Allright question for anyone that can help actually two.
First off i found your web site the other day and was reading how to get a few of my missing badges. So the first one i tried to get was basic ground defense which worked. 5 mins like it said the second one i tried to get was basic transport i drove around in a server full of people for 15 mins before the round ended and did not recieve it. Frustrated i tried to get the purple heart and for two rounds i had 5 kills and 20 deaths no luck and 24 deaths with 6 kills and no luck! It says you have to have a minimum of 5 kills and 20 deaths to get the purple heart but i had that twice and had no sutch luck of getting them. Also Knife and pistol badge sooooo freaking hard to get haha
Let me know if you have any sugestions.
First off i found your web site the other day and was reading how to get a few of my missing badges. So the first one i tried to get was basic ground defense which worked. 5 mins like it said the second one i tried to get was basic transport i drove around in a server full of people for 15 mins before the round ended and did not recieve it. Frustrated i tried to get the purple heart and for two rounds i had 5 kills and 20 deaths no luck and 24 deaths with 6 kills and no luck! It says you have to have a minimum of 5 kills and 20 deaths to get the purple heart but i had that twice and had no sutch luck of getting them. Also Knife and pistol badge sooooo freaking hard to get haha
Let me know if you have any sugestions.