This may sound like a dumb question, but I have two unlocks so far. It says to "click and drag" to equip your soldier, but it will never let me equip my soldier. I can't click and drag. Is there a trick to it?
? Join a server, select customize and click and drag the stuff you want into the empty boxes or over the current gun.
I tried that but it won't allow me to click and drag anything. I did it earlier this morning, but now I'm getting on this afternoon and I can't. After reading some other posts, maybe it is due to the FUBAR'd EA servers, and lost my unlocks!
I see you have just Registered today. Welcome
You're not trying to equip field-unlocks are you? They dissapear when you leave the Server.
If not, then it probably is an EA server error and you will just have to be patient. Seems to be alot of them at the moment.
You're not trying to equip field-unlocks are you? They dissapear when you leave the Server.
If not, then it probably is an EA server error and you will just have to be patient. Seems to be alot of them at the moment.
Thanks for the welcome and the response
Whew, seems to work now. Must be some funky stuff going on with the EA servers. Launch headaches I'm sure.
Whew, seems to work now. Must be some funky stuff going on with the EA servers. Launch headaches I'm sure.
you sometimes have to click "Customise" twice for it to show your unlocks.