Todd_Angelo wrote:
A medic that's good is better for the team than any other kit.
A medic that's awful is also better for the team than any other kit.
youre still off. i never said that an awful medic is more helpful than a good sniper. only that an equal-skilled medic, especially when increasing numbers of players are around (ie flags), is almost always more useful than an equal skilled sniper. so on average, the more medics, the better the team. thats the whole reason why BF2 5v5 teams are always all medics with small exceptions (as in 90% of the time or more).
But its true that I also said the best medics have a larger impact than the best snipers. you just need to openly admit that the medic kit is inherently superior, and therefore more useful to the team. no other kit can revive (and heal, for christs sake). Do you know how much easier it is to get revives than kills? a revive is always motionless and right next to you, plus it has a bright icon that you can see through walls as if you are hacking.
Towards the outcome of the game, kills and revives are both theoretically IDENTICAL. 1 ticket either way. so to compare any kit with the medic: you always have some killer weapon for the one kit then a killer weapon for the medic PLUS the shockpaddles which are essentially another weapon with wallhacks that can be used on an additional team of players. No other kit can compare to the medics intrinsic productivity. the only way the medic kit doesnt pay off is if people dont use the shockpaddles. but since they are so easy to use, u dont have to treat me like im such an elitist to suggest that anyone could accomplish a bit with them. and knowing bf2's shitty hitreg, i can promise you the average noob could pick up way more revives than sniper kills. revives are just so easy.
now how can u logically argue that other kits somehow can contribute more than medics can contribute?
Todd_Angelo wrote:
I've played in games where other classes than medic have made a difference, or the difference.
comet241 wrote:
[My point being that the sniper kit can be useful, i gave many examples, look at my stats for "proof.
this is the point that you and comit keep circling around. Maybe i exaggerated somewhere and called snipers useless? of course its possible for anybody with any kit to just rape everybody at a flag and push the team ahead with skill. but you purposefully avoid discussing the factors that lead to kills and deaths for a team, and how any other kit has the same potential as the medic for winning tickets and flags in io. the fact is that all kits are outmatched in io by the medic because they are only capable of contributing half as much. get it? dont mix that up with me saying that medics are the only players that can contribute, there are obviously examples of everything in between from all kits when it comes to pubs full of random players. stop relying on your personal experience and give me one argument that is based on some facts about the game. because it isnt news that you can kill people with any kit.
Todd_Angelo wrote:
Marinejuana wrote:
we should all bear in mind that all three of you have very weak combat stats, avg kpm of 0.6, so its not like we are hearing from talented players that have learned how to put the sniper kit to some better use.
My KPM for recent play (if 219 hours could be called recent) is 0.88 since you apparently refuse to acknowledge it. I know that's not anywhere near yours but it's a heck of sight better than 0.6.
i averaged the KPMs for ssonrats, todd_angelo, and jemme101 when i made that post. it came out to 0.6. i didnt just pull that out of thin air.
And just so u know, ur sniper rifle KPM is actually 0.6. And over the last 8 months for all weapons together u average 0.8 KPM( is an interesting tool). So even todd_angelo kills faster with weapons other than the sniper rifle. And its def not with your 0.28 kpm pistol. its not like it adds anything to my point regarding bf2 players in general, but if u wanted to bring up your stats even further why not rub it in?
comet241 wrote:
look at my stats
You have a sniper kpm of 1.1. and a medic kpm of 0.9.but your revives per minute are also 0.9. This means you contribute 1.8 per minute towards tickets as a medic but only 1.1 as a sniper. And I wonder which kit works best over flags? Sounds like neither of you accomplish much with the sniper kit that you couldn’t do with another kit. This doesn’t mean you need to dig up examples of snipers that kill fast, because u know there are medics that kill faster.
comet241 wrote:
I have gotten incredible enjoyment out of the game playing both medic and sniper... as well as all the other kits. It's a game, we're here to have fun, and fun to some people is a sniper rifle.
i also said that its a game and people can play it with whatever goal in mind they want. i can tell you how to have a maximal impact on the enemy, but it doesnt make you a bad person to just go on doing whatever you want.
TrueArchon wrote:
That said, I've seen many a medic whore points through revives, and as a result, have a low KDR. Then, I've seen other medics not really earn their higher KDRs through skill, but the fact that there were so many other medics hopping all over each other to keep each other all alive that a high KDR was just eventually going to happen. THEN, on the flip side, you get that rare medic that maintains a high KDR through skill, constant self-healing, and manages to kill the threat that killed a teammate before deciding to revive that poor bastard into being kill over and over again by the same person.
thanks, here u once again establish that with or without skill, medic strategies can succeed.
TrueArchon wrote:
The problem with all this line of thinking is this:
This is all a Infantry-Only mentality.
For example, that "uber" last medic that I mentioned is probably gonna offer little to the team in revives if something like a hovering chopper or nearby tank killed his teammate.
the OP is discussing sniper and medic scores. those are infantry kits and vehicles own both of them equally. if he had asked about roles specific to vehicle servers, we could talk about the usefulness of killing armor with AT kits. create a new topic if u want to discuss all the roles in bf2 vehicle servers, because bf2 with vehicles is much more complex than infantry only, where medics have the potential of being unstoppable.
TrueArchon wrote:
So, the point of my post is that it's not the "what kit is better argument", versus the who has the better skilled players with some flexible tactics that can change when needed. All because, I know that there have been many a time that I've nailed 2-3 of those medics in a swarm to have finally died, or even got away with my skin attached later harass the same swarm.
the OP was posing an argument between strategies with different kits, so while we can all agree the the more skilled player always has an advantage, we can also agree that the player that can heal and revive other players has another advantage, regardless of their skill level. They are separate issues entirely.
darkhorror wrote:
With all that being said I play medic much much much more than I play sniper or any other class as that is what is needed most of the time.
san4 wrote:
There's nothing better than getting revived every time you get killed: immortality.
And Marinejuana's right about the social aspect of it. Medics make me use the "Thanks, chief" message more than any other class.
DivineMomentofTruth wrote:
Man marinejuana simply destroyed the sniper dick sucker's argument. How many times does it need to be shouted to you people that Medic is the PREMIERE INFANTRY CLASS.
17-0 or 35-12? That’s a completely subjective question, answer it however you want. Which kit between sniper or medic has more potential for helping the team win? Obviously medics have more of an opportunity to help. I don’t know why that fact is so offensive to so many of you, but it’s the way BF2 is.
And I’ve always assumed they built in that over-powered medic/revive feature to both encourage teamwork and reward people for playing infantry in vehicle servers. Too bad people don't always take advantage of it the way they could.
People don't want to load into a first person shooter to play doctor.
with the stats system, many people know medic owns but dont want to be a medic whore in their stats.
others just want to get badges for other kits.
many people think that one random kit is cool, like sniper, so they always use it. and they even get good at it so they never learn to play other, more important, roles.
the list could just go on...
If you are thinking about how you could make the biggest contribution to winning, like if thats your main goal, then medic or high-powered vehicles are going to be most valuable to you in BF2. but if headshotting people from 200 m is your favorite thing to do, then you may never have any real control over the flags and the outcome of the game. just do whatever you want, you paid for the game. go and make yourself happy.