

accuracy is good and wlr. work on ur spm and kd and you will be good to go
u sould post a url for your stats, They are ok I guess.
Rate this 1 if ya wanna it was my goal to get in top 5 KD ratio but i've been too lazy to play on it

LividBovine wrote:

That's it...?  That's all you have to say about my stats?

How bout this...Your SPM and KDR are great, but you spend too much time in the Jet.  Oh, that is why your SPM and KDR are good.  Oh no, I just looked at your weapons stats, not so great.  How many hours you got in?...ouch, would have expected much better from a vet like you.  WLR is OK though.

Bovine on the loose
Ok, I see I hit a sensitive spot little one. See here is the difference between you and me. I dont care about my stats, I play for fun. Therefore, I think flying is fun. Yes, my weapon stats arnt that good but I bet you that I could own your ass any day in IO when I was flying jets my SPM AND KDR were crap only when I started playing infantry did they go up. So instead of getting all emotional and crying about me rating your stats as terrible go get a life.

P.S your stats arnt great.
+27|6701|Ottawa, ON

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

Yes, my weapon stats arnt that good but I bet you that I could own your ass any day in IO when I was flying jets my SPM AND KDR were crap only when I started playing infantry did they go up. So instead of getting all emotional and crying about me rating your stats as terrible go get a life.
0.81 weapon KDR, pretty low. Don't think you'll be owning anyone's ass with stats like that. 50% of your kills are from 8:1 jet raping in the J10 judging by your time spent as aviator, PLA, and on Wake. Nothing special, most J10'ers do more easily. Anyway, I'm pretty sure that 0.8:1 infantry KDR didn't cause your stats do go UP in anyway, so not really sure where you got the idea that you could pass that off on anyone and have them believe it.

Below average on foot, medicore J10 stats while airborne.


FYI, he wasn't complaining about what you said about his stats, he was complaining about what you DIDN'T say about them. Seems to me like since he has ~26 hours of playtime he was looking for more a bit more detail so he'd know what to expect/aim for in the future. But, you all you gave him was "SPM AND K/D ratio arnt great", which isn't very detailed at all.
The Year of the Cow!
Thanks RiceKrispie.  That is precisely the point.  You can check my other posts.  I don't care about stats much at all.  I am having fun learning to fly a chopper lately and trying to not die too much.  Besides that I am loving blowing stuff up w/C4.

Anyways.  Kripsie, your stats look pretty awesome.  Seems like you like medic and sniper a lot.  And Karkand is your favorite map.  Doesn't it get boring without jets and choppers?  Just curious.  I can't say much,  I love Wake.  Awesome WLR and you rock with the assault rifle.  I think you should spend more time in vehicles...JK.  Keep up the good work soldier.
"The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation" - Barack Obama (a freshman senator from Illinios)
+27|6701|Ottawa, ON

LividBovine wrote:

And Karkand is your favorite map.  Doesn't it get boring without jets and choppers?  Just curious.
I've flown chopper plenty before (different account), and found it's just far too difficult to find someone capable of actually hitting anything with the TV cam while pubbing. Chopper soloing usually resulted in being kicked/banned, so I just never bothered with this account. Jet control is too jumpy with the mouse to be anywhere near as effective as someone with a decent joystick, of which I have no intention on getting. APC/Tank, too easy. 95% of armor users spawn camp or sit 150m away from the fight beside supply boxes and engineers. Someone else on a different forum said it best: you can drive an APC up to the front spawns on Karkand and then put your cat on the keyboard and you'll win the round. Sure, I guess the 3 people in armor each round are having a great time, but nobody else in the game is. The vehicles are fun for a while, but they just add too much power, hence why the real hardcore armor/jet whores are willing to TK for the stuff they want. I play on foot, primarily on IO servers now, because it puts everyone on the same playing field and leaves only skill and a bit of luck to determine the outcomes. Anyway, it's never really gotten boring so far and I've put 500+ hours into this account. I get a lot bigger rush out of winning close-quarters infantry fights against an entire squad than I ever would in any of the vehicles.

Anyway, if you don't mind me commenting a bit...

Your accuracy looks great so far, but it seems like you're not picking up too many kills, or are going down before you can get a kill shot ( <1 KDR ). Maybe sacrifice a bit of aim for speed and you should be able to get some more kills out of it. 30% is pretty high, so you've got a bit of room to work with if you don't mind trading off a bit of accuracy to fire a couple more shots than normal at a target. Looks like you're most comfortable with carbines so far. US/MEC have very solid starter Spec Ops weapons, so I suggest sticking with that kit until you get the hang of exactly how the hit detection in Battlefield works. Take some shots that you might not normally, you never know when someone is running around injured and even 1 bullet could take them down.

As for the chopper. Attack chopper can be fun, but seeing as how you've logged mostly time as USMC on Wake so far, trying to be succesful in the chopper can be pretty tough as the J10's dominate the air nearly all of the time. For learning purposes, I'd recommend a different map such as Kubra Dam (if you want jet presence) or Sharqi (no jets, just 1v1 chopper, AA sites, and transport gunners).
The Year of the Cow!
..teddy..jimmy, I am rating your IO account:

Excellent KDR, SPM, and WLR.  KARKAND, MEDIC, ASSAULT RIFLE WHORE...JK.  Accuracy could use some help though.  I am just messin w/ya.  Good accounts on both ends.

P.S. I have no beef with ya...just enjoying myself while at work.

You play Krackhouse ever?  My favorite public server!  Wouldn't mind squading up with ya sometime.  I need a good medic with the way I play...a little like Rambo.

Oh yeah, thanks for the great feedback RiceKrispie...greatly appreciated.

Bovine on the loose.

Last edited by LividBovine (2006-11-10 03:21:23)

"The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation" - Barack Obama (a freshman senator from Illinios)
Same shit, Different Arsehole
You've just started playin! spm an kdr arnt that bad, you could improve though. keep at it  practice makes perfect

LividBovine wrote:

..teddy..jimmy, I am rating your IO account:

Excellent KDR, SPM, and WLR.  KARKAND, MEDIC, ASSAULT RIFLE WHORE...JK.  Accuracy could use some help though.  I am just messin w/ya.  Good accounts on both ends.

P.S. I have no beef with ya...just enjoying myself while at work.

You play Krackhouse ever?  My favorite public server!  Wouldn't mind squading up with ya sometime.  I need a good medic with the way I play...a little like Rambo.

Oh yeah, thanks for the great feedback RiceKrispie...greatly appreciated.

Bovine on the loose.
sorry about being a dick, if you add me to x fire ill play krackhouse with you sometime
nice sniper score teddy... but were u snipin in a jet!?
+27|6961|United Kingdom
Teddy sucks i own him all the time :-P

Last edited by HaVoK-RooKiE (2006-11-10 06:05:16)


HaVoK-RooKiE wrote:

Teddy sucks i own him all the time :-P
lol havok-rookie has a small weiner, btw are you playing on 1st bat?
lol looking at my stats has ne1 got ne tips how i can play better?!

Last edited by gell1981 (2006-11-10 06:17:10)

+27|6961|United Kingdom
yeah of corse i kick everyones ass on it.
+27|6701|Ottawa, ON

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

and this my IO account http://bf2s.com/player/76933064/ ..I would say my stats are pretty good there.
uh yeah, I really doubt that's your account, so why try to claim it as yours? Less than half of your current 766 hours have been spent in a vehicle, which means you were on foot the other part of the time. You don't go that long with a sub 1:1 KDR then make a new account and magically do 4:1 infantry KDR on it when you sucked before. The only thing you seem to seem to be able to use a weapon for is to eject someone that is 'stealing' 'your' J10. 2k+ teamkills? Screams M95 pilot, but that was obvious before anyway.

RiceKrispie wrote:

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

and this my IO account http://bf2s.com/player/76933064/ ..I would say my stats are pretty good there.
uh yeah, I really doubt that's your account, so why try to claim it as yours? Less than half of your current 766 hours have been spent in a vehicle, which means you were on foot the other part of the time. You don't go that long with a sub 1:1 KDR then make a new account and magically do 4:1 infantry KDR on it when you sucked before. The only thing you seem to seem to be able to use a weapon for is to eject someone that is 'stealing' 'your' J10. 2k+ teamkills? Screams M95 pilot, but that was obvious before anyway.
You know what I find funny, your blatent arrogence. You obviously think you know everything about me judging from that one account. I actually laugh when you say this because you are so arrogent into thinking you are correct.

RiceKrispie wrote:

You don't go that long with a sub 1:1 KDR then make a new account and magically do 4:1 infantry KDR on it when you sucked before.
Obviously I do.

Bf2 was my first FPS and my stats that you are seeing include my noob days. It is only recently that I have gotten better(look at my history). That new account was created when I started playing with a friend of mine from the US. He is much better then me and because of him, I might add, that account is so good. And yes, less then half my hours are in a veichle but most of that time was spent waiting for a chopper/plane on wake.

Please PM me, as I have said atleast twice, if you have a problem with me instead of wasting my time and other BF2S member's time with your repetative stupid comments.

Last edited by ..teddy..jimmy (2006-11-10 14:47:12)

Gen. Payne
Teddy, then why did u change country from Norway to US?
special account I just made to show you I can play infantry.

Last edited by ..teddy..jimmy (2006-11-11 03:04:50)

BF2s AU Server Admin
+315|6894|Melbourne, Australia.
Teddy, that account shows nothing...to get a more 'accurate' reading, play the account for 5+ hours .

6/10..not too good on 2nd account

Last edited by -[Silver.Inc* (2006-11-11 03:10:25)


-[Silver.Inc* wrote:

Teddy, that account shows nothing...to get a more 'accurate' reading, play the account for 5+ hours .

6/10..not too good on 2nd account
Im working on it You have good stats btw 8/10
@ ..teddy..Jimmy

A good accuracy, average SPM and K/d ratio
You nearly play all kits which is good, but try and get positive K/d ratios with them, work on one till you think it is satisfactory
Good use of your equipment
Good victims list
A good range of ribbons/badges try and achieve the ones you are missing
You like to fly planes, quite a nice K/d its getting higher (try other maps with different planes see how you go)
A nice streak
Try and go for some team points

My BF2 nickname is: 7th.FalCoN
really like your stats..much better than mine. I see your a wake player like myself..any servers you usually play on? 8/10

You got x fire?

Last edited by ..teddy..jimmy (2006-11-11 04:01:42)

Too X-Core
+100|6873|laguna beach, ca
slightly above average stats, i like the USMC best round, though.  keep it up!  7/10
when Hell is full...
welcome on the battlefield and play more!

ur SPM is nice th KD ok!
get medals! gogogogo!

Usque Ad Finem
+108|7056|In the hills
average stats once again, nice to see some good SF stats, kinda bad K/D, good SPM, ect.!
Nice stats... you little medic ****
spesially since you have spec op in youre name

Last edited by captn_cold (2006-11-11 10:43:21)

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