Mines was 10 minutes ago. On my asshole account(Which shall remain nameless since i use it to piss some people here that i dont like) I was on wake as american, I was going for the f-35b when somebody tk'ed me for it, I call the guy out and start a kick vote against him, He tells me that it will never work then i say i'll get an admin to ban you! The game freezes and this big warning comes down.
"Do not fuck with me ********* I am an admin!"
So i stfu and play, Next round starts i'm chinese got my f2000 i'm heading for the heli to take to the carrier and flash the guys waiting for planes, When the top screen says the guy is tk'ing people for the j-10. So i decide to teach him a lesson. As he's taking off i whip out a flash, Nade the runway and blind him. He crashes into a tree i'm laughing my fucken ass off so hard. Then the server freezes and he starts typing. "Allright whoever the fuck did that is getting a perm ban!" He respawns and starts tk'ing again, So i whip out another flash and boom he crashes, Now he's pissed server freezes and he yells "I saw that!" Some guy gets banned for being an asshole!
20 seconds later with my last flashbang i get him again right when he gets in the jet, But this time he takes off and in the air i'm watching him, It's hilarious hes going up and down up and down, Then he just dives down for some reason and tk's a teammate. Now this is the fucken funny part the server freezes and he kicks like 3 people from the opposite team. The other team says wtf why kick? he says they were disrupting gameplay. So i switch to usmc side get another F2000, I join this squad and we take 3 flags, I'm sneak into airfield with my sl and i'm flashbanging the bastard while he's killing him with the sraw.
My sl gets kicked by him i take my sl's kit and kill him with the last round, Boom i'm kicked. Oh well it was fun while it lasted he did'nt get in the air for enough of a time to score anypoints. At the end he had like -30 something. Now please share your stories.
"Do not fuck with me ********* I am an admin!"
So i stfu and play, Next round starts i'm chinese got my f2000 i'm heading for the heli to take to the carrier and flash the guys waiting for planes, When the top screen says the guy is tk'ing people for the j-10. So i decide to teach him a lesson. As he's taking off i whip out a flash, Nade the runway and blind him. He crashes into a tree i'm laughing my fucken ass off so hard. Then the server freezes and he starts typing. "Allright whoever the fuck did that is getting a perm ban!" He respawns and starts tk'ing again, So i whip out another flash and boom he crashes, Now he's pissed server freezes and he yells "I saw that!" Some guy gets banned for being an asshole!
20 seconds later with my last flashbang i get him again right when he gets in the jet, But this time he takes off and in the air i'm watching him, It's hilarious hes going up and down up and down, Then he just dives down for some reason and tk's a teammate. Now this is the fucken funny part the server freezes and he kicks like 3 people from the opposite team. The other team says wtf why kick? he says they were disrupting gameplay. So i switch to usmc side get another F2000, I join this squad and we take 3 flags, I'm sneak into airfield with my sl and i'm flashbanging the bastard while he's killing him with the sraw.
My sl gets kicked by him i take my sl's kit and kill him with the last round, Boom i'm kicked. Oh well it was fun while it lasted he did'nt get in the air for enough of a time to score anypoints. At the end he had like -30 something. Now please share your stories.