Good story, I love how it's very in depth. If I may, I'd like to add some constructive criticism. I myself have written a story about BF2 and I appreciate constructive criticism, so I hope you do too.... Be that as it may, keep in mind that on the whole, I like your story.
Although I applaud the amount of time and effort put into this story, I must say the way the lead up to the US, China, MEC, and EU war is kind of naiive. Being a foreign policy junkie and going to major in university in international affairs with a concentration in conflict and security, I find many ends that required being tied up in order to bring about the bf2 world were kind of unrealistic. For example, the eagerness of middle eastern countries to be allied with Iran, where any war with that nation would end in US victory. Saudi Arabia is a US ally, as is Jordan, and would take comfort in being protected by the US. They would not feel pressured at all for fear of Iranian coercion into the MEC alliance, as US military response time is very fast and can push Iran back within a few weeks.
The US invading China would not do much as China does not, as you say, have comparatively significant amounts of oil reserves, comparing to other nations, and Bush would be insane to invade the massive China what with it's gigantic army just to 'get more oil'.
China cutting off trade with US would not harm the US, rather it would harm China more. China does not export petroleum to the US (that I know of) and if it cuts off trade, China would suffer economic failure as it will lose it's greatest market for its cheap export products. As you know there is a large current account deficit in the US. This is due to the large amount of imports the US is importing from China. These imports (China's exports) are fueling China's economic growth.
A more realistic rationale for China to declare war on the US is due to the danger of the US controlling the vast oilfields of the middle east. China needs petroleum to fuel it's economic growth. An invasion of the middle east by the US would provoke China severely, and China may look to follow the example of the US' aggressive war mongering policies and take this opportunity to try to invade Taiwan, a pro-US nation/"renegade province". Bush has pledged to defend the island in 2000, and the invasion of Taiwan would draw the US in a confrontation with China.
A rationale for the US to invade China may lie in China's ownership of many foreign exchange reserves. If China floods the foreign exchange market this may lead to the collapse of the dollar and a banking/economic crisis in the US. In addition, many Asian banks are financing the US's current account deficit debt. Asian banks are holding many securities and debt securities (bonds) that if sold drastically in the market will plummet the value of these bonds and other types of notes and result in a very very big problem for US companies and the US government.
I need not say this but bf2 world with the advent of Armored Fury is very unrealistic. An MEC and China attack and victory against the US a very distant probability, as many foreign affairs analysts and people in politics, think tanks and in defense (military) would agree. The US spends more money on the military than the entire world combined. The world has not seen a comparable scale of the mobility of US forces in history. The ability to attack anywhere in the globe with precision guided munitions, global satellite intel, bases throughtout the world and aircraft carriers as well as high tech long range bombers is unprecedented.
Now I'm not a stereotypical redneck pro AMERICA american OMFG AMERICA RULLLEEEZZZZ AMERICA IS THE BEST WE OWN ALLLLL Bush supporter and conservative neo-imperialist. Even experts in foreign policy and military in all nations know the fact that the US military is by far a force to be reckoned with. TIME, NEWSWEEK, ECONOMIST, FP, numerous amounts of political books on the recent US neo-imperalist or mlitaristic policies, think tanks, government officials around the world acknowledge this fact. And certain people who harbor anti-americanism would point to some protoype unit that may be superior to the US equivalent but overall wouldn't win the war due to numbers, technology, intelligence and a high superiority of the US military units (that although in some catagories may not be the ABSOLUTE BEST, is still a high enough level that the US can make up for this deficiency by simply HAVING MORE of the less-than-best unit).
However, this is bf2, you are writing a bf2 story, and SOMEBODY had to tie up the ends.
I'm glad you did it because even with these few quirks I have about your story, I appreciate you writing it and spending the time and effort in it. The future stories about 2142 a bit sci fi, so who am I to comment on realism, but to appreciate the creativity you have brought in all your stories (bf2, 2142, SF).
I enjoyed reading the entire thing and I am proud to say, after a long read (lol) that I have actually read every word of it and looked at every picture.
In addition I absolutely love what you did with the graphics and the little 'extras' you put in like the maps, color coded superpower blocs, locations of battles and even the ice line! It's the little extra that makes a good story a great story
+1 good job man.