+0|7028|cork city Ireland
the funyist thing that has happend u or uve seen in this game ill start

i was about to be ran over by a quad the tank i was waiting respawend and the guy hit it and boom  that was such a funy moment

ps i havent seen any other fourn on this topic so if i gat flamed over it just go with the flow.....
+0|7048|Long Island
On Mashtur around the mosque i snipped out the pilot of a hovering full blackhawk and as it started to spin all of the passengers started jumping out but one by one they all got killed by their own blackhawk so 6 bodies feel in a nice circle infront of the mosque, pretty funny thing to see
Mass Media Casualty

I think there has been, but oh well.
When I was trying to attack this Spec. Ops guy with a knife. He was running backwards out of the shed firing at me, and I was as good as dead. Just then, an enemy tank rounded the corner like a runaway freight train and took him out. If you've ever seen "Final Destination," it was exactly like when that chick got hit by the bus. Alternativly, it was like "Mean Girls" when that other chick got hit by the bus.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
I got ran over by a helicopter the other day.  Not in one of the more obvious ways, but I was crawling up a hill and when I crested the top, a BH was sitting on the otherside.  The hill was too steep for me to go back up, and before I could get away by going down the fill, the BH gently nosed forward and bumped me.  It sometimes bugs me that vehicles moving at a snail's pace can kill you.
+0|7028|cork city Ireland
i just got killed by a quad laced with C4 my team mate came round a corner i was chuging away in my tank we saw eachother to late BOOM! i got a lot of laughs outa that one
Do One Ya Mug !!!
well i was on dalian plant earlier when a mr spunkyuk kept telling me to get out the co-pilots seat. anyway after a   
few "" FUCK OFFS "" , he decided to bail and put me into a spin. i quickly presses F1 just as i hit the ground and knocked all but the smallest health off the chopper. i just got under control and revived my heath and said
''thanks for the chopper..YOINK!!!

u had to be there
On Karkand, just past the first building of the US base, where the two wrecked jeeps are, i was hiding from arty by lying down against the wall. A MEC guy came storming round the corner, the arty hit him full on, his body went flying which i thought was pretty funny. While i was chuckling away waiting for the arty to finish, his body came flying back down to the ground, and he landed, his legs in the ground, his body upright with his arms out and no helmet on, with that sort of gritted teeth face - you know the one. I couldnt stop laughing, just having this body fall out the sky and land like that. It disappeared before i could get a screenie but very VERY funny.
701SQ Commander
funniest thing i ever saw was today when i was a commander... i helped 2 clanmates of my to get a flag....
one of my clanmates threw a flasbang on that edge on the tv tower in sharqi.... i saw with the commander screen the guy jump of the edge...
running in circles after landed and kept shooting omg we laughed our asses off.. that was such a funny sight... and all my clanmate did was throw a grenade at him damn that was one of the funniest things i ever saw
This is more graphical glitchiness then just a funny situation but:
I was playing Karkand on a 64 player server and my comp was lagging when a lot of players were on screen. I was a medic and just revived a teammate. I don't think my comp updated the animation of the player when he was dead, so what I saw was this mangled corpse, arms akimbo, jump up and run down the street. He looked like the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz, after the flying monkeys pulled all of the straw out of him. His gun didn't pop up or anything. I just sat there and laughed while bullets were flying all around me. Unfortunately I didn't think to save a screenshot, d'oh!
One of the funniest things that has happened TO ME was when I was working on my basic knife badge on Mashtuur. I was on the road that lead from the Hill to the North Gas Station and I spotted an enemy sniper by the rocks near the road overlooking the Backyard control point. He was taking potshots at my teammates with no claymores behind him. I was thinking "what an easy  target". So I rush up to him with my knife in hand thinking that I am all badass and what not and i dive at him. The thing is I way overshot him. Instead of having a guaranteed knife kill, my body goes over him, and the safety railing of the road, I land on the ground in a prone position and am immediately killed from the fall. I was laughing so hard because it was such a stupid thing to do instead of creeping up on him and getting the knife kill.
i was spec ops on a 64 man karkand server i had c4 on that bridge i was usmc we had all the spawn points on 1 half of the bridge the mec had all the other i had c4 on the bridge and i was waiting for this apc 2 cross just as he was about 2 he must have saw my c4 cuz he stopped just short, i started swearing but just then his armour buddies in a apc and their tank come racing across the bridge full tilt they bothslam into the apc sitting their and all three are pushed over my c4. BOOM mec armour 0 me 8 kills. 1 of the apcs was loaded
I was in Ghost Town and I was near the Machine Gun and AA site on the buildings near the Convoy...You know the second spawn point that spawns you on the buildings...Anyway, i had 1 or 2 bars of health when there was an arty strike.  So i layed prone under shitty little tin roof that they have above the maching gun turret.  Suddenly an arty shell hit the roof dead on, went through the roof and pounded me into the building.  It was a weird glitch but my dead body was laying face down at street level INSIDE the building I was on...talk about over kill
Mass Media Casualty

That APC one reminds me of something that happned in Mashtur City.
I had laced a bridge with C4 too, and waited until a juicy target came by. I settled for an APC with one passenger and blew it and the bridge up.
A jeep that had been speeding behind it saw the wrecked bridge too late. The driver tried to brake and pulled the car over - too late. It careened sideways over the hole in the bridge into the swamp. It landed upside-down and killed everyone inside. idn't count as kills for me though, but it was still awesome.

Speeding kills.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
"Aff, Star Colonel!"
I dropped some mines down on Wake, and I turned around and saw one of them sitting on it's side, just casually rolling down the hill I dropped it on. And it kept rolling, and rolling... right infront of a FAV... Best teamkill, ever.
+0|7028|cork city Ireland
lotsa good ones
Ah ya. I was a sniper hiding from a passing tank on wake who was camping our base. A helo flew by so they guy hops in the secondary position to take down the helo and a supply crate dropped by his commander landed on his head and killed him. Funniest thing I've ever seen in my life.

I then jacked his tank and capped his spawnpoint.
at gulf of oman, i saw a jet take off by pointing the thrusters down or whatever, and as he was going up, he smashed into a loaded blackhawk and got 6 teamkills, funniest thing ever
Thread Ender
+58|7037|New Hampshire
Ok, this happened to me on karkand and I swear I almost wet my pants laughing.  I was a medic and a group of me and 2 fellas run into the little fenced in area (the one closer to the hotel with the boxes in it) and run smack dab into a squad of 6 guys.  All my guys get wasted immediately, and I proceed to bunnyhop around and revive them all.  I got about 5 of them revived (they all died again) and I thought screw it Ill have some fun, so I pulled out my rifle and laid waste to 2 of the MEC guys.  By this time I'm already laughing pretty hard because I've been hip hoppin around for at least a good 45 seconds.  I run out of ammo in my rifle, so I chuck a nade on the ground, hide behind a box, and whip out my pistol.  Somehow I survived, but I was laid to waste because I paused for a second to spam rofl in the chat.  I wonder what it looked like to see me hippity hopping all over the place...
My clanmate BananaMac had just got into the Mi-28 on Operation Clean Sweep as pilot and had some other player get in as gunner, so I flashbanged them for a laugh. In it's confused state, the Mi-28 span round and wobbled a bit and the gunner jumped out and and went splat because he obviously thought he was close enough to the ground not to have to open his chute.
BananaMac then proceeded to fly the most intricate manoeuvre I've ever seen for about 10 seconds before he crashed. I had to laugh, because he couldn't have flown like that if he had tried - like a figure skater dancing 50 feet in the air.
+0|7028|cork city Ireland

TehSeraphim wrote:

Ok, this happened to me on karkand and I swear I almost wet my pants laughing.  I was a medic and a group of me and 2 fellas run into the little fenced in area (the one closer to the hotel with the boxes in it) and run smack dab into a squad of 6 guys.  All my guys get wasted immediately, and I proceed to bunnyhop around and revive them all.  I got about 5 of them revived (they all died again) and I thought screw it Ill have some fun, so I pulled out my rifle and laid waste to 2 of the MEC guys.  By this time I'm already laughing pretty hard because I've been hip hoppin around for at least a good 45 seconds.  I run out of ammo in my rifle, so I chuck a nade on the ground, hide behind a box, and whip out my pistol.  Somehow I survived, but I was laid to waste because I paused for a second to spam rofl in the chat.  I wonder what it looked like to see me hippity hopping all over the place...
ild love to have seen that one..
i was playing on a small server, with all these noobs in it (consisted mostly of privates and corporals). It was 16 player Karkand, i was a US engineer. i was knifing all round just for a laugh (the server said it was ranked, but the stats never update) i had knifed a couple of guys, i saw a tank heading towards the front steps of the hotel, so i parachute of the tall building in the "square" spawn and i run up the street, the tank not  noticing me yet. so therer was 2 guys in the tank, it spins around and looks the other way, i make a run for the tank and crouch behind it, still hasnt noticed me (the gunner seemed to be drunk at the time for not seeing me) and i jump onto the tank, pull out my knife, and then jump onto the turret right next to the gunnerand he slowly turns around to look at me and the WWAAMM i knifed him, ninja style, so for the next couple of seconds im on the tank, making stabbing sounds and then another noob jumps on to be gunner and WWAAMM knifed again...funniest thing ive ever done..kill 2 tank gunners without them even noticing... HAHAHAHAHH
Aussie Outlaw
Cant remember the movie, but theres one where Steven Seagul runs over some dude trying to hail him in the road and enjoys it.

Well, i was in a tank thinking of this with a mate of mine when we saw a corporal or something requesting pickup, so i drove at him in my tank. Meanwhile he was running at me with goodheated anticipation, calling for a pickup. I looked at him and ran him down, he crumpled under the tank and got flung outwards.

Me and my mate fell out of our chairs laughing. You had to be there and have seen the movie.
i roadkilled heaps of ppl in a jet. that was pretty awsome coz they were all proning to avoid me but i still got some.

ooh and 2 guys turned around just in time to see me chop them up with my rotor blades in a helo

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