines. And well its a moth to a flame its soo key in shaquri its bred into us.

KillerAFET wrote:

You know, a Anti-Tank with RPG and DAO-12, sniper, medic and a support could hold off an entire army in the TV station for an entire game.  Armor would have to drop by with great trepidation, we'd have claymores to stop tresspassers, constant resupply and health. 
Zip lines are becoming popular as an entry into the second floor balcony of the TV station.  Too bad there's that darned DAO-12 waiting!!!
all you need is an Assault to cover the stairwell/balcony (from grappling hooks) and a Supply to rearm the grenade launcher. no one will get by. i've seen whole squads lying at the top of the stairs just waiting for some poor fool to come through the door.
+-2|7115|The Seventh Circle of Hell

Jodah3 wrote:

The other funny thing about Warlord is that the Brits always use their tank that is at their uncappable and the Insurgents never use their tank that's at the palace gate.  I'm not exactly a fast loader and I can always get the tank there, and even better, if I spawn as a Brit and our tank is gone then I can always take an ATV and grab the enemies tank.  20+ rounds on this map and I think it's been available for me at least 15 times.
That gate tank is my main vehicle whenever I play Warlord. You're absolutely right that no one ever grabs it. The times I've played that map, it's ALWAYS been the palace flags, or the TV station everyone's always fighting I just cap all the other flags, and then do laps with the tank, making sure we keep those flags. I don't get it, there's so much more to that map...
Thats why i like the 16 player version map the best. all the fight is either between SAS base and office or on the palace ground between the 2nd/3rd floor and garden. Helli just got out of a server where on the last map i player of warlord the sas grabbed the office before it even let me accept commandership and me and another got garden before the uav was even half way done after launch. It took maybe a minute to capture those. the it was intense combat between the 2nd thrid floor and occassionally garden. Not one insurgent tried to go take office which was ungaurded.

We ended up winning something like 30-0 they held the 2nd floor flag to the biiter end. (surprising because from most of my experience it is the easier of the two palaca flags to take.)
The trouble is its a map that tries to be more karkand than karkand. Its best played with more people than the mapsize its set for. 16 man & 32 man are great sizes to play it on. I go for the TV station since it gives you zipline access to every flag on the map.

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