+1|7136|Los Angeles, CA
So yeah, I play Special Forces, I manage to C4 an enemy tank, it gets destroyed. The flaming chassis sits there for a minute or so, then explodes. Some random teammate runs up next to it *maybe fascinated by the pretty lights* when it detonates, killing him...and he punishes because obviously I MUST have engineered his desmise out of spite, and he's sooo l337 that he could never do something as retarded as that.

I mean, I understand we get frustrated with the game some times. We get in a game when we are being stomped on, and seems like nothing we do can make a difference...well, yeah frustration sets in. But when guys just start punishing people for accidents, out of frustration, that's severely jacked up. Also, how does EA determine who killed who?

Another example, I was in an APC, doing patrols around our base *we were being base raped at the time* and as I'm driving down the runway, someone jumpes into a plane and taxis out. I try and avoid him, and he slams into me. It says I killed him, and I was immediately punished.
Sometimes you just have to chalk it up to bad luck.  My personal favorite was when I was piloting a full BH in the Oman map and some pecker on MEC slammed his plane into me, I got a suicide and 5 tk's and the only server ban that I have ever received in BF2.

Pretty sure it was one of the zboard servers, they must have some autoban feature or something.

Last edited by sinir (2005-08-29 10:43:46)

Artillery catcher
+5|7152|Munich, Germany
good thing is the second blast tk´s will be fixed in the next patch, guess it will be only a suicide then. so far when u destroy a vehicle every secondary damage also falls onto you but thats bs and EA and dice saw that.

funny when im to late to pull away my plane and crash into the BH i normally get all the kills mudt have been ur unlucky day
+1|7136|Los Angeles, CA
Speaking of which, is there an official EA release on the patch fixes?
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7157|Bryan/College Station, TX
There is no official date for the 1.03 Patch release. They just claim that they are currently working on get it "just right".  Frankly I believe that they actualy play tested the patch and realized that they screwed something else up and so have to figure out a way to fix the patch that will fix the bugs. Hopefully it comes out before October.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

sinir wrote:

Sometimes you just have to chalk it up to bad luck.  My personal favorite was when I was piloting a full BH in the Oman map and some pecker on MEC slammed his plane into me, I got a suicide and 5 tk's and the only server ban that I have ever received in BF2.

Pretty sure it was one of the zboard servers, they must have some autoban feature or something.
Yes I had The exact same thing happen to me.  It sucks.  Couldn't my teammates and I at least get the point for killing him.

Oh well Its just a game.
what are your thoughts on punishing when a commander sends artillary on you and others when your taking a flag?

On another note, I dont like the punishing feature. You lose enough points for the TK anyway.


ISIK_Dark wrote:

sinir wrote:

Sometimes you just have to chalk it up to bad luck.  My personal favorite was when I was piloting a full BH in the Oman map and some pecker on MEC slammed his plane into me, I got a suicide and 5 tk's and the only server ban that I have ever received in BF2.

Pretty sure it was one of the zboard servers, they must have some autoban feature or something.
Yes I had The exact same thing happen to me.  It sucks.  Couldn't my teammates and I at least get the point for killing him.

Oh well Its just a game.
Wasn't just the points that miffed me, I got banned from that server because of this incident |)
+1|7136|Los Angeles, CA
Artillery is a sticky issue. I admit to having called down Artillery Strikes on location where my team mates were present. I only did this if  saw a large enemy force advancing on their location. If I get punished for the TK in that situation, I eat it. I'll sacrifice my points, if I think that an Artillery strike is justified, and will help us secure that position. However, there is a BIG arty signal that my team mates can see, so if the location is devoid of friendly units, and I call down the Artillery, THEN they run in? Well, that's on them. If they see it fit to punish me, well...yeah.

As jacked up as it sounds, the commander has decisions to make. What would be the best for the team? If I have to sacrifice 2-3 guys, to prevent a tank, infantry and an APC from rolling in to take the flag, then I will. It's called command decision/acceptable loss. Strategy is a harsh thing. Anyone here play chess? Do you sacrifice a unit to get a better edge? In the case of human life, it's harder, but this is a game, and we always respawn.

Miakei wrote:

As jacked up as it sounds, the commander has decisions to make. What would be the best for the team? If I have to sacrifice 2-3 guys, to prevent a tank, infantry and an APC from rolling in to take the flag, then I will. It's called command decision/acceptable loss. Strategy is a harsh thing. Anyone here play chess? Do you sacrifice a unit to get a better edge? In the case of human life, it's harder, but this is a game, and we always respawn.
Very well written dude. Couldnt agree more.   

The enemy have just one base left and theres like 15 guys there. You press the arty button . warning the closest squads and manually typing arty.    Theres always a jeep fully loaded who drives in there and somehow the artillary misses the enemy and takes out the jeep.

3 punishes hurts.. 
+0|7132|Newport News, VA
I cant stand it when u want to fly a jet and while u are taking off the person who doesnt want u to fly jumps out infront of u so that when u tk him he punishes u...i cant stand that crap...that just makes me want to keep killing them untill they cant stand it anymore, but i know i cant so i just take my anger out on myself or any enemy i see come along.

I also cant stand when people try to kick u from the server just becasue they dont like u or they just dont want to play with u or something...i hope EA will fix alot of this stuff, and what they should do is fix it to where the person that jumps out infront of the jet gets banned without any questions asked...but i know they probably cant do that, so i guess i will just have to take my frustration out on something else, like blowing myself up or something...lol
+1|7136|Los Angeles, CA
I usually play on EA official servers. See, something odd happens when people get their 'own' server. They turn into pricks. Honestly, I've seen a few guys start talking smack to a player. Well, the player *perhaps not righteously so, but still* defends himself, and proceeds to berate the insitagor. Well, said instigator turns out to be an admin, and he bans the other guy for verbally slamming him.

Thankfully, on the EA servers, no one has such power.

In as far as the j-hole who actively prevents you from utilizing the assets at hand... well, truth be told there isn't really anything you can do. I mean, you could take his name down, and send a report to EA, but I think the chances of anything being done to resolve the issue are slim to nonw. Take the higher ground brother. Let him have it. Put it this way, apparently this gyu's ONLY way of racking up any points on the server is to use the jet. I'm sure your skills arefar better rounded than his, and there are plenty of other evil evil things you can do to the opposition on the battlefield.

Of course....if you don't mind racking a few TK anyway...well, C4 on a launching jet looks REALLY funny. *poof*
+0|7117|San Diego, CA
well said miakei.  sometimes people are so annoying that you have to go to extremes.  i think i've only done it once in my 110 hrs of playing but it just had to be done.

sinir wrote:

Sometimes you just have to chalk it up to bad luck.  My personal favorite was when I was piloting a full BH in the Oman map and some pecker on MEC slammed his plane into me, I got a suicide and 5 tk's and the only server ban that I have ever received in BF2.

Pretty sure it was one of the zboard servers, they must have some autoban feature or something.
lol sry i might have been the plane
i once accidently did the same. i slammed into an enemy BH and the pilot of the BH somehow got all the tk's. ofcourse i said sorry, but trying to escape an enemy piloting with a joinstick without a joinstick is very hard.

Last edited by ProDicTeD (2005-09-11 11:36:51)

More TK's than you can poke a stick at
+5|7123|Canberra, Australia

How often are you guys getting punished? I'm getting punished about 9/10 times. It's ridiculous. And they're always explosive TK's. I think I've accidentally killed a teammate with actual firearms ONCE. I'd love to use claymores all the time, but the risk of a TK is so high that it's impossible.

EA, please make it so ANYONE can pick up their own explosives to move them to a new position. If I place a claymore as I see a guy coming for me, run, and he misses it (then he kills me) I invariably get punished when some fool walks right into it 30 seconds afterwards.

Also.. do you find yourself punishing others more when someone else has stupidly punished you? It puts me in a foul mood and I start auto-punishing.

This game is so painful to play sometimes.
One improvement i could think of regarding TK would be this:

Make it so that when you forgive you dont lose any points!

As it is now, i dont really care if i get punished or not, since i still lose those points.
+66|7154|Missoula, MT
I think also instead of the default being to "punish" if you don't respond to the server, change it to "forgive" if no response is given.  Sometimes in the heat of battle, I'll not have time to respond and it ends up punishing when I normally forgive.
The Forum Alien
+89|7119|The planet Tophet
yeah that stinks:/
I've seen a server that actually puts up in green when a player TK, 'the person they TK either decides to punish or forgive', it says something like, 'TKPUNISH: bill punishes jo for teamkill (bill has 1 punishes and 0 forgives).

I have it on a screenshot but don't know how to post it here. I think the server was Trinity.

I for one will always forgive a TK unless, and that's UNLESS they do it on purpose which happens all too often.
Today the commander that sent ARTY down on our position couldn't have been more careful if he'd actually drove up and took us outta there..... now that's dedication. A new guy started on the same map, didn't know how to play the game and shot me.... he's new so I forgave, for now
Yes, the punishment system is not the best thing indeed. Why do u get punished cause some morons are too blind to see the RED SKULL ICON while they drive on one mine u placed. It's a bummer. Up to 5 teamkills, and then the punishment from at least 2 of the killed morons. That really suxx. They should fix that, so that noone of them can punish u anymore.

In case of teamkills ive had a nice one. Ive been on the aircraft-carrier in the turret. i shot some rockets at the enemy, but he disappeared, so my rockets hit a fully loaded chopper of my team. The upper left corner was full of: -=Marli.Man=- (Teamkill) ******, and after that i got kicked! This should be fixed too.

Another thing is the punishment after artillerie strikes. Ive been commander and my kill score at the end of the round was about >50, but I do killed some mates too (u cant exclude that), and in case of the punishment I had a total score of 21 or so, just because of the punishment.

Punishment must be fun for some players...

Last edited by -=Marli.Man=- (2005-09-22 19:54:31)


CMDR_Dave wrote:

I think also instead of the default being to "punish" if you don't respond to the server, change it to "forgive" if no response is given.  Sometimes in the heat of battle, I'll not have time to respond and it ends up punishing when I normally forgive.
100% agreed
One Shot, One Kill
+4|7107|Canberra, Australia
I am so over people Punishing for no reason.  People who stop at a claymore, look at it, and then run forward and die, then punish you for it!!!

You are f#ckers!!!  Grrrr

Stop being 12 year olds and give people the benifit of the doubt..
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Hitting teammates with arty is inevitable. I'm commander a lot, so I tend to do that sometimes, but for the 'greater good' If 2 entire squads are bearing down on that position, do I leave them there to fend for themselves, or should they take cover and let the big guns saturate the area?

Jackasses who RUN into arty are worse. I hit a remote area of the map where the opponent is massing, some spec ops lone wolves decided it would be fun to spawn-rape or take out opponent commanders assets so they jet or heli in and bail. And I get roundly punished. Wow.

But seriously, i get punished 90% of the time, i've been kicked from more servers I remembered. I have NEVER shot a teammate who didn't deserve it, never 'accidentally' taken out friends with TOW/GP etc etc. Its idiots who decide to drive over AT mines or run into claymores that get it all the time. What is it with these numbskulls? Helping me test if my explosive ordiances work? Yes it does, thank you for your expert opinion. God I hate these people.

*phew* i loved that rant
Sniper Cat

polarbearz wrote:

Jackasses who RUN into arty are worse. I hit a remote area of the map where the opponent is massing, some spec ops lone wolves decided it would be fun to spawn-rape or take out opponent commanders assets so they jet or heli in and bail. And I get roundly punished. Wow.
That happened to me today.  It was early in the round on a 64 Karkand server and I sent an arty with two team mates who were slightly close.  I had 19 Commander points at the time.  I say to my team "ARTY!!!  YOU CAN SEE IT ON YOUR MINIMAP!!! RUN!!!"  About seven of my team mates ran into the artillery, all died, and my score went to -5.  They were an upstanding bunch.
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7157|Bryan/College Station, TX

CinnamonBits wrote:

polarbearz wrote:

Jackasses who RUN into arty are worse. I hit a remote area of the map where the opponent is massing, some spec ops lone wolves decided it would be fun to spawn-rape or take out opponent commanders assets so they jet or heli in and bail. And I get roundly punished. Wow.
That happened to me today.  It was early in the round on a 64 Karkand server and I sent an arty with two team mates who were slightly close.  I had 19 Commander points at the time.  I say to my team "ARTY!!!  YOU CAN SEE IT ON YOUR MINIMAP!!! RUN!!!"  About seven of my team mates ran into the artillery, all died, and my score went to -5.  They were an upstanding bunch.
See you pointed out the artillery to them. They wouldn't have noticed otherwise and would have stayed where they were. But cuz you pointed it out to them of course they had to go towards the big red flashing marker. It's like moths to the flame or that big red button that says "Don't Push". You just have to push it.

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

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