Here's a quick rundown for you. Really, anyone that's close to promotion should be checking their stats and situation before going 'over'.
Next Rank: Master Sergeant
You are not yet eligible for the advanced rank of First Sergeant because you are missing the awards: Basic Pistol Combat Badge. << -- So it's clearly obvious that it's ONLY the combat badges that are needed to qualify for the rank of First Sergeant.
Next Rank: Master Gunnery Sergeant
You are not yet eligible for the advanced rank of Sergeant Major because you are missing the awards: Basic Transport Badge, Basic Helicopter Badge, Basic Ground Defense Badge. <<-- And this one tells us that's it the BASIC badges, as mentioned above.
Seriously, check your rank position before you accrue your qualifying points.... There's a guide there to tell you what you need BEFORE you progress to your next rank.
The above two examples are from another player.... the next one is mine
Next Rank: First Sergeant
88.66%Score: 17,731 of 20,000. At your historical rate, you should earn 2,269 in 20 days (or 37:47:49 straight). <<-- If you have a look at my position, you'll see I have ALL my combat badges but I'm missing some basic badges.
I made sure I got the badges needed to move up to the next rank, which is First sergeant.
Hope this helps