In my case I look over the situation on how or why I was team killed.
If I run into an on coming tank or happen to encounter a snipers claymore , I will never punish for something I think I may have down wrong or for something I think a team m8 did by mistake.
I will however puinish for stupidity such as, a friendly looks at me a pulls the trigger point blank unless I have surprized him while he is defending a flag close in(easy to figure out). I will also punish for TK'ers who kill just to get a jet , tank or anything else that he wants before you get it.
Puniching is a good tool to get rid of the rift raft but , it must be used in a smart way and not used to get back at someone for something you have done wrong.
As for friendly having red tags , I have also seen some players that have had the enemy tag on and also seem to be wearring the opposite uniform also, or actually being the enemy with the propper tag on that appear to be wearing friendly uniforms. Not sure if anyone else has expperianced the same problem but its starnge at times.
Last edited by D1TAG (2006-01-12 07:33:16)